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Timeline Installation...

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Hey, man, you said that one time you had XXXXXXX XXXXXXX in a class and you shot

white light through the dark spots in his timeline.


Do you have to do a timeline drill with the person for that to work right?


I went to a WalMart this morning, and there was a guy there who was looking



Something says to me " Do the insert smile drill. Say hi to him. "


" Blechhh... (I don't want to. I already know how.) "


" NOW! "


So as I was walking past the guy, I turned and smiled and said, " Hi! How're you

today? " (with the most genuine smile I could get at the moment...)


(Guy still looking down), " So far, so good, " in a voice that was incongruent.

" How about you? "


" Good (pause) SO FAR........ " as I smiled and looked OUTTTTT " far " into the

distance as I said " Good so far... "


The guy picked his head up, looked up (looked in the direction I was looking, so

he followed my non-verbal " suggestions " which could have been " accidental "

because he started walking in the same direction to do something) instead of

down, and laughed, and I laughed.


Now, so does it do any good for me to give one tiny set of suggestions (verbal

and nonverbal) to someone when they got their own stuff going on in their own

head? I know that the interaction was good for me, but does it do any good for

that other person?


Anyways, I also found out, oddly enough, that the DUMBEST " stuff " in the world

can make someone's day...


I went to check out, and the woman had a pen that looked like a cross between

the only comfortable rubber grip pen I have ever seen and those Pilot FINE POINT

pens that are all clear plastic. Those Pilot ultra fine point ball point pens

are the BEST, btw, at taking notes in a book because you can write really small

with them without the ink running together. Their major flaw, though, is that

they tend to break where the metal at the point screws on to the plastic shaft.


So anyways, I don't like using other people's pens at checkouts because 1) I

like MY pen 2) their pen has everyone else's germs on it from God knows how long



But I was at the theater Tuesday night, and as the chick took my card, I started

to reach for my pen, and something inside my head said, " You think your pen is

better than her pen, and they pick up on the fact that you think you are better

than they are, so just take her pen from her and let her hand it to you. "


Hell, I don't know if that shit is bull or not.


What I do know, though, is that I got a huge smile from the chick at the

theater, and then I used the same thing at WalMart.


The woman at WalMart is not someone I would want to pick up. She's probably

close to my mother's age, although I'd say she's younger than my mother but

doesn't look as good as my mom does.


Anyways, the woman had a neat pen, so I said, " WOW! I was going to use my pen,

but I like your's better; I'll just use your's so I can steal it! HA HA HA "

(Pacing the fact that people try (uninentionally?) to walk off with someone

else's pen all the time.)


Man, that woman got real happy. " Do you know where I got that? "


" Where did you get it? "


" I got that at the dollar store! "


" YOU'RE KIDDING ME!!! You got that at the DOLLAR STORE! That's a NICE pen!!! "


" YEAH! I got them at the dollar store!!! They come in a pack of ten! "


Damn, it's amazing how easy it is to make some people feel good. All I did was

say I liked her pen. Sheesh!


(And, no, it doesn't write as well as the Pilot ultra fine point ball point



What is it about people that something small like that makes them feel good?

And I felt good, too. It doesn't take any level of " skill " at all. Except

maybe to activate the " Give a shit " circuit, better known as " Heart / bridge

circuit " or " Caring Sam " .


Anyways, I got to go to sleep. See you later,



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Nice one Jim

I've seen the same thing at work many times when waiting in line at municipal places, like where you get your car licence, etc. The people behind the counter look all pissed off and everyone in line is bitching and moaning about waiting and the inefficiency of the service, etc. When I get to the front the first thing I do is say something like : Man, you guys are busy today. How do you manage. Strangely enough, the service I get is ALWAYS way better than what I've seen while standing in line. Not much trouble to bring a little bit of difference into really yucky situations.





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> What is it about people that something small like that makes them feel

> good? And I felt good, too. It doesn't take any level of " skill " at all.

> Except maybe to activate the " Give a shit " circuit, better known as " Heart

> / bridge circuit " or " Caring Sam " .


Hi Jim,


Is that the " give a shit circuit " as opposed to the " take a dump intention "

huh? :)


a small amount of attention goes a long way I guess. It's a " stroke " . I

think you also pulled the guy out of his world and momentarily into a nice

place. Sounds like you broke a thought pattern or mind set for both of



What I like about energy stuff is that it can take very little to get

someone else's flows buzzing and when you do, you get a buzz too cos that's

the way it works.


I like your posts, they are a constant reminder to me to apply the skills

all the time, not just in certain contexts.




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In a message dated 5/11/05 7:21:58 PM, hunashaman writes:



The people behind the counter look all pissed off and everyone in line is bitching and moaning about waiting and the inefficiency of the service, etc. When I get to the front the first thing I do is say something like : Man, you guys are busy today. How do you manage.



I've also noticed that if they don't seem to respond to YOU, it often happens for the

next person in line. A brief time lag. Once a friend walked around the mall smiling at

people. Another friend followed behind her. Sometimes people smiled back; sometimes

they smiled at the NEXT person they saw. Interesting.





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