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Combining Hakalau with Theta Centering

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Hi Doc,


I've tried doing the Hakalau drill after going to level with the

theta centering drill as you suggested. First, I did some warmups.

While at level I did the exercise where I project to a room in my

house and face the south wall. I then described what I saw in the

room out loud to a recorder. As I did this I got myself really into

the mental projection by moving around the room and describing out

loud everything I encountered with all of my subjective senses. The

objects in the room, their location, their colors, texture, density,

temperature, the sounds in the room, the smell of the flowers or

plants in a pot, the light intensity in the room, the flavor and

scent of a piece of fruit in a bowl, it's texture and sensation as I

subjectively chewed it. Once I got that all down pretty good in the

room I was exploring using the usual UM drills, I faced the south

wall and did the Hakalau drill.


At first I was just seeing about 180 degrees around me, maybe a

little bit more, then I decided I wanted to expand that some more and

was able to now see 360 degrees around me, plus above and below, all

at once like I had eyes pointing in every direction. What was

interesting is that from that moment onward, when I could see around

me while doing Hakalau, the sensation I had was pretty cool...my body

completely " disappeared " (hard to explain). The best way I can

describe it is that I had no physical boundaries and became aware of

everything and could see and sense everything all at once with

heightened sensitivity, not only in the subjective room I was

exploring, but in the room where I was actually sitting doing the

projection drill from....AND I was feeling pretty awesome during this

drill and for hours afterward.


What's interesting is that I've done that south wall drill before

many times (but without hakalau) and have seen 360 around me before,

but experienced nothing close to this before. I think the Hakalau

made a difference, and I think so did stating everything I was seeing

and doing all out loud to the recorder.


Haven't tried it yet as you suggested, with someone's " head " on. I

thought I'd try it with familiar home territory first to compare and

see if there was any difference in how I remote view there.

Obviously there was! Will try it with a few more things, like RV

some places I haven't been to yet and then visit them and verify what

I find there. Then compare it to previous success rates that I've had

doing that. Then go on to the head helmet experiment. Such fun






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Hi. I got a question. I already know what answer you are going to tell me:

" Segment intending. " Well, ok, I can segment intend soaking my joints in a hot

tub of baking soda water, and even though my segment intent is for my knees, the

tub still gets wet too.


How do you do the hakalau with their head on WITHOUT it ending up " accidentally "

being a REMOTE INFLUENCE drill also?


You have taken their head to have their thoughts as if them, and then you've

done the hakalau drill that has specific benefits for the person who does the



If you're just RV'ing them to find the shit on them would you avoid using the

hakalau drill? Why or why not?


Does going inside their head and going into hakalau " accidentally " leave them

better off than before, even if you don't do any other Remote Healing techniques

to help them? Why or why not?









darthon4 <darthon4

May 15, 2005 5:16 PM


Combining Hakalau with Theta




Haven't tried it yet as you suggested, with someone's " head " on. I

thought I'd try it with familiar home territory first to compare and

see if there was any difference in how I remote view there.

Obviously there was! Will try it with a few more things, like RV

some places I haven't been to yet and then visit them and verify what

I find there. Then compare it to previous success rates that I've had

doing that. Then go on to the head helmet experiment. Such fun


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Hi there, Well, when I do it (the helmet head), I do it with the

intent to work health cases on people and animals and is what I am

planning on doing with the helmet-hakalau combo as well. If it isn't

readily apparent from a scan of the body the helmet sometimes works.

I also don't think of the helmet head as " them " , it is more like a

mask, a hightech " virtual reality " tool. When I am done I take it

off and disconnect. My intent is to always go into the drill with

the purpose to help not to harm. So yep It's also a matter of

segment intending too.


Hope this helps clarify,





, " James R.

Knippenberg " <erommel@e...> wrote:


> Hi. I got a question. I already know what answer you are going to

tell me: " Segment intending. " Well, ok, I can segment intend

soaking my joints in a hot tub of baking soda water, and even though

my segment intent is for my knees, the tub still gets wet too.


> How do you do the hakalau with their head on WITHOUT it ending

up " accidentally " being a REMOTE INFLUENCE drill also?


> You have taken their head to have their thoughts as if them, and

then you've done the hakalau drill that has specific benefits for the

person who does the drill.


> If you're just RV'ing them to find the shit on them would you avoid

using the hakalau drill? Why or why not?


> Does going inside their head and going into hakalau " accidentally "

leave them better off than before, even if you don't do any other

Remote Healing techniques to help them? Why or why not?


> Thanks,

> Jim






> darthon4 <darthon4>

> May 15, 2005 5:16 PM


> Combining Hakalau with

Theta Centering



> Haven't tried it yet as you suggested, with someone's " head " on.


> thought I'd try it with familiar home territory first to compare


> see if there was any difference in how I remote view there.

> Obviously there was! Will try it with a few more things, like RV

> some places I haven't been to yet and then visit them and verify


> I find there. Then compare it to previous success rates that I've


> doing that. Then go on to the head helmet experiment. Such fun

> stuff!

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