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Ayn Rand's books should be destroyed.

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She was a Jewish atheist, too. As long as you're getting a big

bonfire ready, don't forget that...


I met Ayn Rand once as a kid. She and a friend sat in front of my

family in an off-Broadway theater in New York. She sat down, scanned

the program, then loudly gave a review of the play that hadn't

started yet. She was hostile, negative, and correct in every detail.


I'm sure glad Barbara Ann is saying these things with love! I didn't

realize that being a Russian was a morally culpable act. In fact,

the way they teach it at my church, being a non-believer or an

atheist is not necessarily a sin, either. It depends on what you

know and what you don't know yet, and whether you're willing to learn

what you don't know. Christian witness like what Barbara Ann is

emitting would give any atheist who listened to her remission of an

aeon or two in Purgatory, even if they kept right on not looking into

Jesus for themselves.


John Evans



" barbara101ann "

<barbara101ann> wrote:


> Ayn Rand is an atheist, and non-believer, and a Russian. Her books

> should be all burned or destroyed!


> And La Tourrette should jump in the bonfire with those books.


> And the Rev. Vince is not a Rev. because if he was he would say

> those evil things.


> With love,

> Barbara Ann

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, Gary Graves

<ggraves@w...> wrote:


Hi Gary, I think that Ayn Rand was too intelligent for a lot of people.


She said, " Ideas cannot be fought except by means of better ideas. The

battle consists not of opposing, but of exposing; not of denouncing,

but of disproving; not of evading, but of boldly proclaiming a full,

consistent and radical alternative. "


Which is ONLY a small part of what will be effective with minds like

Barbara Ann.


The above concept presupposes some type of intellectual ability and

some type of " if I could, how would I? " internal representation.


After the above is done, it still takes two generations for that nest

of vipers to die out.


It's the same with new healing energies technologies...


Who are the main proponents AGAINST healing energies?


And why are they against it?


Who are the main proponents AGAINST Energy Psychology?


And why are they against it?


This has been an interesting thread.



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On Wednesday 04 May 2005 2:12 am, barbara101ann wrote:


> Ayn Rand is an atheist, and non-believer, and a Russian. Her books

> should be all burned or destroyed!


> And La Tourrette should jump in the bonfire with those books.


> And the Rev. Vince is not a Rev. because if he was he would say

> those evil things.


> With love,

> Barbara Ann


You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out

he hates all the same people you do. " -- Anne Lamott




Steve - dudescholar1


" The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off. "

--Mal Pancoast

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docspeed2001 wrote:


, Gary Graves

<ggraves@w...> wrote:


Hi Gary, I think that Ayn Rand was too intelligent for a lot of people.


She said, "Ideas cannot be fought except by means of better ideas. The

battle consists not of opposing, but of exposing; not of denouncing,

but of disproving; not of evading, but of boldly proclaiming a full,

consistent and radical alternative."


Hmmm, I read this and thought about what I wrote. I am starting to see

your point. Seems I was playing bb gun commando while the hunting trail

was right across the street...


Which is ONLY a small part of what will be effective with minds like

Barbara Ann.


The above concept presupposes some type of intellectual ability and

some type of "if I could, how would I?" internal representation.


Damn, that's right... realized what you wrote after I REALLY read it.


After the above is done, it still takes two generations for that nest

of vipers to die out.


I'm gonna have to find out what that means for me...


It's the same with new healing energies technologies...


Who are the main proponents AGAINST healing energies?



And why are they against it?


I think the best answer I can give would be people who see some sort of

perceived loss outweighing any added benefit (if they even see any).

Examples, in no specific order, someone in the

medical field might see healing energies as a threat or competition,

financially. Could be a status/ego thing too, in a small part. Another

example I think

could be mainstream christians, as a specific group in general. A

perceived threat to their

beliefs, what the Pastor said, what Benny Hinn said, what Paul said,

who ever.


I guess

what my line of thinking now is people who view healing energies as

opposing instead of complimentary (if not more). I think I just

figured out that I fit in that category somewhere, somehow, for

different reasons... so...


Who are the main proponents AGAINST Energy Psychology?


And why are they against it?


Basically same as above.


This has been an interesting thread.





Many thanks,


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David -


Start with " Atlas Shrugged " - great book, great read. Totally changed

my life when I read it, but then I was pretty young....


Ayn Rand was a 'she' -- she escaped Russia as a young girl.


THis is from The Ayn Rand Institute:


My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a heroic being,

with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with

productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only

absollute. "


Alan Greenspan - Fed Reserve Board chair, was her assistant as a young




Helen D



On May 4, 2005, at 1:13 PM, adamkadmon2003 wrote:


> David Gluth wrote :

>> I am so glad to see you have such a " Christian attitude towards

>> others "

>> LOL

> Lol. I agree with that.


> Anyway, back to the original post :

>> Ayn Rand is an atheist, and non-believer, and a Russian. Her books

>> should be all burned or destroyed!

> I don't know who Ayn Rand is, haven't read his works.

> I just have some questions about your (Barbara) statement above.


> What is a non-believer? Non-believer in what/who?

> What's wrong for being a Russian?


> This sure sounds like some Nazi ideas ;)




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I read - I think it was in The Economist - that Ayn Rand was voted the most

popular author of the 20th century. (The article didn't say who voted.)


Also see this site, though I believe it was not a representative vote:


(Scroll down to " Reader's Choice of the 100 Best Novels of the 20th

Century " . Rand appears four times.)


I read all of Ayn Rand's books some years ago, and I learned a lot. However,

I noticed something, and I'd love to hear comments about this from people on

this list (including Doc, of course). It's this:


On observing or reading " successful " people (such as Rand), I've noticed a

peculiarity. Not in all of them, I must emphasise - only in some of them.

Some of these people have " self-contradictions " . As we're talking about

Rand, let's use her as an example.


Rand was completely in favour of " selfishness " , which in today's terminology

translates to " self-interest " . All of her heroes were supposedly

self-assured and " complete " . Yet all her heroes and heroines smoked, which

not only numbs feelings but also indicates unresolved stress or anxiety.

This is a contradiction in that the heroes specifically were supposed to be

mentally healthy and filled with the " right " state of mind. All her heroines

seemed to have a predilection for rape, albeit only by the hero. And, of

course, her heroes were rapists, albeit probably only of the heroines. In

other words, Rand contradicted her own philosophy of freedom for the



Have you noticed similar self-contradictions in other " successful " people,

and what are your comments on this idea?





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These are the most interesting questions posed so far--at least for


At 10:48 PM 5/4/2005 +0000, you wrote:

It's the same with new

healing energies technologies...

Who are the main proponents AGAINST healing


Or, who isn't? I encounter a lot of this.

It's always great when I find someone who ISN'T an

" aginner. "


And why are they against


Some are against it because of religious reasons (one might be on this

list?), and I run into a lot of this " brand " here in central

Oklahoma, including relatives, sadly. One relative, who had been

helped immensely with some JinShin and other simple techniques in the

past, recently told me to keep my " devilish " hands off her when

I went to soothe her headache. Her preacher had told this stuff is

the work of Satan. Sad.

Others are " aginners " because in their minds, it's simply not

" logical " or " rational. " If it's not something

that can be swallowed or stuck into an arm, it must not be worth a darned

thing, in their minds. This despite the fact that every week we

hear of more meds being pulled off the shelves because they're killing


Both categories would literally rather die than try something like energy



This has been an interesting


It has been.




===--* My stars!



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Paddy ... you've fallen into The Identity Trap!




--- Paddy Landau <coach wrote:

> Rand was completely in favour of " selfishness " ,

> which in today's terminology translates to " self-

> interest " . All of her heroes were supposedly

> self-assured and " complete " . Yet all her heroes and

> heroines smoked, which not only numbs feelings but

> also indicates unresolved stress or anxiety.

> This is a contradiction in that the heroes

> specifically were supposed to be mentally healthy

> and filled with the " right " state of mind. All her

> heroines seemed to have a predilection for rape,

> albeit only by the hero. And, of course, her heroes


> were rapists, albeit probably only of the heroines.

> In other words, Rand contradicted her own philosophy


> of freedom for the individual.


---> http://www.geocities.com/plopnin






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Doc wrote :

>>>Who are the main proponents AGAINST healing energies?

In my immediate environment, mostly religious people ;)


>>And why are they against it?

Because the fact that everybody can at least heal themselves using

their own energy is shaking one of the foundation of their belief

system (what they've been taught about it anyway).

I have an experience where my religious family and acquintances were

telling stories about how their " gifted " ministers/priests/nuns/monks

are able to heal people, " even over distance! " , and it seemed to them

as if it was a miracle (Miracle in a sense of biblical miracles).. lol


What I noticed is that they (religious organisations) raised a lot of

money whenever they held this " healing gathering " with the so-

called " special-gifted " religious representative.

I think that's another reason why they're against energy healing.. if

every body were able to heal themselves, they'd lost a significant

amount of their steady source of income ;)



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Linda said:

> Paddy ... you've fallen into The Identity Trap!


Thanks, Linda. However, I've found several differing definitions of the

Identity Trap, so I don't know specifically what you mean. Please would you

elaborate? I've learned so much on these lists, a little more won't hurt!





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