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The REAL reason people die much much younger than they should!

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essentialskills , " hunter.cris " <hunter.cris@w...>


> Hi Richard,

> good to have you and your computer back!

> I guess I would work on his deepest fears with EFT, work the drugs


> with EFT, combining the whole shebang with David's PR techniques.

I guess I

> would probably like to look at his grids too.....


> What do you think?


> Cris


Look at his depression...


Look at his " bordom " ...


Look at his seaching for and NOT finding an Ideal...


One of the biggies for longivity is finding a positive Ideal that

pulls you forward everyday...


Then you basically stay young (in comparison to others), excited

about life, curious about what else you are going to learn that is

so neat...


See the difference?


Look energically at the energy differences through-out the 8 energy

fields and notice how the desire body will then rule the other



....and when bordom kicks in, in the desire body, then more and more

substance abuse kicks in, regardless of whether its sugar, amphs,

cocaine, blab, blab, blab...


But if an Ideal is chunked high enough, THEN the behaviours are

changed accidentally and automatically in line with that Ideal.



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So, by not finding and having an Ideal, a purpose in life...


This results in boredom, depression, and accelerated aging...


Energetically, rather than healthy interaction, you revert to lower energy

states or reversed energy flows -- homolateral conditions.


When Elvis performed on stage, especially early in his career -- he enjoyed

the music, the crowd...


When Elvis was off stage, especially late is his life -- he was bored,

depressed, saw no purpose...


Greg R.


If I could use the Silva UM RV/RI course, especial CD 8, to ... How would I?





> On

> Behalf Of docspeed2001

> Thursday, May 12, 2005 3:18 PM


> The REAL reason

> people die much much younger than they should!


> healingenergies-

> essentialskills , " hunter.cris " <hunter.cris@w...>

> wrote:

> > Hi Richard,

> > good to have you and your computer back!

> > I guess I would work on his deepest fears with EFT, work the drugs

> habit

> > with EFT, combining the whole shebang with David's PR techniques.

> I guess I

> > would probably like to look at his grids too.....

> >

> > What do you think?

> >

> > Cris


> Look at his depression...


> Look at his " bordom " ...


> Look at his seaching for and NOT finding an Ideal...


> One of the biggies for longivity is finding a positive Ideal

> that pulls you forward everyday...


> Then you basically stay young (in comparison to others),

> excited about life, curious about what else you are going to

> learn that is so neat...


> See the difference?


> Look energically at the energy differences through-out the 8

> energy fields and notice how the desire body will then rule

> the other bodies...


> ...and when bordom kicks in, in the desire body, then more

> and more substance abuse kicks in, regardless of whether its

> sugar, amphs, cocaine, blab, blab, blab...


> But if an Ideal is chunked high enough, THEN the behaviours

> are changed accidentally and automatically in line with that Ideal.








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