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Results after Docs October-Seminar from a total Beginner

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Hi Group,


There are many posts about Docs October-seminar and its life

changing- and growing-effects. I want to introduce myself to the

groups with some of the things I recognized after this seminar.


I never attended one of Docs seminars before and was just about two

months in Vinces Huna-Ohana as Doc announced the seminar. And I got

this feeling, it´s necessary to attend.


Doc taught me the most important thing the evening before the

seminar started:

After a ten hour flight I hurried to go to Docs office to get my

RV/RI-Package. Soon after I arrived Doc came out of the training,

looked at me and said: " A yellow Aura! Man, you really have to do

some drills! "

Later on the way back to the Motel 6 I realised, what this one

sentence really means for my life: I have to take care for myself,

before I do anything else.

Without knowing me, Doc gave me one of the most important lessons

in/for my life.


Right before the seminar I wanted to sell my old car and buy a new

one. The new car was easily found, but the car dealer wouldn't give

me as much for my old one as I wanted. So I tried to sell the old

one on my own and got no response for about four weeks.

The week after the seminar I was, of curse with my old car, at a NLP-

Master Practitioner Training about 200 km (about 125 miles) away

from home. On the morning of the second day I got a phone call:

somebody absolutely wanted to buy my old car almost immediately, but

wanted to see it first.

Now, my first thought was: " Cool, they can come next week. "

But then I got the feeling that this was not right.

So I took a couple of deep breaths and got the advice: " Drive home

today evening! "

I did. I drove home and the next morning back to the training.

And it was the right decision: the car sold for 1.400 Euro (about

1.600 $) more than the car dealer had offered.


And during that weekend I did my best NLP-Stuff ever. It was like

something melted away. I was able to get into an unbelievable

unstoppable flow. I(t) was fantastic!


Last week I attended a NLP-Introduction-Evening-Seminar to " model "

the trainer and his concept (and it was for free). During a

calibration drill I saw the first time ever the changes in the

energy field of a person as he changed his state from good to bad

feeling. This is so great!


I also finally started to write some pages on my " little " book

project. But right now I stopped writing, because I found out, that

Harry Brownes " How I found Freedom... " isn´t available in German.

And this Christmas I want to give my family and friends some

opportunities to become free.


At the seminar I felt like in a caring family, so much help and

support, so much fun and excitement. I thank you all!

I´m looking forward to see you again in Medford.


Be well,

Christoph Herr

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