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Body Pendulum

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Hi. The way I remember it is that the third chakra will test for good feelings

/ bad feelings and good decisions / bad decisions. Third chakra (to me) seems

similar to a general indicator test where you test salted, buttered popcorn and

it tests weak or strong depending on whether or not you LIKE it, not whether or

not it is good for you.


The spleen test, of course, is THE test to use for whether or not something is

good for you, but Doc also taught us how to use the 2nd chakra test for that,

and the IMPORTANT thing there is that you have to have your segment intending

well formed, because, for example, you can test whether you like oranges or

apples with that chakra, and you can ALSO test whether or not this particular

orange is good for you or not.


Seems to me, also, (and if this isn't correct, then please let me know), that

the 3rd chakra has the PROGRAMMED likes / dislikes and beliefs (or brain farts!

LOL) in it, whereas the 2nd chakra has the " knowing " of all the experiences of

the soul, even if they are not in a format that the Conscious Mind would readily

understand except through training of the body pendulum, energy testing, etc.


So the third chakra would test what you were TRAINED to believe or trained

yourself to believe or your own personal preferences for X. The second chakra

would draw upon the " knowing " or " intuition " (and intuition does NOT occur

without experience. So-called " intuition " without memories and experiences

--whether we are aware of them or not -- is nothing more than " guessing " ) from

ALL of the soul's experiences, this lifetime, past lifetimes, and all other

lifes and their lifetimes connected with this life.


I " think " it has to be hooked up with the other chakras (esp. third eye) to get

the mental pictures and other ways of making sense of the information, but I'm

not sure. That's just how it feels to me. Sort of like what the eyes see does

not make sense until it is communicated to the brain (and then interpreted).


Anyhow, that's what I think / believe / intuit / feel. If it's not write and

let me know.








" Rev. James Vinson Wingo, DD " <kahunaviking

Nov 21, 2005 6:35 AM

Healing Energies

Body Pendulum




I learned it using the solar plexus and that's the way

I usually teach it.


You and Donna teach it using the 2nd Chakra and with

the feet together.


What is important about using the 2nd?


I've found the solar plexus to be more sensitive ...

but, then again, I'm the one who was lying on the

floor nauseated after Energy Testing " Formula 409. "











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Jim -


I was just thinking about this the other day - whether I believed

(programed-in) a specific food or fruit was good for me or if it really



And I was holding it to my 3rd chakra.


My intuition tells me you're correct. I always intuit an emotional

truth in my 2nd chakra.


Future 'knowing' is in the 6th.....



BTW - has anyone noticed GW Bush's energy lately. Radioactive 3rd





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