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Defending INCOMPETENCE does NOT make it any more competent!

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--- , " hypnoprof " <hypnoprof@c...> wrote:

> No matter how motivated teachers are to " learn and apply new

>strategies " . Any change has to meet with the approval of the

>building principal and the board of education. Those are the two

>main blocks and as parents and concerned citizens you can and

>should be heard.


You are actually " defending " why many teachers are incompetant, and

giving reasons for that incompetence.


Which is okay, but NOT accurate. It's only a small part of what can

really happen.


Certain " things " must be taught and do have state requirements...


....that does NOT limit the teachers to those subjects! They can

teach more.


I suggest you read John Gatto, from New York.


I received my state credentials for teaching grades 9-12 back in

1973...I received my Ph.D.in Psychology in 1987...


....I've been working with teachers of one type or another since 1962

(when I started my college education, then 4 years with Military

Intelligence, blab, blab, blab)...


....and I gotta say it, many of those teachers just don't really care

about anything except what they are " made " to adhere to...


....they get to school 5 minutes before the kids get there, and then

they leave 5 minutes after their " outside " duties.


They do as little as they can get away with, and NOT get fired

because they have tenure.


....then again, other teachers do study and learn so they can

motivate their students to learn better.


If class starts at 8:30, they get there at 7 am...and they don't

leave until 5 pm.


Their whole life is spent " getting kids PREPARED " for their futures.


They learn about the different types of learners and their

modalities for learning...


They do NOT " just do what is required " BUT look for the edge on

training that will really help!


They study Michael Grinder, Ed Reese, Sid Jacobson, Steve Andreas,

and many others who are on the leading edge of Educational

Psychology, Motivation strategies, and Learning Modalities.


That second type of teacher is VERY RARE!


That first type of teacher is VERY COMMON!


The bad news is, the school teacher normally just do what they are

told to do by the school boards & districts over them, and that's

all they do.


The GOOD NEWS is, we as parents, and as Peak Performance Coaches can

and do study outside the normal educational realms so we can really

help those that want to be helped.


We can't change the systems, (READ JOHN GATTO), but we can add to it

just about anything we desire.



ps. Everything that Donna teaches is on the fringe, according to

Education, but what she teaches is very helpful for educators. Those

energy tactics also should be added to the educational mix by

qualified teachers.

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