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Dreamtime update--Two Jasons

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Hi, Jason(s)!



The dream stuff has been either done while in meditation state (also

an alpha theta, I guess) which I usually do seated, or using the 3-2-1

before bedtime. I'm not sure I'd be very good at communicating if I

was sleeping, too. I guess that's where the three-screen movies come in.


What's interesting is that I feel like I've developed a bit of an

empathetic connection with the people I'm practicing on. I don't know

if the feelings that I'm getting are in any way for real, or just my

imagination, since I'm not in contact with the folks in question. It

does make me think that i should be doing this with some of the people

I'm really close to, though. You know, it seems a little like the

remote healing exercises. I haven't worked with those very much, yet.


Dream invasion? Sounds invasive. How are you proceeding.


(Jason R Wrote:)

> Interesting post. I am studying dream invasion/influence techniques

myself. You're attempting to communicate with them in dreamtime while

you are awake, is that correct?

> Are you using the Silva 3-2-1 method? Thanks for posting.


> Jason



Well, my feeling on all of this is that while I may be in control of

the elements of my life, I'm not in control of the things that other

people put out, unless I'm making a deliberate effort to.


So if I'm reaching out to another person, whether they're in the same

room or through my imagination, if I'm making actual contact with that

person, There's a limit to the amount of control I have over them &

the stuff in between.


If I go to the store to buy a lightbulb, I can't know that they'll

have it, even though I'm 100% sure when I leave my house. Similarly, I

cant have much control over the rain outside.


I know there are some folks who feel that it's all in my head, but I'm

not sure that feels right to me.


I mean, a lot of people feel that everything that happens to a person,

good or bad, is the result of their intention, but I think that's kind

of rationalizing against a fear of an uncertain world. In order for

things like manifestation to occur, I think you need am awful lot of

random happenings to provide enough material.


Of course, I'm quite open to revising my trance!

Got any suggestions?





(Jason B Wrote:)

>> The next night I put aside some time to put her up on my

>> mental screen and do a little ultra-virtual dialoging. I seemed to

>> get her there, but she was pretty unresponsive. The intersting thing

>> was that there seemed to be a 'thing.' It was glob that looked like

>> chewed gum, about the size & shape of a heirloom tomato, colored

>> with swirls of green & black, & floating over the left side of her

>> head (!).....Some odd dream, huh?



>You still think this " stuff " is outside of you. You bought into a

>reactionary Frame.


>Your reality reflects your hypnosis.

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, " Jason Rhone "

<rhone@g...> wrote:



> > It

> >does make me think that i should be doing this with some of the people

> >I'm really close to, though. You know, it seems a little like the

> >remote healing exercises. I haven't worked with those very much, yet.


> Working on people close to you might help. I wasn't doing to good with

> remote healing. But my son was having serious stomach pains. After I

> got off the phone with him, I went to level and connected immediately!

> I got rid of what was wrong and put him to sleep. It was amazing!


Yes Jason it absolutely does make sense. It just seemed that trying to

connect with folks far away geographically and temporaly would make

the experiment more objective. (Gak--didn't that sound dense! you

know what I mean, though).


I've had mixed results with things like that in the past, getting

calls from people I'd been intensely thinking about, so that seemed

like a good place to further experiment.


I'm also wondering how hard & long to concentrate with the various

RI/RV exercises. Should one got for 1/2 an hour or 5 minutes? Or more?

I'm thinking that it must take some time before a person becomes aware

that a message is coming their way. Does it just pass them by until

they catch it, or does it lodge in their mind until they notice it?

Does intensity & energy matter, and is the amount of time equal to the

amount of energy? Is it possible to pump too much into an exercise &

overshoot the target? There are retorical questions, of course. I

doubt if anyone has universal answers.


Here's something odd I can add to this thread--I was waiting to meet a

friend in a bookstore the other night, & a tiny book caught my

eye--Psychic Self Defense by Samantha Stevens. I gave it a quick skim

& found an interesting mention--she described someone sending images

into her dreams and said that the images were tinted brown & burned

looking. This isn't relating to anything current, but quite a while

back, I'd had some very odd dreams with images that seemed very real,

but misplaced (I remember feeling they were someone else's in my

dream), and they were, oddly, tinted brown & sepia. At the time I

rhought that reflected the other person's self-image. Anybody else

have any experience with this?



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> I've had mixed results with things like that in the past, getting

> calls from people I'd been intensely thinking about, so that seemed

> like a good place to further experiment.


" intensely thinking about " is not part of any Remote Influence drill

I know of that works...


When you go to the Clairvoyant level using one of the proven,

workable methods you place the person on your mental screen and bless

them, then end the blessing by telling them to give you a call...


....Or you can make a picture of yourself picking up the phone and

hearing their voice, charging it and sending it to the Aumakua...


....all Aumakua's are connected non-locally so there is no effort



....Or you step into their energy field and have the thought (as them)

that they should call YOU...


> I'm also wondering how hard & long to concentrate with the various

> RI/RV exercises. Should one got for 1/2 an hour or 5 minutes? Or



If you are doing the conditionings then the time is already decided.

Actively follow the conditioning instructions...


Once you've conditioned yourself, do the drill until it is done.


The value is in going to Level with an Intention, doing what it is

you what to do and then coming out and executing the plans or using

the information you gained.


> I'm thinking that it must take some time before a person becomes


> that a message is coming their way.


About 2-3 seconds...when properly trained and doing the drill

correctly. If not properly trained (or not doing the drill right),

all bets as to the validity and accuracy are off...


> a tiny book caught my

> eye--Psychic Self Defense by Samantha Stevens.


Do you know how to energy test a book? Doc La Tourrette teaches it on

several of his video tape sets.


-- Jason B.

Student of Doc La Tourrette,

Student of Silva,

Student of Neville,

Huna and Joy Circuits Trained,

Ultramind ESP Instructor,

NLP, NHR, Persuasion Engineer, etc, etc.

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Hi J,


OK, I am assuming you have the RV/RI CDs, you really need to make

sure that you have down the Centering drill. This is really the pure

gold drill, that make all the others really easy.


Have you learnt Hakalau yet? Practice it at beta, then try it at

level. Notice the BBBBiiigggg difference on the info you get.


Knowing how to calibrate is also very, very important. Can you tell

the difference between being at beta or alpha or theta? If you gone

down to level and something has put you back to beta, and you haven't

noticed, then your result will be.....


It seems like your TW is activated for whatever reason, this pings

you back to beta. If this happens more than once then I usually use

EFT to get rid of it.


Do you have David Feinstein's CD - very good resource, I think Jason

mentioned recently getting your PBS up to build beliefs etc. What

are your black boxes that are stopping you getting the information

you asked for?


Doing the energy drills (inc. radient ones) before hand, then

sedating TW, and then holding NVs until they are even is a great

habit to get into. Compare doing it this way, with just going to



Have you tried Revivifying past successes?


All of this is probably in the archives, if not then get Doc's

products, or go to a seminar (or all of the above :>).


Enjoy yourself.





, " stuydaze "

<stuydaze> wrote:


> , " Jason

Rhone "

> <rhone@g...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > > It

> > >does make me think that i should be doing this with some of the


> > >I'm really close to, though. You know, it seems a little like the

> > >remote healing exercises. I haven't worked with those very much,


> >

> > Working on people close to you might help. I wasn't doing to

good with

> > remote healing. But my son was having serious stomach pains.

After I

> > got off the phone with him, I went to level and connected


> > I got rid of what was wrong and put him to sleep. It was amazing!


> Yes Jason it absolutely does make sense. It just seemed that trying


> connect with folks far away geographically and temporaly would make

> the experiment more objective. (Gak--didn't that sound dense! you

> know what I mean, though).


> I've had mixed results with things like that in the past, getting

> calls from people I'd been intensely thinking about, so that seemed

> like a good place to further experiment.


> I'm also wondering how hard & long to concentrate with the various

> RI/RV exercises. Should one got for 1/2 an hour or 5 minutes? Or


> I'm thinking that it must take some time before a person becomes


> that a message is coming their way. Does it just pass them by until

> they catch it, or does it lodge in their mind until they notice it?

> Does intensity & energy matter, and is the amount of time equal to


> amount of energy? Is it possible to pump too much into an exercise &

> overshoot the target? There are retorical questions, of course. I

> doubt if anyone has universal answers.


> Here's something odd I can add to this thread--I was waiting to

meet a

> friend in a bookstore the other night, & a tiny book caught my

> eye--Psychic Self Defense by Samantha Stevens. I gave it a quick


> & found an interesting mention--she described someone sending images

> into her dreams and said that the images were tinted brown & burned

> looking. This isn't relating to anything current, but quite a while

> back, I'd had some very odd dreams with images that seemed very


> but misplaced (I remember feeling they were someone else's in my

> dream), and they were, oddly, tinted brown & sepia. At the time I

> rhought that reflected the other person's self-image. Anybody else

> have any experience with this?


> --J.


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Wow--quite some input! I'm going to digest it all, experiment a bit & get back

with more

details when I've tried it all out a bit more.


I guess I had to clarify some of my terminology and assumptions. Where I was


about intensity, I was reffering to holding the image or thought in mind with

intent. The

centering drills are coming along quite nicely, and I can hold equal " Intensity "

in beta or

alpha and almost as well in theta. When doing three scenes, for example, it

feels to me

that I ought to hold the scene until it forms a distinct, solid 'imprint',

otherwise it just feels

like a daydream. It feels like there's a certain point at which each scene

" clicks " . (While

we're at it, there's a brief mention of using the 3-scene to program someone

using the

Daydream method, but that seems to be quite different). That's why I was asking

how long

people generally commit.


As for the psychic self defense book, and it's description of having one's dream

invaded, I

was just surprised to read a description of something that I'd experienced &


but never thought much about, except that the brown/beige tinge was peculiar for


dream. I was wondering in anyone else ever expereinced similar. It might make an

interesting experiment. Who knows, maybe a new drill?


I'm also currently reading Hudson's book, and it really ties together with the

Silva material

quite nicely.



Jeff (BTW, not Jason!)





, " dstbod " <dstbod>



> Hi J,


> OK, I am assuming you have the RV/RI CDs, you really need to make

> sure that you have down the Centering drill. This is really the pure

> gold drill, that make all the others really easy.


> Have you learnt Hakalau yet? Practice it at beta, then try it at

> level. Notice the BBBBiiigggg difference on the info you get.


> Knowing how to calibrate is also very, very important. Can you tell

> the difference between being at beta or alpha or theta? If you gone

> down to level and something has put you back to beta, and you haven't

> noticed, then your result will be.....


> It seems like your TW is activated for whatever reason, this pings

> you back to beta. If this happens more than once then I usually use

> EFT to get rid of it.


> Do you have David Feinstein's CD - very good resource, I think Jason

> mentioned recently getting your PBS up to build beliefs etc. What

> are your black boxes that are stopping you getting the information

> you asked for?


> Doing the energy drills (inc. radient ones) before hand, then

> sedating TW, and then holding NVs until they are even is a great

> habit to get into. Compare doing it this way, with just going to

> level.


> Have you tried Revivifying past successes?


> All of this is probably in the archives, if not then get Doc's

> products, or go to a seminar (or all of the above :>).


> Enjoy yourself.


> Michael.



> , " stuydaze "

> <stuydaze> wrote:

> >

> > , " Jason

> Rhone "

> > <rhone@g...> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > > It

> > > >does make me think that i should be doing this with some of the

> people

> > > >I'm really close to, though. You know, it seems a little like the

> > > >remote healing exercises. I haven't worked with those very much,

> yet.

> > >

> > > Working on people close to you might help. I wasn't doing to

> good with

> > > remote healing. But my son was having serious stomach pains.

> After I

> > > got off the phone with him, I went to level and connected

> immediately!

> > > I got rid of what was wrong and put him to sleep. It was amazing!

> >

> > Yes Jason it absolutely does make sense. It just seemed that trying

> to

> > connect with folks far away geographically and temporaly would make

> > the experiment more objective. (Gak--didn't that sound dense! you

> > know what I mean, though).

> >

> > I've had mixed results with things like that in the past, getting

> > calls from people I'd been intensely thinking about, so that seemed

> > like a good place to further experiment.

> >

> > I'm also wondering how hard & long to concentrate with the various

> > RI/RV exercises. Should one got for 1/2 an hour or 5 minutes? Or

> more?

> > I'm thinking that it must take some time before a person becomes

> aware

> > that a message is coming their way. Does it just pass them by until

> > they catch it, or does it lodge in their mind until they notice it?

> > Does intensity & energy matter, and is the amount of time equal to

> the

> > amount of energy? Is it possible to pump too much into an exercise &

> > overshoot the target? There are retorical questions, of course. I

> > doubt if anyone has universal answers.

> >

> > Here's something odd I can add to this thread--I was waiting to

> meet a

> > friend in a bookstore the other night, & a tiny book caught my

> > eye--Psychic Self Defense by Samantha Stevens. I gave it a quick

> skim

> > & found an interesting mention--she described someone sending images

> > into her dreams and said that the images were tinted brown & burned

> > looking. This isn't relating to anything current, but quite a while

> > back, I'd had some very odd dreams with images that seemed very

> real,

> > but misplaced (I remember feeling they were someone else's in my

> > dream), and they were, oddly, tinted brown & sepia. At the time I

> > rhought that reflected the other person's self-image. Anybody else

> > have any experience with this?

> >

> > --J.

> >


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