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[Huna-Ohana] 48 seconds

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Rev. James Vinson Wingo, DD wrote:


--- bb_121 wrote:


> --- Original Message --

> > So how can 48 seconds of a "Kahuna Mind" Training

> > video be worth more than $1000?


> Thats easy...you can sell the DVD's after learning

> the little part that you needed!


Not even close.


But I did leave something out ...


That would be illegal ... the DVD's are "NOT for

Resale!" and you have to agree you will only watch

them yourself or with your family to get them.




I don't know about anybody else, I do know that I don't care if they

are labeled "NOT for resale" or not. Nor do I care about the agreement

about attendees and family only watching them. I already adhered to

them anyway, before I was aware of them.


Reason why I don't care about the "NOT for

resale" label...


Every time I have gone over those seminars again, I have ALWAYS picked

up new things. Whether there was stuff I missed, stuff I forgot, or

stuff I did not notice before. And in all honesty, I know for a fact

that there are things that I can go back and get from them that I

haven't gotten around to doing yet... and I do know what some of those

things are... think 'layers'.


Sell them for a few bucks and possibly lose out on a lifetime of skill

and knowledge? Sure, that makes sense to me.


Reasons why I don't care about the restriction

on who may view them agreement...


The same reasons I had before I was informed of the policy.


I have a belief that many people don't deserve the information. They

aren't willing to do anymore than what they have to do in order to 'get

by'. Doing as little as possible in order to 'appear' as though the job

is done.


I really like when people do that. A lot.


Some people didn't like me as manager, and it was NEVER on a personal

level. Half ass is unacceptable to me when the job needs to be done.

That was the problem there. People who tell you everything is done,

pretend to do half, and maybe in reality do a quarter to a third of

it. I don't allow that when I am responsible for it, whether I am

doing the actual work or not. Maybe that's just me, metal and wood.


I also have a belief that many people won't do anything except watch

them, if they even do that much. One friend of mine borrowed a six

video set several years ago. They sat on TOP of his goddamn vcr for 3

months!!! The whole time I was thinking "What they hell is wrong with

this guy?!?" Forget that garbage.


First off, I paid for it. If you want it, go buy it for yourself.


Once I brought something down to a place that gives out free clothes,

shoes, refrigerators, stoves, etc. to people who don't have anything. I

still remember that one woman who was very angry and very vocal that

they didn't have her shoe size. WTF? There's a Payless shoe store down

the street, shoes for like $20.


My experience, people often don't appreciate nor value free. They sure

seem to believe they deserve it though.


Secondly, I think a few of the people I know are just plain dumb MF

anyway. They wouldn't know what to do with it if they had it, nor would

they understand it. Mostly because of a lack of effort. "Oh, that don't

work! I tried it once!" or "I don't like it", "doesn't make sense"

before they even do the damn thing.


Thirdly, most people aren't interested. They would rather do stuff the

way they have always done it or heard it, whether it is successful or

not (usually not as), so why bother?


And there's "I already do good enough' when they often have NO clue.


Or sometimes it's " X is better, because I heard somewhere that it

was." And that is ok with me, maybe it is.


Pretty much most people eliminated themselves, according to my own

criteria. Doubtful it will change anytime soon.


Something I learned was that I will no longer argue with people in

order to convince them. Once in a while I 'might' mention something,

the reaction determines whether I continue or not. I''ll give some

info, what it can do, where to get it, my experience with it, etc. I

will admit, I am too damn lazy to go out and 'try' to convince people.

There are other things I would much rather do, things that are

generally more productive. Oh, excuse me, get shit done that benefits



I stopped loaning shit years ago since no one ever did much of anything

with it anyway, and they didn't want to buy it for themselves. I

thought I was being a nice guy, the more and more that people did less

and less, the more pissed I got. So I said "oh well" and stopped

loaning out my stuff. I feel much better now since I realized that it

isn't my responsibility to help them, to make sure they get the

information, for them to have better skills, better methods, or

whatever. Nor is it necessarily in anyone's best interest for me to

attempt to do that. Zero benefit for them, zero benefit for me, what's

the point in that?


Cost too much for you? Not my problem.


Doesn't interest you? Not my problem.


Don't have the time? Not my problem.


If it's not my problem, I probably don't care.


You think something else will work better? Great, go do that. Or not. I

don't care.


If you' re successful, that's great. If not, that's great too.


Finding what doesn't work might make it easier to find what does.

Process of elimination and a good mismatch. Maybe that magic question

would help too. And if you knew what that question was...



Gary Graves



Rev. James Vinson Wingo, DD


Buy Me an eBeer!


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In a message dated 12/3/05 5:25:34 AM, ggraves writes:




I don't know about anybody else, I do know that I don't care if they are labeled "NOT for resale" or not. Nor do I care about the agreement about attendees and family only watching them. I already adhered to them anyway, before I was aware of them.






I am very glad that you find the value of the DVD's as highly as I do. However, I can't help but wonder, what if you didn't and the same provision was stated implicitly, as to not selling or sharing them with others, besides family members, would you still adhere to that provision?


I don't think it is a matter as to picking and choosing the work that is either copyrighted or has other proprietary mandates to them, they still need to be respected, for lack of a better word. I get the sense that if you thought the DVD's were "crappy" that you would consider giving them to others if they made it clear that they want/need/desire/will use them to better their lives. Or even if you thought that they were great and others expressed a similar desire to use them...Or am I wrong on that one...??


I don't mean to pick on you....just thinking outloud, so to speak...



Opps... I guess my Earth element overshadowed my Fire element today, LOL



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Pandora51 wrote:


In a message dated 12/3/05 5:25:34 AM, ggraves writes:





I don't know about anybody else, I do know that I don't care if they

are labeled "NOT for resale" or not. Nor do I care about the agreement

about attendees and family only watching them. I already adhered to

them anyway, before I was aware of them.







I am very glad that you find the value of the DVD's as highly as I

do. However, I can't help but wonder, what if you didn't and the same

provision was stated implicitly, as to not selling or sharing them with

others, besides family members, would you still adhere to that



I don't think it is a matter as to picking and choosing the work that

is either copyrighted or has other proprietary mandates to them, they

still need to be respected, for lack of a better word. I get the sense

that if you thought the DVD's were "crappy" that you would consider

giving them to others if they made it clear that they

want/need/desire/will use them to better their lives. Or even if you

thought that they were great and others expressed a similar desire to

use them...Or am I wrong on that one...??


I don't mean to pick on you....just thinking outloud, so to speak...



Opps... I guess my Earth element overshadowed my Fire element today,






That is a very good question, Paulina.


My point is that whether or not the two agreements Doc has on his

material applies, I still won't violate my criteria. The post was about

my criteria, how I came to recognize my criteria and why I have it.


It was NOT about dishonoring those agreements. That is a different



I do have respect for copyrighted material, even if the material is

crap (which I haven't found any Doc's material to fall under).


I have a bunch of learning materials from other trainers which I really

found some of them to be lacking. The material could be better, some of

the stuff might actually work if some things were done differently. I

still honor the copyright, I still honor all the intellectual property,

whether I respect the trainer or not, whether I respect the material or



I still won't loan them, I still won't sell them.


Why is that?


There is no NOT for resale agreement, no limited viewership agreement

with those.


Did I already answer that question?


And with Doc's material, even if I didn't have that criteria I posted,

I would still honor the agreement. I do have certain ethics that I will

not violate. I made an agreement when I purchased those materials, well

knowing in ADVANCE what those agreements were. For me to violate those

agreements, I would consider that to be lying, cheating and stealing. I

will NOT knowingly do any of those, especially to someone whom I

respect. I see more value in having long term access to Doc's

materials, whether I have them now or I receive them later.


Like I said before, I have gone over things and always picked up new

things. I have one set I have watched at least 3 or 4 times, and took

notes, and there is still a whole ton of stuff I know is still there

ready for me to go back and dissect. Which leads me to start thinking

about transcribing them.


What was the purpose of the earlier metaphor?


How and why does Doc teach NLP in an Energy Medicine class?


How and why does Doc teach EM in a knife fighting class?


What things can I notice that he does overtly?


What things can I notice that he does covertly?


Whether or not I think material is good, I still will not give out

stuff just because. Hey, I'll show someone how to energy test, or the 5

minute routine, or what experiences I have had from the Silva Ultramind

material. What benefits I have experienced from whatever.


And I'll tell people where they can go to get the material for

themselves. It's that simple. The rest is their choice.


I will not spend X amount of dollars on a seminar, hotel, food, car

rental, dvd's, etc. then go out and give ALL that stuff out for free.

If that person really wants it, wants those benefits, they are *free*

to go pay for it themselves.


Thank You,

Gary Graves



P.S. I think I might have had the opportunity to meet maybe half of the

people at Doc's seminar, unfortunately you weren't one of them. Maybe

I'll see you at the next one!

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