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Ringing In The Ears? Or Just The Sound Of The Toilet Flushing?

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WHO the fuck is that know it all????


God damn...


IF your WEAPON of choice is a .357, yes, you CAN shoot .38 specials in it BUT if

your goddamn weapon of choice is a .357 magnum, then ALWAYS practice with what

you plan to use to defend your life.


AND if you have some tactical " reason " to shoot .38 specials THEN you practice

under those conditions and know the difference.


And what the fuck is this crap about a handgun being harder on the ears than a

long gun? At what rate of fire? Comparing WHAT caliber to what other caliber?


A 9mm " carbine " (or semi-auto version of a submachine gun) will, of course, let

off less sound than a 9mm Glock, BUT it has nothing to do with closeness to the

auditory nerve. It has to do with barrel length and the amount of gas released

vs amount of gas burnt up. AND, there is NO explosion. You might argue that

the primer " explodes " but the powder BURNS -- it never explodes in a properly

working firearm. The exception would be (ILLEGAL!) projectiles with powder in

the hollow point that causes the bullet to explode after a set burn time.


As for " proximity to the auditory nerve " , a person has their cheek down close to

the receiver on a rifle. Obviously if they are dumb enough to stand near the

muzzle while someone else fires the weapon, they will hear a louder noise --

noise due not to the powder but to the SPEED of the bullet -- which is why they

can tell in the field what kind of weapon a person is firing -- the supersonic

sound of a 5.56 mm (.223 Remington) in an M16 is WAY different than the sound of

a slower projectile from an AK-47. Has to do with the speed of the bullet

moving through the air.


So this " raggedy pants " person is an expert on everything under the goddamn sun?

Including lyrics to songs that they DELIBERATELY distort, because they think

it's wrong for a song they CLAIM to like to say " money for nothin' and your

CHICKS for free... "


Who the fuck are they anyways? Grrr...








Nov 29, 2005 10:07 AM


Ka-Booms and ringing ears


Hello All,


Bill, lots of the gals know, too.


..357's are louder because there is more packed into a little tube

and the velocity is higher than a standard .44. And the slightly

smaller size makes a sound like a tighter string makes a higher

sound. I like the .45 Long Colt, which has no Ka, just the boom.

Warning! Use ear protectors, there's enough powder in a .22LR to

hurt your ears, especially over time, and handguns bring it closer

to your auditory nerve than does a long gun. Wheel guns will be more

aggravating than single shots, and when the breech opens on an

autoloader, you get a double crack-boom effect.


The loudest cartridge I've ever shot was the .375 H & H, which has

similar properties to a .357 in cramming as much power as can be

behind the lead. If you want better practice, make sure your .357

can shoot .38 Specials.


With a firearm or any explosion, not only is there a sound wave of

intensity, but there is a physical wave of concussion of air the ear

has to deal with. When hunting one needs the ear to hear. I've used

some little blue plugs with a valve which closes at the first

impulse of concussion or high decible. And also have waited, like in

deer hunting, until just before the shot when I have the gift in

view. Duck hunters should reach down and put on a good set of

earmuffs before unloading through the barrel, after hearing the

quarry arrive.


Use ear protection!


Some sounds are deceptively insidious. The ring of a circular saw

blade harms your ears just as much as a gun shot. Any frequency with

too many decibles will damage that section of your hearing, that

part of your auditory receptors. Honk, Honk, in traffic hurts

others, do no harm.


As for ringing in the ears ... the other night I heard a new

ringing, a whistle, and thought " What now? "


Then I found out.


With one of those new florescent bulbs on an adjustable slide

switch, the switch was whistling away; subtle, very high pitched,

and when I changed the bulb in the lamp to incandescent, it stopped.



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