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Do we change VAK's...

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Hello Sue and ALL,

A couple of thoughts...

Kinesthetic is king because it travels faster than visual and way, way

faster than auditory. It is also the one sensory system/file that is

usually outside of an individuals awareness. Kinesthetic travels at the

speed of now.

Visual travels at the speed of light 186,000 miles per second. So with

the combination of the K & Ve (e=external) minus the auditory(VeK)

in is easy to be in the Zone, with Auditory traveling so slow 1100

ft/sec. and Visual external it is easy to zone out (driving a car). With

Ad (internal dialog) +/- Vi (Visual internal) we do what sooner or later

comes to be know as " thinking off " .

I suspect it depends upon the situation (stress/no stress) as to which

system/file (VAK) is primary, which is secondary and which one is totally

out of conscious awareness. Cause they all three are there. (I'm

including Gustatory and Olfactory with Kinesthetic also).

Currently in Western society we are pretty much auditory (the slowest

channel for keep up with life), even those who's primary system is visual

or kinesthetic, because we depend so much on the auditory for meaning and

communication. Have you wonder how odd it is we don't just pass pictures

minus words, back and forth or when was the last time you had a

conversation just giving emotions and body sensations back and forth no


A Master Key is to get your awareness and use of VAK to match that of the

universe/life and then it is a lot easier to flow with


Remember what my Grampa Vetter said, " It is not what is in your

consciousness that influences your life, it is that which is outside it

that pushes, pulls and directs you. "

I also suggest that as we move from ring (chunk) to ring the combination,

placement, arrangement and uses of meta-programs, which VAK is but one,

are different that other rings further out or in.

Doc Houston


At 12:24 AM 5/17/2005, Sue wrote:

In a

message dated 5/9/05 7:01:21 PM, docspeed2001 writes:

Auditory is open to so much

more interpretation than kinesthetic or visual, especially for me as

I trust my toucOver time, I had changes in me that led me to

become more auditory and

less visual, which has come in handy as I listen to CDs in traffic.

I also am one of those people with synesthesia. I can

" see " music.

I also have no trouble listening to music in my head if I've heard it a


times--even complex classical pieces or jazz. I guess it's like


energy. I've always done it and just thought it was normal.

I guess what I meant to say is that I'm not sure we are only

visual or kinesthetic. I think we change and evolve and use


the modalities. And we develop different modalities. Right


we worship athletes, so kinesthetic is king. I'm babbling.



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