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INTENDables and ALL

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, robin ward

<raggypants> wrote:

> I walked--or floated--down the deck, into the back yard, and

looked up as I fell to my knees and I said out loud, " Thank you,

God. Thank you. "



Nice post.;-)


How many got what was really said?


And, how many do this drill DAILY just before retiring?


It only takes 3 minutes and is very worthwhile for many things.


What are some of those many things?




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Yes, at cause. AND... Attractor fields... And... We are ALL connected with

each other.


How did the bird know a person's desires? How did the bird communicate with a

person? Or did Higher Intelligence Communicate with the bird and then with the

Robin? Either way, the bird gave eye contact and was in the correct place. The

bird understood. The bird was either able to communicate directly with human

thoughts and emotions or Higher Intelligence. Or maybe we're all connected

anyways, and at our deeper soul level, things like " language " are not necessary

for communication, although language does enhance communication.


But that couldn't be...


Flannagan worked with the Navy to communicate with dolphins. That's not really

documented, scientific fact, though. Probably just anectdotal evidence I pulled

out of my ass. At least I don't have imaginary people giving me my anecdotes.



(That's NOT about you or your post, and I just could not resist... LOL)


At the subjective (soul) level we are all connected and are in communication

with each other all the time. Check out Hudson's books sometime. Real good

stuff. Start with Law Of Psychic Phenomena before you move on to The Divine

Pedigree of Man. I think he's got 3 books. It's taken me over 3 years to

digest a small part of LOPP. His books were way ahead of the people of his



Anyways, it was / is a real neat post, as is your reply. It almost gave me

goosebumps. :-)






truthseeker10012000 <truthseeker10012000

Nov 2, 2005 11:07 AM


Re: INTENDables and ALL



essentialskills , " docspeed2001 " <docspeed2001>



> , robin ward

> <raggypants> wrote:

> > I walked--or floated--down the deck, into the back yard, and

> looked up as I fell to my knees and I said out loud, " Thank you,

> God. Thank you. "

> >


> Nice post.;-)


> How many got what was really said?


Not me.


My initial " read " on this post before you brought my attention to it,

was this was some airy/fairy feel good bla bla post.


Now that I really read the post with the INTENT of " What can this

teach me? " I suddenly see how to live life pro-actively. At cause.


How to segment intend what you want day by day. How to set up

attractor fields for the things you want, everywhere.


> And, how many do this drill DAILY just before retiring?


I was doing the exact opposite of this drill focusing on what I could

have done better in my day.


> It only takes 3 minutes and is very worthwhile for many things.


> What are some of those many things?


Setting up attractor fields for the things you want more of in your



Energy accumulation.


Setting up a more effective sleep cycle. So you actually need less




and thank you, Doc for another lesson on " How to be your own Kahuna "



Darren J. McLeod












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> Hi >

> As for the 3 minute drill- I don't think I know it, but I venture

that it is

> to review your day, and notice how it went, what intentions were


> and be thankful for them.



That's " Heaven Rushing In " .



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, " coudertpy "

<coudertpy@c...> wrote:




> > Hi >

> > As for the 3 minute drill- I don't think I know it, but I


> that it is

> > to review your day, and notice how it went, what intentions were

> achieved,

> > and be thankful for them.

> >


> That's " Heaven Rushing In " .

> Pierre


Lo Siento Pierre,


You are NOT even in the same continent.


So, " if " you did know the difference, what would it, (they) be?



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> Lo Siento Pierre,


> You are NOT even in the same continent.


> So, " if " you did know the difference, what would it, (they) be?





Maybe I'm mistaken and just don't know the drill you're refering to.


I know you're asking for differences, but bear with me, I'll point to

similarities first to help myself clear up my thinking,


Here are my thoughts on the two drills, assuming you're hinting at the

blessing drill:


Both Heaven Rushing In and the " other drill " use the 45° eye position

to access alpha right away,


Both of them ground you first and have you expand while spiraling down

heavenly energy ( " Reach towards Heaven as Heaven reaches to you " EM p.



Both of them have you assume the prayer position first as a way to

balance both sides (sort of like when you hold the " cathedral hand

position " after the Wayne Cook) and open your heart center,


Thus, both of them have you balance vertical and horizontal forces

(funny how that looks like a cross...)


So, the main difference would be that HRI has you basking in that

heavenly energy ( " It connects me with the spiritual realm " dixit

Donna Eden), while the blessing drill has you:

a/connect to beautiful things (I'm using post #3763 by Sandy)to

set up attractor fields

b/connect to your time line by reviewing your day, lingering on

those graet moments and setting those same attractor fields (one way

of seeing that would be that you're training your unihipili in

the " pleasure principle " " This is want I do want (towards strategy) "

and we know that you have to access your unihipili first if you want

your aumakua to get a message (see: William Glover))


OK, am I sailing any closer to America? ;-)



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, " coudertpy "

<coudertpy@c...> wrote:


> > Lo Siento Pierre,


> > You are NOT even in the same continent.


> > So, " if " you did know the difference, what would it, (they) be?


> >


> Maybe I'm mistaken and just don't know the drill you're refering



Yes, that is correct.


> I know you're asking for differences, but bear with me, I'll point

to similarities first to help myself clear up my thinking,


> Here are my thoughts on the two drills, assuming you're hinting at

the blessing drill:


Nope. NOT the " blessing " drill.


The good news is, it does have a bit of " blessings " in it, though

from a different perspective.



> Both Heaven Rushing In and the " other drill " use the 45° eye

position to access alpha right away,


Actually 15-20 degrees is enough.


And the drill I'm talking about uses self-aware Theta.



> So, the main difference would be that HRI has you basking in that

> heavenly energy ( " It connects me with the spiritual realm " dixit

> Donna Eden), while the blessing drill has you:

> a/connect to beautiful things (I'm using post #3763 by Sandy)


> set up attractor fields

b/connect to your time line by reviewing your day, lingering on

> those graet moments and setting those same attractor fields (one


> of seeing that would be that you're training your unihipili in

> the " pleasure principle " " This is want I do want (towards

strategy) "

> and we know that you have to access your unihipili first if you


> your aumakua to get a message (see: William Glover))


> OK, am I sailing any closer to America? ;-)


Nice thinking...


I do admire that.


But those are different drills.


I'll talk more about the 3 minute drill later.



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