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--- , " Lynda Thayer " <LRThayer@c...> wrote:

>attention. For some of my clients, it is simple when I unscramble

>their energies and they can feel a difference. You get peoples

>attention when they experience something. Then you have to educate

>them that they can maintain it IF they change the habit of their

>energy pattern. That takes time and persistence.




The reason Donna Eden is so powerful is NOT because of her skills

with energy (they are awesome ALSO), BUT because of her use

of " convincer strategies " ...


.... " convincer strategies " that literally grab people by the pubic

hairs and make them instant believers!


Because they NOW BELIEVE, they will actually " do the damn drills " ,

and " learn those drills " because they WORK...


....but when Donna is gone, no longer in front of them...




So, what is done with their fears?


So, what is done with their doubts?


So, what is done with their guilts?


Blab, blab, blab, all those other things that MUST BE ADDRESSED

before they can keep at the drills long enough to learn them



How do you " install " those skills into their future so that those

skills are absorbed literally automatically?


DR. John M. La Tourrette

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Hi Doc,


I believe that's one of the many things I'm learning from the

Anchoring videos. Which by the way are jam-packed with so much

interesting and good stuff that it is literally taking me days to get

through them all. No fluff or filler in them either, everything is

being done for a specific purpose. Will need to watch many times and

take a lot of notes to capture everything.... add it to drills ,

drills and more drills. It's great.






essentialskills , " docspeed2001 " <docspeed2001>




> How do you " install " those skills into their future so that those

> skills are absorbed literally automatically?


> DR. John M. La Tourrette

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>How do you " install " those skills into their future so that those

skills are absorbed literally automatically?>


Well from what I know so far, using EFT to clear the doubts and fears

is a good starter. And I have a notion that using the timeline (my

knowledge of this is quite limited), being at the place in the future

where the skills have been integrated and then walking backwards and

seeing how it was accomplished is another.



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  • 3 weeks later...
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this post goes back a bit but I was wondering - what is an acceptable level

of dropout or relapse? I know that if I can decrease this level then I can

increase my client base. I have seen over 200 clients in 18 months from

starting from scratch. In my mental video i viewed each and every one of

them coming back, doing the drills, happy etc. Part of me wonders if that

is outside the realm of the possible. Am i sabotaging and being limited by

my own beliefs or is the outcome unachievable and therefore a sabotage by



Sorry, if this sounds blindingly obvious......I feel like I am chasing my



" docspeed2001 " <docspeed2001


Tuesday, May 10, 2005 3:01 AM

The SECRET DRILLS of Learning




> --- , " Lynda Thayer " <LRThayer@c...> wrote:

>>attention. For some of my clients, it is simple when I unscramble

>>their energies and they can feel a difference. You get peoples

>>attention when they experience something. Then you have to educate

>>them that they can maintain it IF they change the habit of their

>>energy pattern. That takes time and persistence.


> Interesting.


> The reason Donna Eden is so powerful is NOT because of her skills

> with energy (they are awesome ALSO), BUT because of her use

> of " convincer strategies " ...


> ... " convincer strategies " that literally grab people by the pubic

> hairs and make them instant believers!


> Because they NOW BELIEVE, they will actually " do the damn drills " ,

> and " learn those drills " because they WORK...


> ...but when Donna is gone, no longer in front of them...




> So, what is done with their fears?


> So, what is done with their doubts?


> So, what is done with their guilts?


> Blab, blab, blab, all those other things that MUST BE ADDRESSED

> before they can keep at the drills long enough to learn them

> behaviorally?


> How do you " install " those skills into their future so that those

> skills are absorbed literally automatically?


> DR. John M. La Tourrette






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Hi Chris,


Well first thing is what are you aiming for? Have you written out

your goal(s)? Use the clarity model, it's in the archives of MMES

and I think Phil might have reposted it here about a month ago.


Do you have David Feinstein's CD? I know you know EFT, so determine

what is stopping you achieving your goals, then blow them out.

Replace them with beliefs that empower you and help you achieve your



Do you know Timelines? Go to level, go into the future (the date

when you want to achieve this goal), then go into your future self,

and experience what it feels like to have achieved your goal, is it

really what you want? Can you improve on it? Once you are happy

step to the side and look back and see how your future self has

already achieved that goal. Might be an idea to speak it outloud

into a tape recorder while at level. As soon as you have all the

steps, come back up to beta, and write it out, mind map, what other

ideas just 'magically' pop up?


I have done this a few times on the same goal when I have got stuck,

then I got a ton more information. It seems like I am given loads

of steps to do, up to a point, and I only get more steps once I have

gotten off my backside and taken the action.






P.S. Doc is giving out some great marketing advice, which is based

on years of proven marketing for his many businesses, all of which

can be used in the therapy field. I for one am eager to hear more

about his systems.


Hey Doc when are to coming to England next????





essentialskills , " hunter.cris " <hunter.cris@w...>


> this post goes back a bit but I was wondering - what is an

acceptable level

> of dropout or relapse? I know that if I can decrease this level

then I can

> increase my client base. I have seen over 200 clients in 18

months from

> starting from scratch. In my mental video i viewed each and every

one of

> them coming back, doing the drills, happy etc. Part of me wonders

if that

> is outside the realm of the possible. Am i sabotaging and being

limited by

> my own beliefs or is the outcome unachievable and therefore a

sabotage by

> me?


> Sorry, if this sounds blindingly obvious......I feel like I am

chasing my

> tail!!!!


> Cris

> -

> " docspeed2001 " <docspeed2001>


> Tuesday, May 10, 2005 3:01 AM






> > --- , " Lynda Thayer " <LRThayer@c...> wrote:

> >>attention. For some of my clients, it is simple when I


> >>their energies and they can feel a difference. You get peoples

> >>attention when they experience something. Then you have to


> >>them that they can maintain it IF they change the habit of their

> >>energy pattern. That takes time and persistence.

> >

> > Interesting.

> >

> > The reason Donna Eden is so powerful is NOT because of her skills

> > with energy (they are awesome ALSO), BUT because of her use

> > of " convincer strategies " ...

> >

> > ... " convincer strategies " that literally grab people by the pubic

> > hairs and make them instant believers!

> >

> > Because they NOW BELIEVE, they will actually " do the damn

drills " ,

> > and " learn those drills " because they WORK...

> >

> > ...but when Donna is gone, no longer in front of them...

> >


> >

> > So, what is done with their fears?

> >

> > So, what is done with their doubts?

> >

> > So, what is done with their guilts?

> >

> > Blab, blab, blab, all those other things that MUST BE ADDRESSED

> > before they can keep at the drills long enough to learn them

> > behaviorally?

> >

> > How do you " install " those skills into their future so that those

> > skills are absorbed literally automatically?

> >

> > DR. John M. La Tourrette

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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