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Hitler and morality

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Yes - and he and his buddies (The Thule Society, etc.) were into a lot

of stuff this group is into.




Hitler wanted to ultimately create the next stage of human evolution.


(and, don't most of us, as well??)


Was he a force for decay, only to create the new Superman??


Robin - did you see the Atlantic Monthly article a few years ago, about

Hitler's personal library. What remains of it is in the Library of

Congress Special Collections.


This world is so damn interesting :)






On Nov 17, 2005, at 10:32 PM, Robin wrote:


> Here I go a jumping in ...


> HitWhat is missing is ethics. Ethics is an internalized code of

> behavior. When an ethical person says thou shalt not kill, they

> become consciencious objectors to all killing. In Huna the ethic is

> do no harm, as it is with Wicca in if it harm none. Ethics guides

> the personal behavior of the subject while morals are always

> inflicted upon the other by the subject. Pat Robertson inflicts his

> moral view upon Dover Pennsylvania by stating his belief democratic

> behavior has somehow violated Goddes' trusts. If we adopt a

> perfected knowledge that we are all connected, that we are

> comnnected by Akua Aumakua, the only way remote viewing can truly

> exist, then there is no subject-other relationship, but a subject-

> subject relationship. Hilter and crew operated from a subject-other

> focus with they assuming to be above accountability, and granted

> their power by the malleable German people. Killing blacks in Africa

> has never presented a problem to European colonialists right up to

> the liberation, shall we say partial, of South Africa. Herbert

> Marcuse wrote well and in depth about the black on black violence

> that was growing from the results of colonial vacume. Had Hilter

> simply rounded up a few million blacks and gassed them there

> wouldn't have been much of a problem that way. Hitler and friends

> code of ethics was to make superior and privileged their desired

> German peoples. People with disabilities, Gays, Lesbians,

> Transgenders, imperfect Catholics, and Jews were not considered part

> of the perfected races and in Hegelian philosophy were okay to

> exterminate.


> From http://www.johndclare.net/Weimar7.htm :


> " Hitler was a brilliant speaker, and his eyes had a peculiar power

> over people. He was a good organiser and politician. He was a

> driven, unstable man, who believed that he had been called by God to

> become dictator of Germany and rule the world. This kept him going

> when other people might have given up. His self-belief persuaded

> people to believe in him. " //


> Consider that last line. " His self-belief, " his power of connection

> to his dreamt purpose.


> Also:

> " Hitler's financiers

> Many industrials bankrolled the Nazis, including allegedly:


> · Hjalmar Schacht, Head of the Reichsbank, organised fund-

> raising parties for Hitler.


> · Fritz von Thyssen, the German steel businessman


> · Alfred Krupp, the owner of Krupp steel firm


> · Emil Kirdorf, the coal businessman


> · IG Faben, the German chemicals firm, gave half the funds

> for the 1933 elections


> · The German car firms Skoda and Opel


> · Schroeder Bank – on Jan. 3, 1933, Reinhard Schroeder met

> Hitler and asked him to form a government.


> And many foreign firms including:


> · Henry Ford of Ford Motors. Hitler borrowed passages from

> Ford's book The International Jew to use in Mein Kampf and had a

> picture of Ford on the wall of his office.


> · Union Banking Corporation, New York (George Bush's great-

> grandfather was president of the Corporation)


> · WA Harriman and Co., the American shipping and railway

> company (George Bush's grandfather was vice-president)


> · Irenee du Pont, head of the American firm General Motors;

> he advocated the creation of a super-race by spinal injections to

> enhance children of `pure' blood. " (Ibid)


> For an interesting investigation you could search Eugenics. My

> parents got together because of social engineering by keeping

> exposures to a elitist group. They must have been on to something as

> I tested with a WAIS (IQ) of 150 while my elder child has a WAIS

> 160. Unfortunately for my elite seeking family, I also have a

> holographic existence and don't fit neatly into flat line, flat

> world disciplines. The socially sought after gifts come with some

> dramatic anti-social gifts as well ;-). Balance, afterall, and that

> we are all connected, are the keys.


> What Germany and Hitler proved is that competing groups of people

> interested in power over the other scenarios can unite and cause

> chaos on a grand and uncontrollable scale. It is then the ethics of

> a person which determine how that person will use their personal

> power in realtion to the other, or in harmony with subject-subject

> consciousness. There is always a moral basis for subject-other power

> use, such as the threat of International Jewery against the German

> People.


> In today's world it is thought to be morally correct to hold minimum

> wage around $5.50 and hour while Congresspeople get an annual raise

> of $30,000 a year. $5.50 X 40 hrs. X 52 weeks == $11,440. So a

> minimum wage earner would have to work 2.62 shifts to make what a

> Congressperson gets as a raise. Now that's moral values in action.

> Is it ethical?


> Balance always comes to the imbalanced.


> Robin Marie Ward


> " The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) also

> emphasized the concept of the Übermensch (superman) and began his

> final work, Der Antichrist (The Antichrist) (1895) with the

> line, " Let us see ourselves for what we are. We are Hyperboreans. We

> know well enough how we are living off that track. " Although

> Nietzsche never mentioned vril, yet in his posthumously published

> collection of aphorisms, Der Wille zur Macht (The Will to Power), he

> emphasized the role of an internal force for superhuman development.

> He wrote that " the herd, " meaning common persons, strives for

> security within itself through creating morality and rules, whereas

> the supermen have an internal vital force that drives them to go

> beyond the herd. That force necessitates and drives them to lie to

> the herd in order to remain independent and free from the " herd

> mentality. " " --

> http://www.berzinarchives.com/kalachakra/nazi_connection_shambhala_ti

> bet.html









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