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Spiritual Development

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Gail and ALL,


Thank's Gail for your POV on Spirituality. I also (over 25 years) used to

think the purpose of incarnation was conscious evolvement. i.e. fruits of

the spirit, unity consciousness, etc...


A few years back I changed from the POV of conscious evolvement to the

purpose of incarnation being Re-EXPERIENCING the highest vision of the

highest understanding of who I am. In other words the purpose of

incarnation could be to experience that which is already know in Oneness

but unable to be experienced by oneness. Therefore duality came into being

so that Oneness could experience what was already known. Because in the

absence of that which is not that which is, is not.


As an example from the experience of Oneness you do not experience the

fruit of the spirit, etc... From the prospective of Duality you can. In

Oneness there is no distinction between fruit and non-fruit of the spirit.

It is all the same. In Oneness polarities (i.e. Love and hate, fear and

peace, etc.) are the same thing and they are both there at the same time.


Consciousness from as far as I can tell (experience) is designed so that I

can experience duality (so- called illusion). I'm speaking here of the

model of consciousness that allows 7 (+/-) 2 bits of information per second.


Since changing my POV for me Spirituality or the spiritual path has become

moving in the direction of experiencing that which knows everything but can

not experience itself (in other words spirituality is about experiencing

Oneness). And with some of the techniques available now-a-days it does not

take a life time to experience. If I didn't know the techniques I know now

it would take a life time or longer.


I am talking spiritually here now not outcome wise from the level of

duality: Once I gave up the concept of something being more important or

more valuable than something else (i.e good being better than bad, right

being better than wrong, etc.) I started making progress. When I came

across the PEAT technology I can now have the experience of there being no

difference between a set of polarities. I can actually experience Oneness,

enlightenment, the Void, Source (whatever label we chose to use.)


Have you considered the idea that enlightenment (Oneness) by itself is only

on the higher level of emotional freedom than duality and yet Oneness and

Duality together are a higher level still.


Now let me say what I said to the people on the Spiritual Technology's list


Thank you both for your contributions to these discussions of Oneness and

Duality, very useful distinctions.


I just wanted to state my position for clarity (probably more for myself).

I do not prefer one over the other (Oneness/Duality). One is not more

valuable than the other. One is not better than the other. Both have their

purpose and both are perfect, for both are the same thing. It all depends

on the perspective/position/POV at the time.


The question that arises for me is, how do I use either based on the

experience I choose to have?


Experience requires the five senses, which require separation, which

require time and space (even though we can take the charge out of them). It

does not have to require judgment. It could use observation instead. (The

term detachment comes to mind.)


The ability (flexibility) to experience either Oneness or Duality at will

allows one the same advantages as the universe. It allows a level of

emotional freedom that some describe as the highest level of freedom



The " need to " or " have to " experience one or the other is a part of Duality

because they are the same.


The mind and the ego just as emotions and body feelings (including

identity, values, beliefs, behaviors) are neither good or bad they are

simply tools one uses in our experiment, I mean experience (experiment of



We can use the tools well or not so well but still they are only tools.



Doc Houston

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, docresults

<docresults@h...> wrote:

> A few years back I changed from the POV of conscious evolvement to


> purpose of incarnation being Re-EXPERIENCING the highest vision of


> highest understanding of who I am. In other words the purpose of

> incarnation could be to experience that which is already know in


> but unable to be experienced by oneness. Therefore duality came

into being

> so that Oneness could experience what was already known. Because

in the

> absence of that which is not that which is, is not.


Hi Houston,


Your chunk is just the chunk about the other chunk...


....and to get to your chunk they need to experience and understand

the lower chunk better.


Unfortunately, most people don't even get to that lower chunk...


....so they have no clue to what we are talking about.


Chunks upon chunks upon chunks...or Turtles all the way down.



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>Hi Houston,


>Your chunk is just the chunk about the other chunk...


>...and to get to your chunk they need to experience and understand

>the lower chunk better.


>Unfortunately, most people don't even get to that lower chunk...


>...so they have no clue to what we are talking about.


>Chunks upon chunks upon chunks...or Turtles all the way down.





Hi John,


I agree, the next ring out/in (chunks) especially out, people don't get

it, since we usually accept the ring we are on to be reality and not

illusion. I'm curious (for my self) which way I'll go on the rings out/in

next. All I know is it's gonna be a party...


The reason I thought I'd mention it is someone once said, " A mind stretched

to a new concept doesn't return to old beliefs " . Now it does take some work

to get the behaviors to aline with the new concept.


It seems from time to time I just blow chunks.


And Nestle's make great " Turtles " (chocolate candy with no egg/dairy).


Doc Houston

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Doc Houston -


Your post was very moving.


Reminded me of a poem by one of my favorite poets - Robinson Jeffers.


Really great poetry gets to a concept so richly, for me anyway...


This is taken from 'At the Birth of an Age' - one of the characters in

this play/poem is called 'The Hanged God' - and he is answering



" THE HANGED GOD Pain and their endless cries. How they cry to me: but

they are I: let them ask themselves.

I am they, and there is nothing beside. I am alone and time passes,

time also is in me, the long

Beat of this unquiet heart, the quick drip of this blood, the whirl

and returning waves of these stars,

The course of this thought.

My particles have companions and happy fulfillments, each star

has stars to answer him and hungry night

To take his shining, and turn it again and make it a star, each

beast has food to find and his mating,

And the hostile and helpful world; each atom has related atoms,

and hungry emptiness around him to take

His little shining cry and cry it back; but I am all, the emptiness

and all, the shining and the night.

All alone, I alone.


If I were quiet and emptied myself of pain,

breaking these bonds,

Healing these wounds: without strain there is nothing. Without

pressure, without conditions, without pain,

Is peace; that's nothing, not-being; the pure night, the perfect

freedom, the black crystal. I have chosen

Being; therefore wounds, bonds, limits and pain; the crowded

mind and the anguished nerves, experience and ecstasy.

Whatever electron or atom or flesh or star or universe cries to me,

Or endures in shut silence: it is my cry, my silence; I am the

nerve, I am the agony,

I am the endurance. I torture myself

To discover myself; trying with a little or extreme experiment

each nerve and fibril, all forms

Of being, of life, of cold substance; all motions and netted

complications of event,

All poisons of desire, love, hatred, joy, partial peace, partial vision.

Discovery is deep and endless,

Each moment of being is new: therefore I still refrain my burning

thirst from the crystal-black

Water of an end. "


Jeffers states some of his philosophy here:


" ...It is the feeling . . . I will say the certitude . . . that the

world, the universe, is one being, a single organism, one great life

that includes all life and all things; and is so beautiful that it must

be loved and reverenced; and in moments of mystical vision we identify

ourselves with it. ... "








On May 2, 2005, at 6:02 PM, docresults wrote:


> A few years back I changed from the POV of conscious evolvement to the

> purpose of incarnation being Re-EXPERIENCING the highest vision of the

> highest understanding of who I am. In other words the purpose of

> incarnation could be to experience that which is already know in

> Oneness

> but unable to be experienced by oneness. Therefore duality came into

> being

> so that Oneness could experience what was already known. Because in the

> absence of that which is not that which is, is not.


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