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Speed and real world drills...

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You may not like my answers because I've given them before. It is all a

matter of attention... and where you place it.

First, before we get to real world skills please remember that all we

really have is the present in the real world, everything else is made up.

The speed of now " IS " faster than the speed of light (visual)

and the speed of words (sound).

Now is all you have, from a perceptual POV we are either slowing down to

it or speeding up to it. From a Quantum physics POV we are catching up to

from a holographic POV we are remembering what is happening now. NOW IS

THE FASTEST SPEED. It is faster than the speed of Light and the speed of

sound. You can't get to where you are in the present moment any faster

than being.

Sound-words, according to the names I dropped in the last email, are

either reporting on the past or pretending to report on the future but

when they report on the present it has already moved. Pictures are closer

but Kinesthetic reports on the present. The kinesthetic file is where all

behaviors are located.


Any and ALL of the drills in the Fundamentals of Mental Fitness Mastery



will help prepare the recognization and calibration.

Direct drills:

Any old kinesthetic calibration skills such as hand movement mirroring.

Any old kinesthetic calibration skills such as touch to recognize.

Any old kinesthetic calibration skills such as guess what your partner is doing on the other side of the wall.

Any old passing mental pictures back and forth (even though it is visual you won't recognize until you catch up to your kinesthetic feeling).

Pretty much any and all calibration drills of all systems.

(That's enough for now)

I don't expect people to take my word for it. I expect them to go out and get the damn training for it or do the damn drills. (And I did not give the specific how to of the drills but I gave you enough if you've ever done calibration training to remember the specifics. If you haven't done kinesthetic calibration before maybe someone else will take the time to write them out or ask Dr. John to do a seminar specifically around the subject.)

Speed has everything to do with strategy. They are not separate. Visual and auditory are closer in speed to each other than kinesthetic and auditory are. As far as speed it is K-V-A. Now using them together it is Ve-K for being in the Zone, for RV/RIing it is K-Vi-Ad, Enlightenment is K-Vi-K, (Different strategies - different speeds) based on outcomes.

I suspect but haven't tested it out yet that before the Ve-K process in the Zone it is preceded with a K. If your suspicion that auditory is faster than Kinesthetic was true or useful the strategy of being in the Zone would include auditory.

The strategy for a " recovering kino " is to not be stuck in kino, but to be able to use all one's rep systems to get ones outcome.. When you get one-tracked you do stay there.

Check out Bandler's DHE and newer stuff, not his older stuff. Also, I was not talking about Baffa fully engaging kinesthetic. I was talking about him using all his systems together and he agrees faster than the speed of light and sound is now, which is kinesthetic.

And are you sure he is slowing down or speeding up? It is not as linear as you think. It may be more circular and holographic than you suspect. Sure from one perspective it looks like it slows down. From a conscious understanding it sure looks like slowing down, but then the only thing that human consciousness can do, as far as I can tell, is create illusion. Illusion isn't bad, but it isn't real either.

Your curiosity about staring at the back of someone's head that it takes them (3-5 seconds) is from your POV from theirs the sense is instantaneous. My point was they didn't get it visually or auditorially. It is the same thing when you are driving and you start to turn to get the attention of the driver next to you to ask attention and when you turn to roll down your window or ask the other driver is already rolling down their window. It wasn't V or A, it was K.

You asked what happened prior to creating a " felt sense " in the k, I would suggest a movement in the energy body/aura and before that a movement in the person's looking energy body that when through their eyes, body and energy.

You agreed with me that RV/RIing is bring the K up to awareness by V & A which means K got there first but then you argue against it the whole rest of the post.

RV/RIing are ways to make intuitions conscious I am saying that intuitions, strategy wise (VAK), not only end with a K but they start with a K also as is the case with RV/RIing. Yes the VAK are outside our conscious awareness that is why things like Dr. John's RV/RI course is so good it teaches us to bring to conscious awareness. Hey that's another way to get real world practice calibrating so you realize K is the fastest. (Also do you know what got Will Smith the name Agent " K " in the " Men-N-Black " movie, yes you guessed it he was faster than all the rest.)

Some of the drills I have given you may have already been doing and I told you it is all about where you place your attention.

Utilize Everything,

Dr. Houston Vetter


" Without the interference of auditory judgments, the kinesthetic file learns rapidly and perfectly. We discover the world through the interplay of external stimuli with our Kinesthetics file which contains nothing intellectual - only behaviors. Our kinesthetic data is composed of direct physical sensations, not ideas, judgments, opinions or emotions. " MY Grampa Vetter

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> You may not like my answers because I've given them before. It is


> a matter of attention... and where you place it.


Heh, please don't mind read my response, because as you say, it's all

a matter of where you place your attention.


> First, before we get to real world skills please remember that all


> really have is the present in the real world, everything else is

made up.


I agree with that.


> The speed of now " IS " faster than the speed of light (visual) and


> speed of words (sound).


I agree with that too, though you missed the K out of that list. Now

is faster than K.




> You can't get to where you are in the present moment any faster

than being.


I agree with that as well.


> Sound-words, according to the names I dropped in the last email,

are either

> reporting on the past or pretending to report on the future but

when they

> report on the present it has already moved. Pictures are closer but

> Kinesthetic reports on the present. The kinesthetic file is where


> behaviors are located.


Ok, here is where we differ. Kinaesthetic is also travelling slower

than the now.


Test: Place your hand on a stove hot plate, it moves away before you

are aware of the pain - Because the messages get sent to the spine

and the autonomic response is to contract the muscles in the arm.

This is because the body is aware of it's ownlimits in transferring

kinaesthetic messages. So, from that simple test, what you feel in

your hands is a fraction of a second behind 'Now'.


<Snip the drills>


> I don't expect people to take my word for it. I expect them to go

out and

> get the damn training for it or do the damn drills.


The thing is Houston, I have gone out and got the damn training. I

have done the damn drills. And I'm getting a very different answer

from them than you.


So, if it's all about where you place your attention, where are you

placing your attention when doing these drills?



> Speed has everything to do with strategy.


Again I think we are talking about different things here. Speed is

important in a strategy. Each step of the strategy needs to feed

into the other, each strategy needs to be the

smallest and most efficient it can. And we are not talking about

strategy speeds, but relative speeds of each modality.


> They are not separate. Visual and

> auditory are closer in speed to each other than kinesthetic and


> are. As far as speed it is K-V-A. Now using them together it is

Ve-K for

> being in the Zone,


Which Zone, specifically?


> for RV/RIing it is K-Vi-Ad,

> Enlightenment is K-Vi-K,


I now understand how people can get 'stuck' in being enlightened and

ruin the rest of their life - there is no A! Bandler and Grinder has

always stated you need all rep systems in a

strategy. I vaguely recall Baffa saying something similar as well.


> (Different strategies - different speeds) based on outcomes.




> I suspect but haven't tested it out yet that before the Ve-K

process in the

> Zone it is preceded with a K. If your suspicion that auditory is


> than Kinesthetic was true or useful the strategy of being in the

Zone would

> include auditory.


Again I ask which Zone specificly? A musician in his or her Zone is

most definitely using auditory. As strategy is learnt it becomes

streamlined. If any modality is needed it is

usually (but not always) in the strategy.


Saying that a strategy should have any modality because that modality

is faster or slower is a worthless argument. You yourself say

" (Different strategies - different speeds) based

on outcomes. " If your Zone strategy above needs any auditory

information, or needs to respond to auditory, then the strategy

you state at the moment is not going to get you the

results you want.


> The strategy for a " recovering kino " is to not be stuck in kino,

but to be

> able to use all one's rep systems to get ones outcome.. When you


> one-tracked you do stay there.


And, from years of working with others, one-tracked usually means

having only 2 rep systems available, and spending most of the time in



> Check out Bandler's DHE and newer stuff, not his older stuff.


I have. Notice how when you build a control panel, it includes all

rep systems? And DHE is based on the ideas and concepts from

his older stuff, which makes it still valid.


> Also, I was

> not talking about Baffa fully engaging kinesthetic. I was talking

about him

> using all his systems together and he agrees faster than the speed

of light

> and sound is now, which is kinesthetic.


Now is not Kinaesthetic. If it was, we would be unable to use DHE,

NLP, energetic healing or anything else. Mainly because we would

not need to as our K systems would not be

caught in the past or future. We would not hold physically old pain,

or old emotions. They would pass right through our Kinaesthetic

system and would stay with the Now.


Read Eckart Tole, 'The power of now'. He explains this much better

than I could.




> My point was they didn't get it visually or auditorially. It is the


> thing when you are driving and you start to turn to get the

attention of

> the driver next to you to ask attention and when you turn to roll

down your

> window or ask the other driver is already rolling down their

window. It

> wasn't V or A, it was K.


Maybe it was K, but regardless to which system was triggered first,

does not prove in any way the K is the fastest modality system.



> You asked what happened prior to creating a " felt sense " in the

k, I

> would suggest a movement in the energy body/aura and before that a


> in the person's looking energy body that when through their eyes,

body and

> energy.


> You agreed with me that RV/RIing is bring the K up to awareness by

V & A

> which means K got there first but then you argue against it the

whole rest

> of the post.


Because the K sense comes first in the sequence, does not mean it's

the fastest. It just means it's first in the strategy. Because the K

sense is able to pick up information outside

of Visual or Auditory does not means it's the fastest. It just means

it's getting different information.


> RV/RIing are ways to make intuitions conscious I am saying that


> strategy wise (VAK), not only end with a K but they start with a K

also as

> is the case with RV/RIing.


You may be right, I don't have enough experience to tell for certain

yet. Just because it RV/RI strategy starts with a K, does not mean

the K system is the fastest.




> Some of the drills I have given you may have already been doing

and I told

> you it is all about where you place your attention.


So now the question becomes, where are you placing your attention?





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