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The BIG Boogy-Man in the Sky does not release your Karma!

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--- , Adrienne <adandpete> wrote:

> Dearest Sandy,

> I never said that all you have to do is snap your

> fingers and karma is gone. It does not happen that

> way. But yes, you can release past, present, future

> karma. A lot of it is stored at the DNA level,


The BIG Boogy-Man in the Sky does not release your Karma.


No it isn't.


I suggest you study Edgar Cayce, and Donna Eden.


> you have to go to all your ancestors, living and dead,

> and get them to release first.


No you don't.


Who told you that?




They cannot bind you to anything, past, present or future.


It's your karma, not their karma.


It's up to you, and no one else.


> Then you will have the ability to ask the Lords of Karma to

>do a release for you.


What are you talking about?


Sorry sweety.


The lords of anything cannot do anything for you.


You pull yourself up by your own bootstraps.


>With all of the negativity that one carries with

> them through many lifetimes,




They/we just don't carry negativity.


What we do carry is our learnings, both the positive ones and the

negative ones.


And, nothing is ever wrong. It just might need more practice. That

is karma.


Who has been brainwashing you?


You don't have to answer. I'm just a tab bit curious.


>it takes a while to clear karma,


Not really. It depends on what level you decide to progess on.


This was proven by Dr. Morris Massay at the University of Colorado

when he did his research on his book, " You are what you were when " .


It's just that after the age of 10-12, you won't change any of your

stupid beliefs unless you get whomped on by life a bit. When it

hurts bad enough, then you'll start looking for better and different

ways of living.


It takes a specific " experience " where you get the learnings to

clear karma. It's a simple as that.


You seem to be confusing " guilt by others " as your karma.




That guilt trip put on you by mommy and daddy and church and state

and teachers and friends can easily by tapped away in 2-5 minutes

using the proper energy psychology technologies.


>and for the body to adjust to the clearing.


This is really a whopper!


Nope, it's just ain't so.


It depends on which level the change is made. The experience is had.


If the change is at an idenity level, than all change below that in

the hierachy is instant.


Your values instantly change.


Your beliefs instantly change.


Your strategies and tactics instantly change.


Your behavior instantly change.


Go study Robert Dilts, to get a verifiable handle on this process.


> takes time, but it does work. And anyone can work

> with the Lords of Karma.


The lok can go flush themselves, because they sure as hell can't

flush the toilet for you or for anyone else.


If you depend on them or on anyone else, that toilet bowl is going

to fill up and overflow real fast.


Get the mop and bucket ready.


And be ready to smoke a cigar so the smell is tolerable.


> them; the time has come for all of us to become

> beacons of light and to cast off the darkness.


We are already beacons of light.


We are already energy bodies inhabiting flesh.


All verifiable and proven by many scientists over and over again.


Check out Dr. William Tiller, check out Becker, Reichmanis & Marion,

Selden, Burr, Gerber and many others.


They do exist. The research is done. The experts are out there.


We are already spirits inhabiting these desire bodies for the

experiences, so we, the soul can grow and evolve.


Nothing evil nor dastardly here.


Just a bit of growing up.


> With work, anything is possible. Do not be negative

> about something you have never tried. I know this

> works, because I have gone through the process and am

> so much closer to the Goddess now than I was a month

> ago.


Goodie for you.


I am happy for you.


Can you fly yet?


I sure envy your great wisdom and skill level.


Sandy Godheart

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