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OptimumDrill was - The REAL Secret behind the MCO of Chi Kung!

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>The BEST VERSON is NOT to use the Central Meridian, BUT to use the

FRONT BRIDGE FLOW, and the CareBearHeart Drill...


Doc's right on this one [no surprise] and I want to elaborate a bit.

In energy medicine and in the QiGong traditions different drills are done

for specific reasons. The Radiant Central Meridian is Yi ed downward to aid

in grounding and to breathe down to the heels, but this is for a specifice

Un grounded condition.


If one were to choose one drill and focus on doing it to the optimum, I'd

go with the Care Bear as it is much more powerful than just a Joy circutit.

While qi Gong works on specifics, in my training in the supreme ultimate our

focus is to put the body/mind/spirit into the Optimum state where ALL flows

are working correctly.

We do some qi Gong stretching drills to remove residual clenching to set up

for welcoming the chi but that's the extent of the qiGong and then we go on

to taiji.

As Chi enters where welcome and is blocked by any clenching or holding we

want to provide the optimum condition for this to happen.

The secret of secrets handed down from the Yang Family to Professor Cheng

man Ch'ing is this, as he states in treatise Eight of the Cheng Tzus

thirteen treatsies on T'ai Chi Ch'uan.


" The chief technique is to cultivate the chi and sink it to the dan tien,

and the Mind [Yi] and the chi stay together in the dan tien..

Then you can cultivate the chi while walking, sittling, standing, lying

down, speaking, laughing, drinking or eating. You can cultivate the chi at

every opportunity while going about everyday life by Deliberately relaxing

the upper and middle burners and sinking the chi and the mind to the dan

tien. Then with a completely relaxed waist the chi will enter with the

breathing. This is my insight after twenty years of practice. The merits

cannot be described in words. Then you need not worry about the food basket

of the gourd being empty, nor about working hard and having little to eat..

The c'hi comes first in cultivating life. "


The Care Bear Hearts drill works to this effect providing your intent flows

with the drill as the hands move outward from the thymus and down and

around to the dan tien, following these movements with deliberate relaxation

every where the hands flow.

While are " cultivating " the chi two things are paramount:


Do not force it.

Do not forget it.


> Somebody help this man out.


> He's a real sincere person.-)


And finally, from the professor. " However, it is useless to talk about this

to those who cannot or will not perservere. "


It was his way of saying, " Do the damn drills. "










" docspeed2001 " <docspeed2001


Friday, May 13, 2005 2:08 PM

The REAL Secret behind the MCO of

Chi Kung!



> , " coudertpy "

> <coudertpy@c...> wrote:

> > So, what would be the right thing to do?


> Well, I'd first get a good trainer.


> And, until you can see THEIR energies and read THEIR INTENT, that'll

> be difficult.


> But there is a way.


> > Would there be a flow ON the body, and a flow IN the aura? Doc?

> > People?


> This is actually close.


> The Central Meridian does run up the body...


> ...and the Central Meridian is also a storage vessel of energy, and

> it's also a RADIANT CIRCUIT!


> RADIANT ENERGIES, when triggered properly, can FLOW IN ANY DIRECTION



> RADANT CIRCUITS are turned on positively by GOOD FEELINGS!


> So the MCO that they are talking about WILL " NOT " BE EFFECTIVE

> unless the " good feelings " are also flowing...


> ...but I've never seen the MCO taught with the proper energies.


> But I do teach a version of it that is very effective.


> The BEST VERSON is NOT to use the Central Meridian, BUT to use the

> FRONT BRIDGE FLOW, and the CareBearHeart Drill...


> ...the COMPLETE version, NOT the simplified version.




> Somebody help this man out.


> He's a real sincere person.-)


> Sincerely,


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