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Boosting voice energy

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Hi Doc and group! This is only my second post, though I have been

reading with gusto and practicing my energy drills and others that

have been posted here. What a goldmine! Thanks to all who try,

share and reap the benefits! :-)


It seems to me that I lose energy through my throat chakra. I feel

like my communications are good content-wise, but could use a boost

in power. I do the daily 5 and am wondering if anyone has had the

experience of receiving a power-boost in speaking by using any

specific drills. I spent a good many years in a eastern-western

religious group that did " decrees " so I know the application of the

science of the spoken word, but I still feel that I am losing energy

with my day-to-day speaking voice.


If I knew how to boost my throat chakra energy and maintain power in

my speaking voice, how would I do it? . . . If there were specific

drills for doing this, what would they be?


Any suggestions? I AM willing to do the drills, so feel free to

bring some up!


cheers, Janice -- and thanks in advance.

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>It seems to me that I lose energy through my throat chakra.



This is a very common observation and can be approached from several


Start with thumps and zip ups,and mantras that make the chest vibrate


I'm sure doc and others will offer the energy tune ups so I'll confine this

one to the philosophy.


Throat chakra[expression] is like the sound that comes out of a well played

horn. It depends upon the pressure behind it and the tone of the passageway.

The throat is operating at it's best, " making that " Joyful Noise " to the

universe; the expression of the feelings in the heart chakra.

When the love center opens up, whether it be the joy of giving or compassion

or grief, the throat provides the outlet.

All work on the throat chakra begins with the Heart Chakra.

In between those two is the minor but powerful thymus chakra [high heart]

When good chi is flowing from heart to throat it energizes the

body/mind/spirit and the immune system regulated by the thymus. That's one

reason why singing and laughter and even sobbing are healthful behaviours.


>maintain power in

> my speaking voice, how would I do it? .


I have 3 decades background in professional broadcasting and here are the 2

best techniques I know of to effect power in the speaking voice:


1) Start with a lungful of air. The pressure comes from releasing the full

lungs not by forcing with abdominal muscles.


2] Speak always with awareness of the sound you are making BEHIND you. Can

those foks back there hear you?






Original Message -----

" wc2_33 " <wc2_33


Friday, May 06, 2005 8:57 AM

Boosting voice energy



> Hi Doc and group! This is only my second post, though I have been

> reading with gusto and practicing my energy drills and others that

> have been posted here. What a goldmine! Thanks to all who try,

> share and reap the benefits! :-)


> It seems to me that I lose energy through my throat chakra. I feel

> like my communications are good content-wise, but could use a boost

> in power. I do the daily 5 and am wondering if anyone has had the

> experience of receiving a power-boost in speaking by using any

> specific drills. I spent a good many years in a eastern-western

> religious group that did " decrees " so I know the application of the

> science of the spoken word, but I still feel that I am losing energy

> with my day-to-day speaking voice.


> If I knew how to boost my throat chakra energy and maintain power in

> my speaking voice, how would I do it? . . . If there were specific

> drills for doing this, what would they be?


> Any suggestions? I AM willing to do the drills, so feel free to

> bring some up!


> cheers, Janice -- and thanks in advance.

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, " wc2_33 "

<wc2_33> wrote:

> If I knew how to boost my throat chakra energy and maintain power in

> my speaking voice, how would I do it? . . . If there were specific

> drills for doing this, what would they be?


My first suggest is the use of self-hypnosis...


Using self-hypnosis to bring blood to that area to revitalize the

muscles and the larynx...just like Edgar Cayce had to do when he lost

his speaking voice FOR THE SAME REASON.


And then do the neck stretching (see back posts) and the neck rolls

(see back posts).


Have fun.




> Any suggestions? I AM willing to do the drills, so feel free to

> bring some up!


> cheers, Janice -- and thanks in advance.

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The impression that I get is that there's some disruption there in

your throat chakra. I recommend Donna's chakra clearing drills

(counterclockwise, then clockwise), and see what happens.


/shrug but that's just my impression :)

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