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The Five Elements - varies widely depending on the source.

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Hi all,


I did a little further investigation. We just did another couple of

one of those five elements tests on some another sites and they came

out completely different than the first tests we took. I was evenly

distributed across all five elements on this latest one! The first test

I took on another site indicated that I am about evenly Water, Wood and

Fire, no Metal, no Earth.


There is also another five elements test out there that I found that

determines what element you are based on your birthdate, birth city

city latitude and time. The description of the elements are completely

different from the descriptions on the first two sites!


What tests or other indicators are you using to determine the element

personalities of people? They seem to vary so widely depending on where

you go.


Thanks if someone can shed some light. I looked in the archives and

found a link to a five element test, but is one of the same ones I just




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Hi Lori,


Donna talks about the elements in EM.


like yourself, if i take a test I seem to come out fairly evenly spread

across the elements.....


" darthon4 " <darthon4


Thursday, June 16, 2005 5:13 AM

The Five Elements - varies widely

depending on the source.



> Hi all,


> I did a little further investigation. We just did another couple of

> one of those five elements tests on some another sites and they came

> out completely different than the first tests we took. I was evenly

> distributed across all five elements on this latest one! The first test

> I took on another site indicated that I am about evenly Water, Wood and

> Fire, no Metal, no Earth.


> There is also another five elements test out there that I found that

> determines what element you are based on your birthdate, birth city

> city latitude and time. The description of the elements are completely

> different from the descriptions on the first two sites!


> What tests or other indicators are you using to determine the element

> personalities of people? They seem to vary so widely depending on where

> you go.


> Thanks if someone can shed some light. I looked in the archives and

> found a link to a five element test, but is one of the same ones I just

> took.


> Lori


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Hi Cris,


I did see that. It doesn't seem to help me very much as far as

figuring out where I personally fit. Instead I tried doing the

personality tests, a mistake I now see. At least I know am not

water. One down, four more to reanalyze.....







, " hunter.cris "

<hunter.cris@w...> wrote:

> Hi Lori,


> Donna talks about the elements in EM.


> like yourself, if i take a test I seem to come out fairly evenly


> across the elements.....


> Cris

> -

> " darthon4 " <darthon4>


> Thursday, June 16, 2005 5:13 AM

> The Five Elements -

varies widely

> depending on the source.



> > Hi all,

> >

> > I did a little further investigation. We just did another couple


> > one of those five elements tests on some another sites and they


> > out completely different than the first tests we took. I was


> > distributed across all five elements on this latest one! The

first test

> > I took on another site indicated that I am about evenly Water,

Wood and

> > Fire, no Metal, no Earth.

> >

> > There is also another five elements test out there that I found


> > determines what element you are based on your birthdate, birth


> > city latitude and time. The description of the elements are


> > different from the descriptions on the first two sites!

> >

> > What tests or other indicators are you using to determine the


> > personalities of people? They seem to vary so widely depending on


> > you go.

> >

> > Thanks if someone can shed some light. I looked in the archives


> > found a link to a five element test, but is one of the same ones

I just

> > took.

> >

> > Lori

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hi Lori,


A thought to add: In addition to having a dominant element or elements, we also cycle through the elements at least once in a lifetime, starting with Water and ending with Metal. For example, I don't have any Earth, but I am absolutely in an Earth cycle of my life (i.e. developing Earth energies) right now.



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Shari, Lori, all,


Post #1484 covers some of this... remember "elemental systems" are a form of a stereotype. They generalize down traits and can indeed be useful.


I believe that Doc uses them because people can start to recognize the types quickly... even though much more detail is available by using more modern techniques: Bio-Data Profile system? What do you think?


Elements -> Thought Forms -> Energy?

Does energy change and flow? Do moods change and flow?

Does balanced energy provide more options?


What if we considered yin and yang combined as one are level of distinction.

Could Fire-Metal-Earth-Wood-Water be a second level of refined distinction?

If you did know of deeper levels of distinction could exist, where would you look?


Greg R.





On Behalf Of ShariThursday, June 16, 2005 4:31 PM Subject: Re: The Five Elements - varies widely depending on the source.


Hi Lori,


A thought to add: In addition to having a dominant element or elements, we also cycle through the elements at least once in a lifetime, starting with Water and ending with Metal. For example, I don't have any Earth, but I am absolutely in an Earth cycle of my life (i.e. developing Earth energies) right now.



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Greg, Shari, Lori and ALL,

Also consider Elements as Meta-filters way, way up the stream of

consciousness before many of the meat-programs that are context


As far as I can tell Elements (the predominate one) only change when we

move in or out a ring from the core of who we really are. (We can use any

element on any ring but unless we become flexible in the different

elements we will usually stay with a particular one on a particular


To Your Best,

Dr. Houston Vetter




At 08:29 PM 6/16/2005, you wrote:

Shari, Lori, all,


Post #1484 covers some of this... remember " elemental systems " are a form of a stereotype. They generalize down traits and can indeed be useful.


I believe that Doc uses them because people can start to recognize the types quickly... even though much more detail is available by using more modern techniques: Bio-Data Profile system? What do you think?


Elements -> Thought Forms -> Energy?

Does energy change and flow? Do moods change and flow?

Does balanced energy provide more options?


What if we considered yin and yang combined as one are level of distinction.

Could Fire-Metal-Earth-Wood-Water be a second level of refined distinction?

If you did know of deeper levels of distinction could exist, where would you look?


Greg R.

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Hi Greg and Shari,


I like the whole idea of evaluating which elements are weak or strong

so we know where we need to change to find balance when and if we

want to. Even if it's only a temporary balance for when we want to do

or accomplish particular things.


That the elements can vary seasonally and at different times in one's

lifespan, makes sense since as we grow, we evolve (hopefully). I'm

definitely not the same person I was as a child, or a teen, or as an

adult, or 3 years ago....Thankfully!


After spending some time re-reading the EM descriptions of the

elements and Doc's explanations, I think I'm begining to see one of

the elements as predominant in me, and not the one that I would have

originally thought. I also see aspects of each of the others in me

but in much lesser amounts.


Greg, I think that deeper levels of distinction besides Yin/Yang and

the individual five elements, might be the Chakras? At certain

stages of our lifespan, certain chakras predominate, even at certain

times of the day or month. And energy checking determines that pretty

easily. What do you think? Or were you trying to bring forth an even

deeper response from me?





P.S. we tried the test in message 1484 yesterday and that was the one

that came out evenly balanced for me across the board whether I did

the test or my husband did the test on me. I thought that was

interesting.....at least we were consistent in our evaluations!



, " Greg Radke "

<gdradke@n...> wrote:

> Shari, Lori, all,


> Post #1484 covers some of this... remember " elemental systems " are

a form of a

> stereotype. They generalize down traits and can indeed be useful.


> I believe that Doc uses them because people can start to recognize

the types

> quickly... even though much more detail is available by using more


> techniques: Bio-Data Profile system? What do you think?


> Elements -> Thought Forms -> Energy?

> Does energy change and flow? Do moods change and flow?

> Does balanced energy provide more options?


> What if we considered yin and yang combined as one are level of


> Could Fire-Metal-Earth-Wood-Water be a second level of refined


> If you did know of deeper levels of distinction could exist, where

would you

> look?


> Greg R.




> _____



> On Behalf

Of Shari

> Thursday, June 16, 2005 4:31 PM


> Re: The Five Elements -

varies widely

> depending on the source.



> Hi Lori,


> A thought to add: In addition to having a dominant element or

elements, we

> also cycle through the elements at least once in a lifetime,

starting with Water

> and ending with Metal. For example, I don't have any Earth, but I

am absolutely

> in an Earth cycle of my life (i.e. developing Earth energies) right



> Shari





> _____



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Hi Greg, all


Thanks for the great links...I've started checking them out.


Now who would have thought (not me obviously) there's so much to the

elements...it's a whole field of study in itself...not just quiz

answers or poetry...so much to learn...




, " Greg Radke "

<gdradke@n...> wrote:

> Lori, all...


> I'm not an expert on Donna's interpretation -- she is! Of course


> creates a specific interpretation of the basic concepts. Since you

like the

> poetry of the Elements, great! Keep the energy flowing with the

verse and enjoy

> the ride.


> As far as the diagram(s)... I'm sure there are better ones... he's

a few from

> Google...



> http://www.friesian.com/elements.htm


> http://www.kheper.net/topics/cosmology/elements.html


> http://www.grasshoppingtime.com/gateway/fiveelements.html


> http://www.andrew-may.com/zendynamics/elements.htm


> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_element



> I have not reviewed for content... so some of the ideas may or may

not be

> valid...for you... this time around... the diagrams and content of

many seemed

> interesting to me... I'm sure a few of you may enjoy them... Then

judge them for

> yourself, if you find them useful.


> Greg R.



> ---attached original messages --



> Hi Greg, Lori. Doc Results and All,




> Yes, my understanding is that your predominant Element almost

never changes.

> You can, however have a " repressed Element " that has not been

developed and

> could find that IT is your dominant Element (or 2nd or 3rd





> Yes, the Elements are about programs/tools. And, yes, I agree

they are a

> simpler way/shorthand to look at people than a more " up-to-date "

system. I love

> the poetry of them---another (lovely) way/system for appreciating

the nature of

> people. They help me to see depth in people. If, for example, a

person has 2 or

> 3 primary rhythms (or 4 or 5) that speaks to a complexity of


> behind/with the dominant Element(s).




> Also quite useful for health strengths/weaknesses, etc, (as has

been stated

> before).




> As for taking the Elements Quiz, I think they are more accurate

if you only

> check off the answers that apply strongly looking back at your

whole life, not

> just who you are today.




> Greg, I am not clear what you are asking in your questions.

Donna has said

> that the Elements are not really a system, per se, but are " an

energy that runs

> through all of them " . Your question of on " a deeper level of

distinction "

> doesn't bring up anything for me, if I use her description...but am


> in further thoughts. I like the picture of the Ring Core.




> Shari



> Original Message -----

> docresults


> Thursday, June 16, 2005 9:40 PM

> RE: The Five Elements -

varies widely

> depending on the source.



> Greg, Shari, Lori and ALL,


> Also consider Elements as Meta-filters way, way up the stream of


> before many of the meat-programs that are context dependent.


> As far as I can tell Elements (the predominate one) only change

when we move in

> or out a ring from the core of who we really are. (We can use any

element on any

> ring but unless we become flexible in the different elements we

will usually

> stay with a particular one on a particular ring.)


> To Your Best,

> Dr. Houston Vetter

> http://www.achieve-your-potential.com



> At 08:29 PM 6/16/2005, you wrote:


> Shari, Lori, all,


> Post #1484 covers some of this... remember " elemental systems " are

a form of a

> stereotype. They generalize down traits and can indeed be useful.


> I believe that Doc uses them because people can start to recognize

the types

> quickly... even though much more detail is available by using more


> techniques: Bio-Data Profile system? What do you think?


> Elements -> Thought Forms -> Energy?

> Does energy change and flow? Do moods change and flow?

> Does balanced energy provide more options?


> What if we considered yin and yang combined as one are level of


> Could Fire-Metal-Earth-Wood-Water be a second level of refined


> If you did know of deeper levels of distinction could exist, where

would you

> look?


> Greg R.

> Hi Greg, Lori. Doc Results and All,




> Yes, my understanding is that your predominant Element almost

never changes.

> You can, however have a " repressed Element " that has not been

developed and

> could find that IT is your dominant Element (or 2nd or 3rd





> Yes, the Elements are about programs/tools. And, yes, I agree

they are a

> simpler way/shorthand to look at people than a more " up-to-date "

system. I love

> the poetry of them---another (lovely) way/system for appreciating

the nature of

> people. They help me to see depth in people. If, for example, a

person has 2 or

> 3 primary rhythms (or 4 or 5) that speaks to a complexity of


> behind/with the dominant Element(s).




> Also quite useful for health strengths/weaknesses, etc, (as has

been stated

> before).




> As for taking the Elements Quiz, I think they are more accurate

if you only

> check off the answers that apply strongly looking back at your

whole life, not

> just who you are today.




> Greg, I am not clear what you are asking in your questions.

Donna has said

> that the Elements are not really a system, per se, but are " an

energy that runs

> through all of them " . Your question of on " a deeper level of

distinction "

> doesn't bring up anything for me, if I use her description...but am


> in further thoughts. I like the picture of the Ring Core.




> Shari


> Original Message -----

> docresults


> Thursday, June 16, 2005 9:40 PM

> RE: The Five Elements -

varies widely

> depending on the source.



> Greg, Shari, Lori and ALL,


> Also consider Elements as Meta-filters way, way up the stream of


> before many of the meat-programs that are context dependent.


> As far as I can tell Elements (the predominate one) only change

when we move in

> or out a ring from the core of who we really are. (We can use any

element on any

> ring but unless we become flexible in the different elements we

will usually

> stay with a particular one on a particular ring.)


> To Your Best,

> Dr. Houston Vetter

> http://www.achieve-your-potential.com



> At 08:29 PM 6/16/2005, you wrote:


> Shari, Lori, all,


> Post #1484 covers some of this... remember " elemental systems " are

a form of a

> stereotype. They generalize down traits and can indeed be useful.


> I believe that Doc uses them because people can start to recognize

the types

> quickly... even though much more detail is available by using more


> techniques: Bio-Data Profile system? What do you think?


> Elements -> Thought Forms -> Energy?

> Does energy change and flow? Do moods change and flow?

> Does balanced energy provide more options?


> What if we considered yin and yang combined as one are level of


> Could Fire-Metal-Earth-Wood-Water be a second level of refined


> If you did know of deeper levels of distinction could exist, where

would you

> look?


> Greg R.

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