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EFT uncovering underlying issues

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I've been doing EFT drills for almost two weeks. I've also been reading material from Gary Craig's Web site.

It seems that when you deal with an issue, other underlying issues may be uncovered that need to be dealth with. I'm doing this alone, so I need some general tips and pointers on how to pull out the important things that need to be dealt with.

Is muscle testing a good option?


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, Rick Leinecker

<rickleinecker> wrote:


> I've been doing EFT drills for almost two weeks. I've also been

reading material from Gary Craig's Web site.


> It seems that when you deal with an issue, other underlying issues

may be uncovered that need to be dealth with. I'm doing this alone, so

I need some general tips and pointers on how to pull out the important

things that need to be dealt with.


> Is muscle testing a good option?


> Thanks,

> Rick


Hi Rick,


Good work fella, hope you are enjoying the benefits of doing those drills.


What I would say is: Why are you doing the drills?


Is your goal to be more successful at public speaking?


To pass a test?


To get more dates with hot women/men/animals?


To me, EFT is really great for eliminating unhelpful emotions and

beliefs. There is a difference between unhelpful and painful/negative

- anger can be a painful/negative emotion but it can also be a great

motivating force. Puts a bit too much stress on the system for my

personal taste but see how you go. Unhelpful emotions are the ones

that hold you back from your goals.


So, step 1 is to get clear about your goal. You might like to look in

the archives for the clarity model drill to help you do this.


Step 2 is to take a look around question 5, 'what stops you from

having this already?' and make a list of all the emotions - fear,

anger, sadness etc etc. that stop you from having your goal already.


Step 3 is to systematically apply the EFT drill to those emotions.


You may well find as you go that sadness about a current event

uncovers an earlier event which uncovers an earlier event which

uncovers an earlier event and so on.


It is very common when I work with people that we end up on working on

memories from around the age of 4 to 5 or even earlier. No big thing,

just apply the mental movie or tell the story techniques from the EFT

tutorial and you'll clear the whole thing.


Then test by taking action to move toward your goal and seeing if the

block has gone or not.


Have fun, let me know how it goes.



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Hi rick

I use prioritising to find which ones I want to address first. I take all the isues which come up, I number them and then ask myself between say 1 and 2 which is the most important - and so on and so forth until I get my top ranking full on OMG I need to deal with this issue.....then I work on that.....then i find that the other issues often get dealt with too. the other way to do it is to ask what is behind this? Eg. I am scared of going to a meeting. What is behind this? Seeing a particular person. OK, why? What is behind this? They might not like me. What is behind this? I want to be liked......aha - Even though I am scared of not being likeable blah blah blah

Maybe not the best example but I hope you get the drift....Cris

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