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Factiods, Energy Psych, Energy Medicine and Greed

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--- , " Dave Foris " <daveforis@h...> wrote:


> But EFT has NOTHING to do with energy.


Hi David,


I am not Sam, but may I answer this post and be honest and very to

the point with you? I will do it very respectfully.


You actually have virtually no proof for the above statement, " EFT

has NOTHING to do with energy " . I'm sorry and I realize that you

believe you do have evidence.


In fact, there is much evidence that EFT, TFT, BSFF, Touch and

Breath and the other energy therapies do have much to do with the

the different forms of energy, and meridians are one of those



Your above quote is nothing more than a factoid.


A factoid according to research scientists Anthony Pratkanis and

Elliot Aronson are nothing more than an assertion of fact that is

not backed up by evidence, usually because the fact is false or

because evidence in support of the assertion cannot be obtained.


Here. Let me give you some evidence about meridians and about EFT.


Meridians have been verified scientifically for many years. For

evidence of this go to the lastest works and research of Richard

Gerber, M.D.


The fact, supported by scientific evidence and documentation that

EFT affects brainwave patterns of accident victims is covered by Dr.

Paul G. Swingle and Lee Pulos.


The results? The test showed complete absence of PTSD and

normalization in the sensory motor cortex, the right frontal cortex

and the occipital region of the brain following EFT treatment.


More facts.


Joyce Carbonell and Charles R. Figley compared four treatments thate

were in use for PTSD: TFT, EMDR (Eye Movement Desenifization and

Reprocessing), " traumatic incident reduction, "

and " visual/kinesthetic dissociation " (a form of NLP). Of all the

methods, all done by experts in the field, TFT (Roger Callahan's

Thought Field Therapy) was the most efficient of the methods,

requiring only an hour of treatment, and it worked on fragile

clients that the EMDR team refused to treat.


This procedure, and the evidence for this procedure is well

discussed in John G. Hartung and Michael D. Galvin's work.


Some more facts.


Stimulating specific points on the skin on the foot not only changed

brain activity; it also deactivated areas of the brain that are

involved with the experiences of fear and pain.

(Human Brain Mapping 9, no. 1 (2000);13-25.)


Simulating certain acupuncture points also causes the secretion of

serotonin, a neurotransmitter that, if not present in sufficient

amounts, is associated with depression, anxiety and addictions.

(Human Brain Mapping 9, no. 1 (2000);13-25.)


> That's the point, Sam. It's just a form of hypnosis with anchor



Well I agree with you David that EFT (and the other energy

therapies) can be construed as a form of " energy anchors " therapy,

but not in the sense given.


Blockages in the energy fields can be construed as being caused by

something, and that something leaves an imprint on the energy field

that does cause a behavior shift (emotional mental disorder), or a

physical problem.


And I also agree that anytime the old anchor is perceived

subconsciously by the hypothalamus, then the triple warmer meridian

kicks in and gives you the energy response that it thinks is best.


Why so?


Because put very simply the Triple Warmer meridians primary job is

to network all the other body energies of the immune system to

attack an invader and it mobilizes the body's energies in an

emergency for the fight-or-flight-or-freeze response.


I also have read the posts on this list and I do know that the above

definition of anchors is very different than is proposed here.


As far as hypnosis goes?


Yes, hypnosis is one of the routes that can be taken to smooth down

the primative brain/the hypothalamus, and to relieve the triple

warmer meridian so the body is not stressed, so therefore the immune

system can be easily turned back on.


So, doing a 20 minute relaxation drill, where the client does

progressive relaxation, and then mental relaxtion, and then is

taught a self-anchor to achieve that state again at will, is a very

powerful and useful tool.


But is it not the tool of Energy Psychology, though many very

competant professionals of EFT, NLP, Psychology, etc, use them in



Let's talk about amputees a bit and phantom limb pain.


Relaxation under hypnosis and a post-hypnotic command will relieve

that pain in about 45% of the cases.


Energy Psychology, done by someone competant, will relieve that pain

in about 90% of the cases. Check out the above resources for the

evidence on this and much more.


Let's talk about energy medicine since it is heavily intertwined

with energy psychology.


Someone that knows energy medicine will test for blockages on the

meridians...and if the blockage is somewhere on the body, they will

then go to the acupuncture sedating points for that meridian, and

the pain will disappear.


No hypnosis. No EFT. No anchoring.


Now here's the really weird part.


If the acupunture sedating points are on the part of the person that

has been amputated, if the therapist goes to where that point would

be " if " the leg was not gone, and hold those same exact points, the

pain will also disappear.


No hypnosis. No EFT. No anchoring.


The fact (demonstrated time and time again in clinical situations)

that the same energy treatment that would reduce pain in an injured

limb reduces pain in a phantom limb suggests that the meridians

remain active even if the physical structure is no longer there.


>It may work, but,

> AGAIN, the point is that EFT is NOT what it clams to be--a

> therepeutic method that works with the energetic meridians.


Again, David, you have virtually no evidence of this.


I know, you mentioned a few stories that people have told.


Let's clear some of those stories up, okay?


In 1999 the prestigious American Psychological Association (APA)

took the extraordinarily unusual step, a step bordering on

censorship, of prohibiting it's continuing-education providers from

granting psychologists credit for energy psychology courses.


And they took that approach because of the factoids spread by

therapists that wanted their clients to buy them that house on the

hill, with the Mercedes.


That time where they used to believe in the lies is long past.

They've been looking at the evidence for 6 years and they've

discovered that Energy psychology does work and it does work real



Now several Energy psychology courses are available as APA-approved

continuing education, and the organization has published a laudatory

assessment of Energy Psychology Interactive in its official on-line

book-review journal PsychCRITIQUES.



> are experiments out there where tapping with a pencil on a table

> while reciting the mantra has the same effect.


This is a factoid.


And, unfortunately if someone believes in a factoid, they will then

take little bits of evidence that seems to colaborate that factoid

as real evidence when there is really no connection.


In the courts of law, factiods are called hearsay and inadmissible

evidence. In the mass media, they are called libel, slander,

innuendo, and the reporting of currently circulating rumors, gossip

and hearsay as news.


Factoids are presented in such a manner that they become widely

treated as true.


For example in the late 70's, consumers boycotted Procter & Gamble's

products because of a rumor that the thirteen stars in the company's

logo were a tribute to the devil.


It was a rumor started by competitor's to hurt Procter & Gamble.



> were stimulated and thus it's still an energy-related phenomenon.

> I've studied a little accupressure. There are no major


> points on the fingerTIPS that are associated with fixing any

> problems.


Not so.


First of all the tip of both little fingers is the end of the Heart

meridian. That tip of the little finger can be used (massaged

deeply) to bring back someone from a heart attack.


Second, the tip of the middle finger is the end of the Pericardium

meridian, the protective sack surrounding the heart. Most pain in

and around the heart actually comes from this Pericardium. This pain

can be relieve in many cases by just massaging the tip of the middle



The end of the ring finger is the Flight or flight meridian, the

Triple Warmer. Just up from the joint of the finger to the hand is

TW 3 and TW 5. They can be tapped to relieve someone of fear,

ie, " the fear of taking an exam " , " the fear of giving a speech " .


In both of the above cases, the fear needs to be addressed as the

simple tapping is done. For the reduction to occur (in most cases)

you need to tapp about 10-15 times.


And, most energy psychologies do not tapp the finger tips any more.

They've discovered that using a 9 Gamute works well without the

additional time of the finger tips.


Just for a point of information, the reason the finger tips were

orginally tapped was because they didn't want their clients taking

off their shoes.


Now there is a wonderful drill done with the meridians ending on the

feet and the toes that is used as an energy balancer. Let me know if

you want the references on it, and the how-to's for it.


There is much more, but that's enough for now.


> All the major points are found elsewhere on the body. >If the

>fingertips had any effect, then millions of people who sit >around

>typing on their computers all day would be problem-free, >don't you

>agree? :)




Why not?


Because you are ignoring most of the premises that you started out



First premise. The problem aspect must be brought up before the

tapping is started.


Second premise. Stimulating specific electromagnetically sensitive

points on the skin while bringing up a psychological problem or goal

to mind can help a person overcome that problem or reach that goal

by changing the chemistry in the amygdala and other areas of the



This is enough. If you want to find out the facts about energy

psychology you now have some good references. If you want to ignore

them, that is also fine and good.



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