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Huna, morals and real dumb people!

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Huna-Ohana , " tr_hunter " <tr_hunter>



> What is immoral? Allow me to help you out, sir.


Why are YOU helping me buckwheat?


Especially since YOU did NOT do the original post.


Especially since I don't need YOUR help.


Are you a fxxking know-it-all?


> Murdering someone just because they annoy you is immoral.


Don't be stupid.


In fact, " killing someone because they did annoy you USED TO BE done

very often in Hawaii by the royalty " .


And it was DONE WITH THE BLESSINGS of the rest of the royalty!


And it WAS DONE by the Kahuna, many many a time.


Read YOUR Hawaiian history, especially the books by David Malo, and

Julius Rodman.


And, if you want, buckwheat, I can give you historical evidence all

the way down the line!!!


Don't be pathetic!


> Stealing is immoral.


Depends on how you define the word, does it not, buckwheat?


Are you a Sociolist? Are you a communist? They have different

definitions for stealing. In fact if you earn money and DON'T share

it, then YOU are stealing.


Are you an Apache? For an Apache, and most other indian tribes, the

high point of a skilled warrior was his ability to steal and not get



A real test of manhood.


Remember Robin Hood and Sherwood forest?


Open up your brain a bit before engaging the mouth!


> Rape is immoral.


Which type of rape specifically?


Are you talking about sexual practices done differently than what

you profess to do?


Are you talking about the sexual sharing of the ancient Hawaiians,

up until the turn of this century?


Are you talking about the Mormons?


Who are you talking about all of all the thousands of different

sexual belief patterns, buckwheat?


Or are you talking about the missionary position, and if you are

over procreating little babies, then you must not do the act?


> Child molestation is immoral.


Depends on what YOU mean by the words you use. If you do NOT define

the words, they anyone listening can confuse what you say. Simple as



Child marriages used to be common.


Getto marriages are still common.


In the states a juvenile is a child until 18, or until he is

emancipated, which can happen at 16.


To molest, means to " annoy " , to interfere with, or meddle with so as

to trouble or harm, or with intent to trouble or harm.


So, buckwheat, what is YOUR limited definition?


Worst yet, why are YOU attempting to brainwash other with it,



> Telling falsehoods for personal gain is immoral.


So, telling falsehoods for the gain of others is okay?


So, telling falsehoods just for the Hell of it is okay?


SO, telling falsehoods, just to furthur the Church's position is



So, telling falsehoods, just to avoid shame is okay?


Blab, blab, blab.


Really? According to whom?


> Using Huna techniques to advance these acts is immoral.




All of them?


Or just the ones you don't understand?


Or just the ones you " believe " you understand?


Or, are you talking about the ones that I teach thousands of people

all over the world?


Or, are you setting up a code of ethics, even though Huna specially

states " something " else about sin?


Did you know that sex is real good for health?


Did you know that mas.....tion turns on the Radiant Circuit called

the Penetrating Flow, and you can actually help cure bad disease by

enhancing those energies?


Preach to me buckwheat. I really do need a good laugh.


, Ph.D. Psychology, Huna Minister, Huna

Kumu, NLP Master Trainer, UltraMind Remote Viewing ESP Co-developer,

Energy Psychology Trainer, Energy Medicine Trainer, Developer of

Kahuna Energy Disk, Developer of How-to-become YOUR OWN KAHUNA

seminars!blab, blab, blab...


> Huna-Ohana , " kahunamaker "


> wrote:


> > --- , " sgwil151 " <sgwil151> wrote:

> > > You shouldn't use Huna techniques for anything immoral.

> > > Stephanie


> > I get a BIG CHUCKLE everytime I read a statement like that!


> > " Immoral " What in Hell is that?


> > Good question.

> >

> > It's one person's OPINION!

> >

> > So, unless they give a definition of specific BEHAVIOR of what

> they

> > mean by " immoral " , we have no clue what they are talking about,


> > that they are feeling BAD about.

> >

> > And we DO NOT need to share in their beliefs.

> >

> >

> > Teaching the secrets of huna to immoral people is immoral and is

> > only done by immoral trainers who are immoral and should be


> >


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> Why are YOU helping me buckwheat? [lots snipped]


LMAO again today!


I find " morality " fraught with double-meanings, catch-22s, cultural

interpretations, unintended consequences...


How do you approach " morality " ? I know my approach, and I suspect I could

learn from yours.


Thank you,



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Stanford U Dept of Philosophy has very good, classic, definitions:




Here's everything on morality - under 'm' :



Ethics and morality tend to get confused...


Certainly is a complicated word :)



Helen Driscoll



On Nov 24, 2005, at 3:20 AM, Paddy Landau wrote:


> -

>> Why are YOU helping me buckwheat? [lots snipped]


> LMAO again today!


> I find " morality " fraught with double-meanings, catch-22s, cultural

> interpretations, unintended consequences...


> How do you approach " morality " ? I know my approach, and I suspect I

> could

> learn from yours.


> Thank you,


> Paddy






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> Ethics and morality tend to get confused...

> Certainly is a complicated word :)


Why should that be?




" Ethics " means different things to different people. So does " morality " .


But, when two people talk, often (not always) they assume that, in using

those words, they mean the same thing as each other.


Only, of course, they don't. But they don't realise that!


I've heard massive arguments between two people, and when I've asked them to

nail down their definitions, they've sheepishly realised they agreed all

along... They just used different words and thought they disagreed.


So, imagine how difficult it is to discuss ethics and morality when not only

do the words mean different things to different people...


But also, each person has a different OPINION of what is " right " and

" wrong " .


And that's not all that muddies the waters!



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Paddy and All,


Language, nominalizations and compulsions (oh I mean beliefs) are great

things to play with. As Browne pointed to in " How I Found Freedom In An

Unfree World " and the 1st Forgotten Fundamental of Life states " You are the

Meaning Maker " . That's what makes opinions rule. Just make sure it is your

opinion that rules you.


As My Grampa Vetter would say, " Give me ambiguity or give me something else. "


To Your Best,

Doc Houston

Where mental/emotional desire meets spiritual experience.


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> Language, nominalizations and compulsions (oh I mean beliefs)...

> Just make sure it is your opinion that rules you.


Indeed, Doc Houston, you speak wise words.


So does your Grampa Vetter!


I love your reframe on beliefs.





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