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Panic Attacks

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Dear Scotty,


Depends on the "Cause"???


We'd need more data.






PS. Welcome to the group ;o)


Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D.505-772-5889Dr.IanShillington




herbal remedies

Saturday, June 08, 2002 11:09 AM

[herbal remedies] panic attacks

I was just wondering if anyone knew any good treatments for panic attacks?

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Kind of a paradox. There is no material treatment for panic attacks as

such. But, good nutrition is usually associated with having them go away.


I personally regard these as a spiritual problem. I have seen people

improve after good spiritual counseling, normally as delivered within the

context of an established religion such as Christianity, Buddhism, Islam,

Scientology, Mormonism, etc. Rarely have i seen improvements happen with

psychiatric or psychological services. This is also true when psychology is

combined with an established religion.


Interestingly enough, when panic attacks go away, a lot of times the person

doesn't notice for a long time. Then, there is a realization that it hasn't

happened in the past several months.


There is some music that i would recommend, which has helped at least in

some cases. First on the list is anything by Edward Elgar. Cyril Scott is

also good. Mendelssohn works well. The nice thing about these composers is

that their work is often available at very low prices in discount stores.


Some people have gotten good results with the music of Mantovani, or Bert

Kaempfert. Those are " Easy Listening " artists from the 1960's. Roger

Whittaker has worked for some, particularly those who have a sentimental

nature. I think several " New Age " pieces by Jim Oliver or Iasos would work.

And, once i person has made some progress, and the intensity of the attacks

is less, try Yanni or Vangelis for an inspirational tone. Then, there is

Gospel music. My favorite contemporary Gospel composer is Fred McGalliard,

at HighestPraise.com.


To get more specific than this, i would want to go private.


At 05:09 PM 6/8/02 -0000, you wrote:

>I was just wondering if anyone knew any good treatments for panic




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  • 1 year later...


One sort odd sounding tip for panic attacks is to literally run around. Go take

a flight or two of stairs. I think it sort of " winds " a person and re-sets the

breathing.I think it gives the body something to " do " . There is also some sort

of brain reconnection when moving the whole body, left and right side. Try it

and report back what happens. There is also something to that breathing in a

paper bag trick, it lets a panicked person re-breath some carbon dioxide, not

sure why that would be helpful anyone else know the reason for that?


Sometimes Time is a good one too, even the those mere seconds seem like

hours!Taking some time to breath and re center is good.


Barbara Striesand on the Oprah show spoke about her panic attacks and the

literal adrenaline rush and feeling like she was going to die. It can be a real

physical reaction to some sort of stimulus. Kind like a faucet being stuck wide

open. There are medications to help the slow down the reaction but I am sure

there are also many alt. things to try too.

Good Luck!


Patty M

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  • 1 year later...

Today I suffered a severe attack while I was riding on my company bus

to the employee parking lot.


I noticed that: Tracing side-ways figure 8s with my eyes gave my body

considerable sense a relief from this nervous dread.


And, that it worked much better for me this time than holding my

neurovasculars did.


And it worked better this time than tapping or holding the point on the

back of my hand between the 4th and 5th finger has in the past.



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  • 2 years later...

5-HTP is a precursor for serotonin. As I understand it, 5-HTP induces sleep, which reduces cortisol levels, which reduces stress


But you have to get to the root of the problem. Depression/anxiety/panic attacks can be a sign of low estrogen levels in women over 35/40. I'd highly recommend you find a doctor to do a saliva or blood test to determine your hormone levels. I'm talking about a doctor who will prescribe NATURAL, bioidentical hormones, NOT synthetic hormones. Progesterone will help you sleep, which will also help reduce cortisol.


After chemo put me into instant menopause, I had depression/panic/anxiety attacks. Natural estrogen has eliminated them.


You can go to the IACP website and search for a compounding pharmacy in your area. Compounding pharmacies make the bioidentical hormones. You can find one close to you and call them to find a doctor who prescribes bioidentical hormones. That's how I found my doctor.




I hope this helps. I know Life Extension makes some mood relief formulas: Adapton, L-theanine, Natural Stress Relief, SAMe, St. John's Wort, and Tryptopure L-Tryptophan and (Optimized) Tryptopure Plus.


Low thyroid levels can also cause depression, which is a frequent cause of panic and anxiety. There is also a huge mind/body/spirit connection to depression/anxiety/panic. That's why so many doctors recommend activities like yoga. Yoga is absolutely amazing. I find it unbelievably relaxing. Just find a local class and try it out once. I couldn't believe it the first time I went.


Hope this helps. Good luck!




In a message dated 10/16/2008 7:59:16 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, sheropesem writes:










Thanks Lara.

Like I said, this is a new thing for me. It feels like getting hit by a truck. I'm ready to try just about anything. Does anyone here know anything about 5-HTP?--- On Thu, 10/16/08, Lara Brown <larabrown (AT) care2 (DOT) com> wrote:

Lara Brown <larabrown (AT) care2 (DOT) com>Re: [RFSL] panic attacks Date: Thursday, October 16, 2008, 8:52 AM



Sorry that's happening to you. I don't have them. I would highly recommend Rescue Remedy from Bach Flower. It's in health food stores. It doesn't do any harm helps harmonize your emotions for the good. Don't have time to try to explain it all now but look it up online. Best,Lara<> >Robyn [sheropesem@ ]>10/16/2008 10:39:37 AM>>Re: [RFSL] panic attacks>>Does anyone here suffer from panic? I've only recently started >this...and its HORRIBLE. Went to the doc, of course he prescribed >Paxil and Xanex....and it made me CRAZY....literally. ....I started >blacking out and falling down...it was just as horrible as the >attacks. So I'm off the meds, but wondering if any of you could help. >Thanks....>Robyn :)>>> >Messages in this topic (1) Reply (via web post) | Start New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination. Dining, Movies, Events, News more. Try it out!

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You're a little young, but any time you start having symptoms like that, at ANY age, you need to get your hormones checked. especially if you have a family history of early menopause.


I also forgot to mention, you may want to start a food diary, in case it has anything to do with food allergies. You might be developing a sensitivity to caffeine or msg, artificial sweeteners, or any number of things.





In a message dated 10/16/2008 9:56:20 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, sheropesem writes:










Hi Cyndi.

Thanks for all the info. I've also started having what I think may be hot flashes? I'm 34. My mom started menopause at 32....I wonder I wonder?????? Have no idea. Just know that its no fun, and hard on my family. Anyhow, you are always very helpful...thanks again. Robyn--- On Thu, 10/16/08, cyndikrall (AT) aol (DOT) com <cyndikrall (AT) aol (DOT) com> wrote:

cyndikrall (AT) aol (DOT) com <cyndikrall (AT) aol (DOT) com>Re: [RFSL] panic attacks Date: Thursday, October 16, 2008, 10:32 AM




5-HTP is a precursor for serotonin. As I understand it, 5-HTP induces sleep, which reduces cortisol levels, which reduces stress


But you have to get to the root of the problem. Depression/anxiety/ panic attacks can be a sign of low estrogen levels in women over 35/40. I'd highly recommend you find a doctor to do a saliva or blood test to determine your hormone levels. I'm talking about a doctor who will prescribe NATURAL, bioidentical hormones, NOT synthetic hormones. Progesterone will help you sleep, which will also help reduce cortisol.


After chemo put me into instant menopause, I had depression/panic/ anxiety attacks. Natural estrogen has eliminated them.


You can go to the IACP website and search for a compounding pharmacy in your area. Compounding pharmacies make the bioidentical hormones. You can find one close to you and call them to find a doctor who prescribes bioidentical hormones. That's how I found my doctor.


http://www.iacprx. org/site/ PageServer? pagename= home_page


I hope this helps. I know Life Extension makes some mood relief formulas: Adapton, L-theanine, Natural Stress Relief, SAMe, St. John's Wort, and Tryptopure L-Tryptophan and (Optimized) Tryptopure Plus.


Low thyroid levels can also cause depression, which is a frequent cause of panic and anxiety. There is also a huge mind/body/spirit connection to depression/anxiety/ panic. That's why so many doctors recommend activities like yoga. Yoga is absolutely amazing. I find it unbelievably relaxing. Just find a local class and try it out once. I couldn't believe it the first time I went.


Hope this helps. Good luck!




In a message dated 10/16/2008 7:59:16 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, sheropesem writes:










Thanks Lara.

Like I said, this is a new thing for me. It feels like getting hit by a truck. I'm ready to try just about anything. Does anyone here know anything about 5-HTP?--- On Thu, 10/16/08, Lara Brown <larabrown (AT) care2 (DOT) com> wrote:

Lara Brown <larabrown (AT) care2 (DOT) com>Re: [RFSL] panic attacksThursday, October 16, 2008, 8:52 AM



Sorry that's happening to you. I don't have them. I would highly recommend Rescue Remedy from Bach Flower. It's in health food stores. It doesn't do any harm helps harmonize your emotions for the good. Don't have time to try to explain it all now but look it up online. Best,Lara<> >Robyn [sheropesem@ ]>10/16/2008 10:39:37 AM>>Re: [RFSL] panic attacks>>Does anyone here suffer from panic? I've only recently started >this...and its HORRIBLE. Went to the doc, of course he prescribed >Paxil and Xanex....and it made me CRAZY....literally. ....I started >blacking out and falling down...it was just as horrible as the >attacks. So I'm off the meds, but wondering if any of you could help. >Thanks....>Robyn :)>>> >Messages in this topic (1) Reply (via web post) | Start



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Sorry that's happening to you. I don't have them. I would highly recommend Rescue Remedy from Bach Flower. It's in health food stores. It doesn't do any harm helps harmonize your emotions for the good. Don't have time to try to explain it all now but look it up online.





>Robyn [sheropesem]

>10/16/2008 10:39:37 AM


>Re: [RFSL] panic attacks


>Does anyone here suffer from panic? I've only recently started

>this...and its HORRIBLE. Went to the doc, of course he prescribed

>Paxil and Xanex....and it made me CRAZY....literally.....I started

>blacking out and falling down...it was just as horrible as the

>attacks. So I'm off the meds, but wondering if any of you could help.


>Robyn :)




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Thanks Lara.

Like I said, this is a new thing for me. It feels like getting hit by a truck. I'm ready to try just about anything. Does anyone here know anything about 5-HTP?--- On Thu, 10/16/08, Lara Brown <larabrown wrote:

Lara Brown <larabrownRe: [RFSL] panic attacks Date: Thursday, October 16, 2008, 8:52 AM



Sorry that's happening to you. I don't have them. I would highly recommend Rescue Remedy from Bach Flower. It's in health food stores. It doesn't do any harm helps harmonize your emotions for the good. Don't have time to try to explain it all now but look it up online. Best,Lara<> >Robyn [sheropesem@ ]>10/16/2008 10:39:37 AM>>Re: [RFSL] panic attacks>>Does anyone here suffer from panic? I've only recently started >this...and its HORRIBLE. Went to the doc, of course he prescribed >Paxil and Xanex....and it made me CRAZY....literally. ....I started >blacking out and falling down...it was just as horrible as the >attacks. So I'm off the meds, but wondering if any of you could help. >Thanks....>Robyn :)>>> >Messages in this

topic (1) Reply (via web post) | Start a new topic >Messages | Files | Photos | Links | Database | Polls | Calendar >"Let food be your medicine" Hippocrates > >Change settings via the Web ( ID required) >Change settings via email: Switch delivery to Daily Digest | Switch format to>Traditional >Visit Your Group | Terms of Use | Un Recent Activity> 10New Members>Visit Your Group >Biz Resources>Y! Small Business>Articles, tools,>forms, and more.>Best of Y! Groups>Check out the best>of what >Groups has to offer.>>>=== message truncated === http://toolbar. Care2.com Make your computer carbon-neutral (free).http://www.Care2. com Green

Living, Human Rights and more - 8 million members!

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Hi Cyndi.

Thanks for all the info. I've also started having what I think may be hot flashes? I'm 34. My mom started menopause at 32....I wonder I wonder?????? Have no idea. Just know that its no fun, and hard on my family. Anyhow, you are always very helpful...thanks again. Robyn--- On Thu, 10/16/08, cyndikrall <cyndikrall wrote:

cyndikrall <cyndikrallRe: [RFSL] panic attacks Date: Thursday, October 16, 2008, 10:32 AM




5-HTP is a precursor for serotonin. As I understand it, 5-HTP induces sleep, which reduces cortisol levels, which reduces stress


But you have to get to the root of the problem. Depression/anxiety/ panic attacks can be a sign of low estrogen levels in women over 35/40. I'd highly recommend you find a doctor to do a saliva or blood test to determine your hormone levels. I'm talking about a doctor who will prescribe NATURAL, bioidentical hormones, NOT synthetic hormones. Progesterone will help you sleep, which will also help reduce cortisol.


After chemo put me into instant menopause, I had depression/panic/ anxiety attacks. Natural estrogen has eliminated them.


You can go to the IACP website and search for a compounding pharmacy in your area. Compounding pharmacies make the bioidentical hormones. You can find one close to you and call them to find a doctor who prescribes bioidentical hormones. That's how I found my doctor.


http://www.iacprx. org/site/ PageServer? pagename= home_page


I hope this helps. I know Life Extension makes some mood relief formulas: Adapton, L-theanine, Natural Stress Relief, SAMe, St. John's Wort, and Tryptopure L-Tryptophan and (Optimized) Tryptopure Plus.


Low thyroid levels can also cause depression, which is a frequent cause of panic and anxiety. There is also a huge mind/body/spirit connection to depression/anxiety/ panic. That's why so many doctors recommend activities like yoga. Yoga is absolutely amazing. I find it unbelievably relaxing. Just find a local class and try it out once. I couldn't believe it the first time I went.


Hope this helps. Good luck!




In a message dated 10/16/2008 7:59:16 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, sheropesem writes:










Thanks Lara.

Like I said, this is a new thing for me. It feels like getting hit by a truck. I'm ready to try just about anything. Does anyone here know anything about 5-HTP?--- On Thu, 10/16/08, Lara Brown <larabrown (AT) care2 (DOT) com> wrote:

Lara Brown <larabrown (AT) care2 (DOT) com>Re: [RFSL] panic attacksThursday, October 16, 2008, 8:52 AM



Sorry that's happening to you. I don't have them. I would highly recommend Rescue Remedy from Bach Flower. It's in health food stores. It doesn't do any harm helps harmonize your emotions for the good. Don't have time to try to explain it all now but look it up online. Best,Lara<> >Robyn [sheropesem@ ]>10/16/2008 10:39:37 AM>>Re: [RFSL] panic attacks>>Does anyone here suffer from panic? I've only recently started >this...and its HORRIBLE. Went to the doc, of course he prescribed >Paxil and Xanex....and it made me CRAZY....literally. ....I started >blacking out and falling down...it was just as horrible as the >attacks. So I'm off the meds, but wondering if any of you could help. >Thanks....>Robyn :)>>> >Messages in this

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Those could be from the stress though. I had that a while back but got straight again. I am now 36. Try progestrone the Natural kind. Gloria

--- On Thu, 10/16/08, Robyn Gladd <sheropesem wrote:

Robyn Gladd <sheropesemRe: [RFSL] panic attacks Date: Thursday, October 16, 2008, 12:56 PM








Hi Cyndi.

Thanks for all the info. I've also started having what I think may be hot flashes? I'm 34. My mom started menopause at 32....I wonder I wonder?????? Have no idea. Just know that its no fun, and hard on my family. Anyhow, you are always very helpful...thanks again. Robyn--- On Thu, 10/16/08, cyndikrall (AT) aol (DOT) com <cyndikrall (AT) aol (DOT) com> wrote:

cyndikrall (AT) aol (DOT) com <cyndikrall (AT) aol (DOT) com>Re: [RFSL] panic attacksThursday, October 16, 2008, 10:32 AM




5-HTP is a precursor for serotonin. As I understand it, 5-HTP induces sleep, which reduces cortisol levels, which reduces stress


But you have to get to the root of the problem. Depression/anxiety/ panic attacks can be a sign of low estrogen levels in women over 35/40. I'd highly recommend you find a doctor to do a saliva or blood test to determine your hormone levels. I'm talking about a doctor who will prescribe NATURAL, bioidentical hormones, NOT synthetic hormones. Progesterone will help you sleep, which will also help reduce cortisol.


After chemo put me into instant menopause, I had depression/panic/ anxiety attacks. Natural estrogen has eliminated them.


You can go to the IACP website and search for a compounding pharmacy in your area. Compounding pharmacies make the bioidentical hormones. You can find one close to you and call them to find a doctor who prescribes bioidentical hormones. That's how I found my doctor.


http://www.iacprx. org/site/ PageServer? pagename= home_page


I hope this helps. I know Life Extension makes some mood relief formulas: Adapton, L-theanine, Natural Stress Relief, SAMe, St. John's Wort, and Tryptopure L-Tryptophan and (Optimized) Tryptopure Plus.


Low thyroid levels can also cause depression, which is a frequent cause of panic and anxiety. There is also a huge mind/body/spirit connection to depression/anxiety/ panic. That's why so many doctors recommend activities like yoga. Yoga is absolutely amazing. I find it unbelievably relaxing. Just find a local class and try it out once. I couldn't believe it the first time I went.


Hope this helps. Good luck!




In a message dated 10/16/2008 7:59:16 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, sheropesem writes:










Thanks Lara.

Like I said, this is a new thing for me. It feels like getting hit by a truck. I'm ready to try just about anything. Does anyone here know anything about 5-HTP?--- On Thu, 10/16/08, Lara Brown <larabrown (AT) care2 (DOT) com> wrote:

Lara Brown <larabrown (AT) care2 (DOT) com>Re: [RFSL] panic attacksThursday, October 16, 2008, 8:52 AM



Sorry that's happening to you. I don't have them. I would highly recommend Rescue Remedy from Bach Flower. It's in health food stores. It doesn't do any harm helps harmonize your emotions for the good. Don't have time to try to explain it all now but look it up online. Best,Lara<> >Robyn [sheropesem@ ]>10/16/2008 10:39:37 AM>>Re: [RFSL] panic attacks>>Does anyone here suffer from panic? I've only recently started >this...and its HORRIBLE. Went to the doc, of course he prescribed >Paxil and Xanex....and it made me CRAZY....literally. ....I started >blacking out and falling down...it was just as horrible as the >attacks. So I'm off the meds, but wondering if any of you could help. >Thanks....>Robyn :)>>> >Messages in this

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Hi Robyn,

I used to suffer from these attacks...horrible....,at times I thought I would die...

A couple of things that helped me...

Look for some good books on the subject..ones that explain what is actually happening...once you understand that this is something physical and it WILL pass you will not make the condition worse by stressing about the feelings of panic...learn to ride it out...Talk calmly to yourself, do some deep breathing....


Secondly...a lot of the panicky feeling is caused by an outpouring of adrenalin...exercise is a good way to use this up....

[i once ran up and down the corridors of a large building so that I could be calm enough to attend a function...]


Thirdly...have a good look at your diet and eliminate or cut down the stimulants..ie..coffee, excessive red meat sugar etc....

I found herbal nervines such as Valerian and passion flower helped too....


Finally...have faith and confidence that you will overcome this...Find what the stressors are in your life and work on changing them if you can....

Good luck...



2008/10/17 Robyn <sheropesem






Does anyone here suffer from panic? I've only recently started this...and its HORRIBLE. Went to the doc, of course he prescribed Paxil and Xanex....and it made me CRAZY....literally.....I started blacking out and falling down...it was just as horrible as the

attacks. So I'm off the meds, but wondering if any of you could help. Thanks....Robyn :)

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