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Boosting voice energy and dealing with overwhelm

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, " wc2_33 "

<wc2_33> wrote:


> It seems to me that I lose energy through my throat chakra. I feel

> like my communications are good content-wise, but could use a boost

> in power.



Thanks again for your replies. In searching for the neck rolls post

I have read hundreds of other fascinating topics. So, gang, search

away! You can only get more educated. And, btw, in getting educated,

don't forget to do the drills! :-)


Hey, Doc - Ordered the RV/RI course, and chomping at the bit waiting

for it to arrive!


Question for you, Doc, and any other of you knowledge-accumulators

out there . . . In studying all that you do, and the frequency with

which you are taking in more info, do you ever find yourself

overwhelmed with too much information? Well, maybe you don't but I

sure do. Perhaps I need to deal with chaos in my world, but I am

hoping that you have something simple I can understand and practice

so that I learn to assimilate the info I am studying. I am currently

studying EFT, ET, Neville, allergy antidotes and trying to understand

what's going on here. Oh yeah, plus I am going to be doing the RV/RI.

I am pretty much a beginner on huna and NLP, but I'm still learning

about them. This list is a blessing in that regard. Don't have to go

far to find just about everything (or a link to it).


Perhaps certain of the drills are apropos?


So my question is, if I want to integrate the knowledge I am studying

so as not to be overwhelmed by it, but truly assimilate it and put it

into practice, what should I do?


:-) Janice

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Hi Janice


You wrote:

Perhaps I need to deal with chaos in my world, but I am

> hoping that you have something simple I can understand and practice

so that I learn to assimilate the info I am studying. . . .


> Perhaps certain of the drills are apropos?


> So my question is, if I want to integrate the knowledge I am studying

> so as not to be overwhelmed by it, but truly assimilate it and put it

into practice, what should I do?



Do the Wayne Cook (for scrambled energies and chaos), Tibetan Prayer Pose

and the Crown Pull (for creating space for one more piece of info in your

brain). Each of these techniques have many other uses as well. They can

all be found in Donna¹s Energy Medicine book (a prerequisite for this group)

and are part of the 5-minute routine.





Many blessings,


Dr. Melanie

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> Do the Wayne Cook (for scrambled energies and chaos), Tibetan Prayer


> and the Crown Pull (for creating space for one more piece of info in


> brain). Each of these techniques have many other uses as well. They


> all be found in Donna¹s Energy Medicine book (a prerequisite for this


> and are part of the 5-minute routine.



Thanks, Melanie. I do the Wayne Cook and the Crown Pull and will look

into the TPP. :-)



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Another great resource for working with your voice is a series of CDs you can

buy from Lauren Lane Powell. She teaches you how to use your voice in amazing

ways; to keep the throat/5th chakra open even when hitting high notes; to do

exercises for strength and projection. Some seem very odd, but they work.

Check it out at www.singforyoursoul.com and click on the CDs link. The first

3 of the 6 CD set have most of what you'll need, I think.

I have a vocal cord that was loosened as a medication side effect and this

has helped me get my voice back. For quite a while I couldn't hold a note

on key--this after having a 3 1/2 octave range most of my life. Not perfect

again yet, but it would be if I'd do the damn exercises more. Sigh. There's

just not time enough to do everything. BTW, she travels the country giving


Good luck. Sue




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