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Stupid presupposition, if I don't understand than it must be bad.

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---, bb_121@w... wrote:


> Ya'...thats the catch.


Bill, Why do you say, " thats the catch? "


Why are you badmouthing what you DON'T UNDERSTAND?


Why do you have such a leading NEGATIVE PRESUPPOSITION that " if you

don't understand, then it must be bad? "


Vince was talking about me () and MY



And, because I allow no one to get my DVD's of my seminars unless...


1. They ATTENDED the seminar...


2. Or they are an InnerCircle member...


3. Or, the COPYRIGHTED and TRADEMARKED information is at least 3-5

years old, do then I do release so of them to the general public...


4. and ALL OF MY PRODUCTS come with that " no resell " stipulation.

And everyone who gets them knows that!


Now, Bill, if there could be a GOOD REASON for that, what might it



>They know there is probably just a little info.


Why is your presupposition that there is not much much more

information than they can handle, instead?


Vince has MOST of my DVD's.


Vince has QUALIFIED for them by either...




2. Or by being an InnerCircle Memember, knowing the rules I have for

letting him have those DVD's, and LIVING UP TO HIS PROMISE!


Why do you consider that bad?


I've many copyrighted concepts that I've taught the Huna TRAINER's

community, and my own cliets.


Concepts that I'VE FORMULATED, things like...


1. Secrets of THE KAHUNA MIND...




3. Secrets of HAKALAU PRIME (way beyond what others have ever

figured out!)


4. Secrets of THE KAHUNA " ESP " MIND...


5. Secrets of THE KAHUNA WARRIOR...


6. And much, much more!


Did you know that we caught one Motherfxxker on ebay that had sold

over 2,500 SETS of just one of my copyrighted kahuna products. These

Motherfxxkers buy one copy, then make up thousands of them and sell

them. But NOT any more. Several years ago I initiated measures that

stop those cocksxxkers cold!


And I know where they live!



Member of Board of Directors, Huna Kumu, Huna Minister, producer

of " Kahuna Warrior Mind Suck " programs, producder " The Kahuna ESP

Mind " , producer of " Secrets of How-to-become Your Own Kahuna, co-

developer of The UltraMind Remote Viewing ESP, Remote Influence ESP

course with Nightengale-conant, blab, blab, blab!

Stupid presupposition... " if I don't understand " then it must be bad!

48 seconds


> there for someone who isn't a newbie (thats why they insist you not

> re-sell them).


> But I was just joking...I was pretty sure you were leading up to

> something else.

> Although my (instant) answer was correct...LOL.

> Bill

> --- bb_121@w... wrote:


> > --- Original Message --

> > > So how can 48 seconds of a " Kahuna Mind " Training

> > > video be worth more than $1000?

> >

> > Thats easy...you can sell the DVD's after learning

> > the little part that you needed!


> Not even close.


> But I did leave something out ...


> That would be illegal ... the DVD's are " NOT for

> Resale! " and you have to agree you will only watch

> them yourself or with your family to get them.


> --Vince


> Rev. James Vinson Wingo, DD

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At 12:52 AM 12/3/2005 +0000, you wrote:


come with that " no resell " stipulation.

And everyone who gets them knows that!

This is kinda funny...because I never noticed this stipulation. In

my case, I just wouldn't want to let go of any of your products (books,

tapes, etc.) for ANY price.

By the way, I still see someone selling at least one of your tape sets on

eBay from time to time.


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One of Aesop's Fable comes to mind...that one about " The Fox and the

Grapes " ....I think he had some even better ones to cover this...it's

been a long time since I've read them.





, " kahunamaker "

<kahunamaker> wrote:



> Why are you badmouthing what you DON'T UNDERSTAND?


> Why do you have such a leading NEGATIVE PRESUPPOSITION that " if you

> don't understand, then it must be bad? "


> Vince was talking about me () and MY



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