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I am an acupuncturist in Pasadena, CA and I use a few Energy Psych modalities, but would love to learn more about more!


Glad to meetcha!

GinaHABER ACUPUNCTUREGina Haber, L.Ac., DNBAO936 E. Green St., @102Pasadena, CA 91101(626) 792-9667"Patient Centered Healing"http://www.acupuncture-healer.com

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Hi Gina:


Welcome to the group! I’m also an Acupuncture Physician in St. Petersburg, Florida. I incorporate Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology into my practice as well. I highly recommend EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique. If you’re not using it already, go to www.emofree.com The entire manual can be downloaded for free. I also recommend NET – Neuro Emotional Technique. It is only taught to Health Care Professionals. They are located in California. You can find out more by going to www.netmindbody.com They have excellent homeopathic remedies based on the Chinese 5 Elements. I’m happy to “chat” privately with you off the list if you like.


You will find lots of good info in this group and the creative energies group also on . You will pick up many gems to incorporate into your practice from this group.


I encourage you to attend Donna Eden’s classes if you haven’t already. You can find out more by going to www.innersource.net You will also find links there related to Energy Psychology and David Feinstein’s work. You might want to check out www.energymedicinedirectory.com to find out who else in your area is practicing energy medicine/psychology.


I also have a series of Energy Medicine video tapes from several classes I’ve taught that have more of an oriental flare and a series of Color Laminated Charts that cover several different topics. I’m happy to send you info if you email me privately. melanie


You might also be interested in the Energy Medicine Tour to China. I will be taking a group in September and would love to have you or anyone you know who might be interested join us. The US Gateway city is LA which would be excellent for you. I can email you info if you like.


Hold on to your hat! and ENJOY!!!



Many blessings,


Dr. Melanie


Melanie Smith, DOM, AP

Doctor of Oriental Medicine

Well Within Natural Medicine

St. Petersburg, Florida








On 5/19/05 3:42 PM, " Gina Haber " <kneadles wrote:



I am an acupuncturist in Pasadena, CA and I use a few Energy Psych modalities, but would love to learn more about more!


Glad to meetcha!





Gina Haber, L.Ac., DNBAO

936 E. Green St., @102

Pasadena, CA 91101

(626) 792-9667

" Patient Centered Healing "


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, Gina Haber

<kneadles@s...> wrote:

> Hi,

> I am an acupuncturist in Pasadena, CA and I use a few Energy Psych

modalities, but would love to learn more about more!


> Glad to meetcha!

> Gina


Glad to meetcha also.


Ps. The reason for the late reply is because " I refuse to pay $10

buck " just to get on a computer for one day.

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  • 4 years later...

Hello Everybody.

Recently I joined the list again. So happy to see that it has continued for so


My heart goes out to all of you for being true to the world of aromatics.

Thank you so much for sharing the knowledge, and all the great work you do in

the world.

Blessing to you and yours.


Medicine Flower






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Hey Alysia


welcome to our lively group, nice to see you back!


Amazing I thought of you recently as someone just gave me an Egyptian perfume

bottle with red, white and blue like the flag!! I remembered yours, do you still

have them?



Sylla Sheppard-Hanger

Atlantic Institute of Aromatherapy

16018 Saddlestring Drive

Tampa Florida 33618 USA






Alysia Gaye


Sunday, February 14, 2010 3:36 PM

Re: Hello Everybody





Hello Everybody.

Recently I joined the list again. So happy to see that it has continued for so


My heart goes out to all of you for being true to the world of aromatics.

Thank you so much for sharing the knowledge, and all the great work you do in

the world.

Blessing to you and yours.


Medicine Flower


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Dear Sylla

Thank you for the warm welcome

The only thing available right now in the Egyptian bottles, is ones that hang

from your neck. You can put your favorite blend of the day.

Funny you ask, I have been seriously thinking about bring the other ones back.

Maybe your email is a sign (smile)

It is so nice to be connected with everyone in this way.

Looking forward to commenting more in the future.


In Joy

Alysia Gaye

Medicine Flower








Sylla S. Hanger <sylla


Tue, February 16, 2010 4:46:58 AM

Re: Re: Hello Everybody



Hey Alysia


welcome to our lively group, nice to see you back!


Amazing I thought of you recently as someone just gave me an Egyptian perfume

bottle with red, white and blue like the flag!! I remembered yours, do you still

have them?



Sylla Sheppard-Hanger

Atlantic Institute of Aromatherapy

16018 Saddlestring Drive

Tampa Florida 33618 USA

www.AtlanticInstitu te.com

www.UnitedAromather apy.org



Alysia Gaye


Sunday, February 14, 2010 3:36 PM

Re: Hello Everybody


Hello Everybody.

Recently I joined the list again. So happy to see that it has continued for so


My heart goes out to all of you for being true to the world of aromatics.

Thank you so much for sharing the knowledge, and all the great work you do in

the world.

Blessing to you and yours.


Medicine Flower



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Hello Alysia:


I purchased many oils from you in the early 1990's when I created my

first perfume line Anya's Tropical Essences. I still have some beautiful

Frankincense in the square bottle ;-) You had many obscure and rare

absolutes back in the day. Broom/Genet is one that I recall, but there

were others that were a delight to find. I remember your kindness and

patience in explaining buying in weight vs. volume. I'm very glad to

" see " you again. Boy, this brings back memories of my 1991 computer.

That modem must have been 1200kbs or whatever the rate was. How did we

manage? LOL. I believe you were one of the first online suppliers I

found. Then my line went private label with hotels and we found

wholesale suppiers, then I faded from the retail perfume scene for a

while, concentrating on custom blends. I remember looking at your site

before I began my current perfume line, but I had some difficulty

locating some things, so I passed on it. I see you now have lovely rare

absolutes again. Any chance you'll ever carry the assortment you did in

the early 90's?



All my best,


on FB http://bit.ly/iamja








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