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stink of books

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, " Robin "

<raggypants> wrote:

> [i suspect this is your judgement, or did you question everyone?

> Sometimes a person finds what they are looking for when they go

> somewhere.


It is, indeed, my judgement. WRT to whether I questioned everyone, if

you mean everyone in the Silva group that I attended, no. Only about

half of the attendees; the ones that seemed to be willing to talk

about what they knew.


Compared to the people that I interacted with at Doc's seminar in

October, it seemed as though they were asleep.



> >

> > So even though I view myself as a dope


> [You just made sure your unihipili will keep you a " dope. "


I suspect this is your judgement of the meaning of my statement.



> As such I'm able to address the subjects from the

> > POV of personal experience rather than a knowedge that only bears

> > the " stink of books " .


> [ So ... if books arn't worthy of study, as I suspect " stink of

> books " is derogatory without any other qualifiers, why would I want

> to bother reading what you write here? What's the difference


> what you write here and what someone else get's published? Do you

> think there might be some validation in the process of selection


> publishing, sales to others, that might be lacking from a place


> this?


I can see how my reference to " stink of books " would be interpreted

as derogatory without any other qualifiers (sort of, I guess). When I

refer to the " stink of books " I'm talking about people who's whole

knowledge base is from books alone.


I started using the phrase when I was actively involved in teaching

martial arts and hand-to-hand combat. There were more than

enough " armchair warriors " whose knowledge was completely academic

with no practical basis. Didn't do them much good when it came to

having to actually do the job. The same sole reliance on books

(emphasis on " sole " ) in other fields of endeavor seems equally

unbalanced. And yep, that is my judgement. Your mileage may vary.


> [What's AIU? And if someone can't get anything of value online,


> makes you think your words are valuable enough to put here? Why

> should we attribute value to your written words, you are telling us

> they are worthless, aren't you writing that?





> > Confucious said that if you show a blind person one corner of a

> room,

> > they should be able to find the other three corners by



> [unless the rest of the room is round.


Gee, I hadn't thought of that. I'll see if I can find one in a book.



> > This stuff is WAY too much fun!!

> >

> > Happy Thanksgiving!

> >

> Robin Marie Ward, a magnificent, dynamic, beautiful human being


> sparkling intelligence.



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