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Kinesthetics and the present...

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Michael and ALL,

Although Eckhart Tolle understands much about enlightenment and the power

of now. I prefer someone who understands much about enlightenment and is

extremely well versed in the model that understands VAK and therefore can

talk directly from that model, where Tolle barely touches the


According to Stocking in " Thinking Clearly " page 89


People in the United States pay the least conscious attention to their

kinesthetic file. To our conscious focus, the kinesthetic file appears to

be the slowest of the three files when in fact, it is the fastest: it

coordinates all the movements and sensations in our bodies faster than we

can possible focus consciousness on them. Consciousness is equipped to

dwell on past events and ponder about the future, but it is less than

adequate for maintaining its focus on the present.

The present only takes place now and when you are comparing now to then

you are not present. The appearance of slow processing of physical

sensations is a limitation of consciousness rather than a limitation of

the kinesthetic file.

The kinesthetic file is so fast that it can feel, taste and smell

everything in the present. Comparatively, the visual and auditory files

are slow since they must access past representations in order to operate

Our system of language would not exist if people did not remember the

meaning of its symbols and words. Our system for tasting, smelling and

feeling functions when we are in the present experiencing them. You only

need to be present to taste a banana; you need to dip into your stored

auditory file to remember the label or name, banana. (You must dip into

your Visual file to recall a picture of a banana.) The kinesthetic file

is one of creation. It creates without reference to the past or the


I recommend practicing getting in touch with your kinesthetic file. The

feeling file is the key to living in the present. It is the only one of

the three files that is always, or in fact ever, in the present. It is no

accident that your eyes and ears are small antennas for picking up data

from the outside world. Your kinesthetic file uses the entire network of

your nervous system and your whole body as an antenna to soak in physical

sensations, smells and taste. It is the most important file, yet it is

the one most neglected by consciousness.

Your visual and auditory files are based on future expectations and past

history, and for them, what we call present is either future or past.

While the Kinesthetic file may have stored habitual behaviors, it does

not contain stored physical sensations. Remembering what it feels like to

swim in a clear spring-fed lake is not the same as feeling the wetness

surrounding your body when you are actually swimming. Eating chocolate

ice cream is not the same as remembering eating chocolate ice cream.

Physical sensations can only be experienced in the present.


Utilize Everything,

Dr. Houston (Doc Results) Vetter

As Uncle Jerry told MY Grampa Vetter, " Thinking is the illusion that

illusion is not illusion while awareness is the perception of illusion as

nothing because awareness is now. "

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> Although Eckhart Tolle understands much about enlightenment and the


> of now. I prefer someone who understands much about enlightenment

and is

> extremely well versed in the model that understands VAK and

therefore can

> talk directly from that model, where Tolle barely touches the model.


> According to Stocking in " Thinking Clearly " page 89 -91


Thanks for the reference, I'll pick up the book and have a read...


Given that I have no idea what he is actually talking about here

(specifically with the word 'file') reading the excerpt, I get a

sense his reasoning is flawed, specifically this part:


> The kinesthetic file is so fast that it can feel, taste and smell

> everything in the present. Comparatively, the visual and auditory

files are

> slow since they must access past representations in order to



I require no language to hear a car horn. I need language to say

" that's a car horn. " I require no language to see a banana. I

require language to say " that's a banana. " I require no

language to feel sad. I require language to say " I'm sad. " And if

anything 'feeling sad', like most (if not all emotion) is so

intertwined with language it's difficult to untangle,

because how do you know sad is not happy? Probably because your

mother said so...


Have you read Bostic St Clair and Grinder's " Whispering in the wind " ?

It contains specific details on how your brain, senses and language

work (or not) together. In there are drills to clean these systems,

and separate your senses from language. How does Whispering

relate to 'Thinking Clearly'?





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  • 3 weeks later...
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In a message dated 5/23/05 3:32:32 AM, docresults writes:



While the Kinesthetic file may have stored habitual behaviors, it does not contain stored physical sensations.


Some random thoughts--

I think what you call Kinesthetic may be overlapping with Proprioception. People who

are kinesthetic dominant crave physical sensation, whether fighting, having sex,

exercising. Proprioception is, IMHO, the sense of that automatic yet detached

kinesthetic event that makes you land the perfect punch or hit the perfect tennis

shot by letting go....Sue




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Nice way to take one line out of context. I wasn't taking anywhere about

K dominant. I was talking about balance of all the basic programs of VAK.

I was not going meta to that. It is not an over lap in the context that

was being discussed.

What you seem to be calling proprioception is what is called being in the

zone in sports it is an external visual with kinesthetic


To your Best,

Dr. Houston Vetter


(I have some new free stuff on the site.)

At 04:47 PM 6/11/2005, you wrote:

In a message dated 5/23/05 3:32:32 AM, docresults writes:


While the Kinesthetic file may have stored habitual behaviors, it does not contain stored physical sensations.

Some random thoughts--

I think what you call Kinesthetic may be overlapping with Proprioception. People who

are kinesthetic dominant crave physical sensation, whether fighting, having sex,

exercising. Proprioception is, IMHO, the sense of that automatic yet detached

kinesthetic event that makes you land the perfect punch or hit the perfect tennis

shot by letting go....Sue






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Strictly speaking, proprioception is the function that allows us, through neurosensory feedback, to know where our body is in space. It is that ability, for example, which allows me to know that my arm is straight and stretched above my head without looking at it.



Saturday, June 11, 2005 11:47 PM

Re: Kinesthetics and the present...

In a message dated 5/23/05 3:32:32 AM, docresults writes:

While the Kinesthetic file may have stored habitual behaviors, it does not contain stored physical sensations.Some random thoughts--I think what you call Kinesthetic may be overlapping with Proprioception. People whoare kinesthetic dominant crave physical sensation, whether fighting, having sex,exercising. Proprioception is, IMHO, the sense of that automatic yet detachedkinesthetic event that makes you land the perfect punch or hit the perfect tennisshot by letting go....Suewww.coachdrgridley.com

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