Guest guest Posted December 6, 2005 Report Share Posted December 6, 2005 I LOVE DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE...THERE, I said it again... And the first person I told was my Husband, Tom, as I jumped into the van when he picked me up from a 2-day Intensive Silva Ultramind Seminar....I had been invited to this Seminar as a 'Guest of Honour' after speaking on the phone to the Instructor a few weeks earlier and telling him of the wonderous Dr. John M. La Tourette's 'Kahuna Mind' Intensive I had attended in October..and this was even before I knew HOW MUCH I learned there...I STILL haven't assimilated all that I learned there YET :-) We ended our telephone conversation with me saying, "I look forward to attending your seminar and learning from you" which this Instructor replied, "And I look forward to learning from YOU!"..... Well I arrived on the Sat. morning all bright eyed and bushy tailed and I have to say, the surroundings were impressive...15 of us were seated in very plush Captain's chairs around a boardroom type, large rectangle table.... Seating was arranged and I was placed right next to the Instructor. I took my place and allowed my eyes to begin reading the posters that had been plastered around the room...A very large one directly over the Instructor's head read, "I AM PURE, CLEAN, POSITIVE AND HONEST!!" There was just something about it that made me uncomfortable. As a Clairsentient, I found myself becoming more and more uncomfortable with the vibes in the room as the Instructor began to speak...I didn't realize just how 'religious, fire and brimstone' a Silva Ultramind Seminar could be...I mean, I know that Mr. Jose Silva was a Catholic, but yikes....when the instructor said, 'BE CAREFUL!! Because whatever you write with your Physical Mind on your Spiritual Mind will be created with it's belief's!!!" The way he said it, sounded like a THREAT! So I immediately did Doc's protection drills and sealed myself up good and tight... The first couple of hours the Instructor barely lifted his head from reading his notes. He was *clearly* uncomfortable, very nervous, sweaty, and when he did lift his head, emphasizing a point, he kept losing his place on his notes!...So I started to feel really bad for him and thought I'd just help him out a bit, so I smiled a big, encouraging smile and helped him with the words (I knew)he was trying to say when he stammered and lost his place... Well that didn't help... It seemed to make him even more flustered...So I decided to keep my mouth shut and thought, what could I do here that would help him without him knowing that I was helping? ...So I unzipped him and sent him a wack of 'Care Bears' and then zipped him back up... I continued this until our first didn't appear to help him relax very much, but all through that first break and the entire rest of the day every time we had a break, he came up to me and gave me a hug.... I stopped sending the Care Bears.... Didn't know if it would work or not, but I started visualizing working on his triple warmer, pressing on his neurovasculars and yanking the heck out of his ears whenever he clearly had forgotten his next 'line' and became flustered.... To me, the entire first day was a bust....I was SO disapointed! I couldn't imagine how mad I would have been if I had actually paid for the seminar...I wondered how disapointed the others were when suddenly I realized, THEY had not been to a Dr. John M. La Tourette Seminar...THEY didn't KNOW just how much they were missing!!!! This instructor had absolutely no presence about him what so ever!! He had a monotone voice with a very thick accent and when he started to become more comfortable by the late afternoon he would get excited about what he was saying and began to speak very quickly , which made it even harder to understand what it was he was trying to say...I couldn't fathom how he could take a wonderful topic like 'Ultramind' and manage to make it uninteresting! Making matters worse, he did NOT want us to ask questions.... In fact, when an Engineer at the far end of the table questioned him on something, the Instructor actually replied with, "I'm not good with questions, I need time to think of the answer and I will email you in a few days..." When the class actually liked something he said and began to speak up and discuss it with each other, actually showing some positive emotion, the Instructor quickly began to talk louder so as to drown us out! Then we began the drills...If hearing him speak wasn't painful enough, when he put on his special 'Centering Drill Voice', it was indeed 'special' and much different from his regular voice... Somehow, he had chosen a 'Michael Jackson' voice to use for this...a Michael Jackson voice with a very thick foreign accent... "Relax your Ties, your knees, your cows, your feet, your heels and your towels." Woo Hoo Hoo!! I swear if he grabbed his crotch and spun around, at least maybe then he may have been able to capture my attention...if only for the shock value of it.... I knew it was really bad when he told us about the 'Evils of NLP'....He was completely against it...He cited how Bill Clinton had used it to trick the American public and how easily we could ALL get ourselves in trouble if WE used it.... I wanted to jump up and SCREAM, 'NO! THAT'S NOT RIGHT!!!" when for the zillionth time the Intructor kept praising one attendee after each drill because during the drill, he was able to go 'sooooo deeeeeeeeeeep' he looked like a sleeping Bassett Hound spread out in his chair and on the conference table...I wanted to EXPLAIN to him about 'CONSCIOUS THETA'....but he was soooo very proud of this student and how 'deep' he was able to put him.... I found I had tuned him out completely by the afternoon and allowed myself to day dream and drift back to the October seminar...I began to remember the amazing things Doc was teaching us, in the amazing way that ONLY Doc can bring a point across, how riveted to him we all were, not giving a second thought to those hard ass chairs we were sitting on for hours on end that passed as minutes in that crowded little room...I thought of the amazing people packed into that little martial arts room and how Doc's teachings raised up ALL of our energies and how we became BETTER, BETTER AND BETTER because of him, as the day wore on... How he encouraged us, challenged us, and filled us SO full of life altering information, EACH of us would find ourselves profoundly changed by the time Sunday evening rolled around...And I missed him so..... Finally, in my head, I replaced the Instructor's voice and heard Doc's voice do the Centering Drill...*sigh*.... That mezmerizing voice of his could be #1 on the Hit Parade if he just put that drill to music... Back at the Montreal seminar, by the end of the first day, after spending most of it missing Doc, I came to the uncomfortable conclusion, I felt, I had failed this Instructor...and in turn, I failed Doc.... I realized that I could somehow help him BY USING some things that Doc had taught us and so that night before I went to sleep, I went to level and decided to meet with the Instructor on my Mental Screen, speak with him, and tell him how I really wanted to help and how I only wanted to enhance his seminar experience and not take anything away from him....I showed him how much more fun and interesting he could make the seminar and how we could get everyone jazzed up and excited about it and how we could 'lighten up' and still get all the ' important' messages he was trying to give us across... It worked! Praise the teachings of Dr. John M. La Tourette, IT WORKED!!! :-) The second day was light years better...He was so much more relaxed and when he spoke he kept his eyes off his notes and on me and I kept encouraging him and he even allowed some questions and discussion after I made it sound like it was HIS question and discussion he was answering! Even better he allowed for some joviality and laughter as well...I had him and the class in stitches when I 'called him out' and insisted that he share the 'Tibetan 6th Exercise' with the class which he only hinted at and whispered in hushed tones about the previous day citing it was 'better than sex', but only unmarried people without a commited relationship could use it....I had him show us in great detail exactly how that drill worked.....Somehow, even his 'drill' voice came across better after that... I knew my job was done when he actually used the word 'sh#t' in front of the class by the end of the second day :-) Also, throughout the second day, attendee's came up to me on the breaks and asked me when and where my next Reiki and/or IET workshop was going to be...There was a woman in from New Brunswick who told me she would gather a bunch of her women friends from her area and bring them out to attend one of my workshops, another couple from Toronto also expressed interest....Another wanted to book some Animal Communication time with me, and then 3 other fellows came to me asking me what I was a 'Life Coach' for and whatever it is they wanted to sign up for my next workshop...And I haven't even launched what my REAL Life Coach Classes are going to be about yet...That unveils end of January :-) Finally I had a women come up to me after lunch and motion to me to go into the hall with her...She then gasped out, she had a piece of banana stuck in her throat and would I help her!! I jumped into action, 'You want me to do the Heimlich manouver on you??!?!?!?!?' No! she replied, 'I was hoping you'd lay your hands on me....' I had to draw the line somewhere...... At the end of it all, I never received so many hugs by so few people in one day....including the Instructor... :-) He actually is an excellent Certified Hypnotherapist who specializes in Past Life Regression and after the seminar, he gave me a special session..I thought it was very generous of him to give me that opportunity and it really was an awesome experience! So here I am, and I'll say it again.... I LOVE DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE!!! In my opinion, there isn't ANYONE who is in his caliber of brilliance and dedication as a teacher and I wish for EVERYONE on these lists to GRAB the opportunity to attend at least one of Dr. John M. La Tourette's Seminar's and have the opportunity to CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!!! If you cannot actually attend a seminar, then if he allows you, BUY A DVD!!!!! ANY ONE YOU CAN! You will never regret it.... Be like Nike, and JUST DO IT! Thanks for memories Doc... Love, Light & Laughter, Burning Bright! Aileen W. Donovan Attachment: vcard [not shown] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 8, 2005 Report Share Posted December 8, 2005 , " aileen donovan " <aileendonovan@s...> wrote: > > I LOVE DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE...THERE, I said it again... > > And the first person I told was my Husband, Tom, as I jumped into the van > when he picked me up from a 2-day Intensive Silva Ultramind Seminar....I LOL!! Yippee! I'm not the only one who appriciates pure gold!! > had been invited to this Seminar as a 'Guest of Honour' after speaking on Sometimes free is still not worth it to go. I remeber getting invited to a speed seduction seminar by that ross guy, frankly could have paid me to go. He was such a sleezy guy. The How to be your own Kahuna seminar, Jim gave a fabulous presentation on how to be a seducer and do it with class, integrity, and skill. Now that's worth paying for! > the phone to the Instructor a few weeks earlier and telling him of the > wonderous Dr. John M. La Tourette's 'Kahuna Mind' Intensive I had attended > in October..and this was even before I knew HOW MUCH I learned there...I > STILL haven't assimilated all that I learned there YET :-) I've been with Doc for 9 years now and I am still surprised every day at the skills he is able to teach me ever without me consciously conprehending that I get it. Like the swish pattern. I have been using the swish pattern for years (Doc's superior version of course), and I started to get all the reasons why it works so well, the energy locations that go along with it, how to be associated or disassociated and at what times. All that specifics that you have to have to make it work, excellently,and reapeatable. > I know that Mr. Jose Silva was a Catholic, but yikes....when the instructor > said, 'BE CAREFUL!! Because whatever you write with your Physical Mind on > your Spiritual Mind will be created with it's belief's!!! " The way he said > it, sounded like a THREAT! So I immediately did Doc's protection drills and > sealed myself up good and tight... I just hate that! People pushing their beliefs in a way that just makes you fearful. It's B.S! Especially in a supposed instructor. Like telling a kid " Don't cross the road little janey because the big bad semi will run you down " , instead of " Look both ways and wait for it to be clear before you cross " . See there again is where Doc is awesome! He doesn't set you to be fearful he sets you up for power and being at cause. >> day every time we had a break, he came up to me and gave me a hug.... > > I stopped sending the Care Bears.... LOL!!!! Did you choose the spot next to him or did he choose it for you!! > > > To me, the entire first day was a bust....I was SO disapointed! But wait! Look at all the stuff you did!! You practiced your sheild techniques, definatly used your awareness or you wouldn't have noticed all this stuff. You got verification that your care bear hearts worked (all the hugs, I'd say you got a lot done! I couldn't > imagine how mad I would have been if I had actually paid for the seminar...I > wondered how disapointed the others were when suddenly I realized, THEY had > not been to a Dr. John M. La Tourette Seminar...THEY didn't KNOW just how > much they were missing!!!! He is one in a billion, actually there is NOT another instructor of his caliber. He really makes you learn it. > > > I knew it was really bad when he told us about the 'Evils of NLP'....He was > completely against it...He cited how Bill Clinton had used it to trick the > American public and how easily we could ALL get ourselves in trouble if WE > used it.... Okay this is so interesting. He is a supposed learner so why doesn't his mind go to " How can I use that " ? > > I wanted to jump up and SCREAM, 'NO! THAT'S NOT RIGHT!!! " when for the > zillionth time the Intructor kept praising one attendee after each drill > because during the drill, he was able to go 'sooooo deeeeeeeeeeep' he looked > like a sleeping Bassett Hound spread out in his chair and on the conference > table...I wanted to EXPLAIN to him about 'CONSCIOUS THETA'....but he was > soooo very proud of this student and how 'deep' he was able to put him.... LOL!!! > > > > I had failed this Instructor...and in turn, I failed Doc.... > > I realized that I could somehow help him BY USING some things that Doc had > taught us and so that night before I went to sleep, I went to level and > decided to meet with the Instructor on my Mental Screen, speak with him, and > tell him how I really wanted to help and how I only wanted to enhance his > seminar experience and not take anything away from him....I showed him how > much more fun and interesting he could make the seminar and how we could get > everyone jazzed up and excited about it and how we could 'lighten up' and > still get all the ' important' messages he was trying to give us across... > > It worked! Praise the teachings of Dr. John M. La Tourette, IT WORKED!!! > :-) > > The second day was light years better...He was so much more relaxed and > when he spoke he kept his eyes off his notes and on me and I kept > encouraging him and he even allowed some questions and discussion after I > made it sound like it was HIS question and discussion he was answering! > Even better he allowed for some joviality and laughter as well...I had him > and the class in stitches when I 'called him out' and insisted that he share > the 'Tibetan 6th Exercise' with the class which he only hinted at and > whispered in hushed tones about the previous day citing it was 'better than > sex', but only unmarried people without a commited relationship could use > it....I had him show us in great detail exactly how that drill > worked.....Somehow, even his 'drill' voice came across better after that... > > I knew my job was done when he actually used the word 'sh#t' in front of the > class by the end of the second day :-) > > Also, throughout the second day, attendee's came up to me on the breaks and > asked me when and where my next Reiki and/or IET workshop was going to > be...There was a woman in from New Brunswick who told me she would gather a > bunch of her women friends from her area and bring them out to attend one of > my workshops, another couple from Toronto also expressed interest....Another > wanted to book some Animal Communication time with me, and then 3 other > fellows came to me asking me what I was a 'Life Coach' for and whatever it > is they wanted to sign up for my next workshop...And I haven't even launched > what my REAL Life Coach Classes are going to be about yet...That unveils end > of January :-) > > Finally I had a women come up to me after lunch and motion to me to go into > the hall with her...She then gasped out, she had a piece of banana stuck in > her throat and would I help her!! I jumped into action, 'You want me to do > the Heimlich manouver on you??!?!?!?!?' No! she replied, 'I was hoping > you'd lay your hands on me....' I had to draw the line somewhere...... > > At the end of it all, I never received so many hugs by so few people in one > day....including the Instructor... :-) He actually is an excellent > Certified Hypnotherapist who specializes in Past Life Regression and after > the seminar, he gave me a special session..I thought it was very generous of > him to give me that opportunity and it really was an awesome experience! > > So here I am, and I'll say it again.... > > I LOVE DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE!!! > > In my opinion, there isn't ANYONE who is in his caliber of brilliance and > dedication as a teacher and I wish for EVERYONE on these lists to GRAB the > opportunity to attend at least one of Dr. John M. La Tourette's Seminar's > and have the opportunity to CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!!! If you cannot actually > attend a seminar, then if he allows you, BUY A DVD!!!!! ANY ONE YOU CAN! And get it when he offers, it will be the best and the most he allways undercharges and frequently it is gone forever afterward. Thank you this was an awesome post!! Kali > > You will never regret it.... > > Be like Nike, and JUST DO IT! > > > Thanks for memories Doc... > > Love, Light & Laughter, > > Burning Bright! > Aileen W. Donovan > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 8, 2005 Report Share Posted December 8, 2005 Kalimagick! You've had 9 years with Doc?! And, when I consider how much I've benefitted in so many ways training with him for a little over five months so far....attending 4 of his workshops and having awesome and unbelievable things happen, and continue to happen, from the very first one I attended....I can only begin to imagine how it is for you after 9 years! Doc's definitely genuine one of a kind awesome, no if's, ands or buts about it. You gotta love Doc! Lori Who's experienced a lifetime of awesome learnings and benefits in a matter of months. (Shhh...But don't tell anyone...we want him all for ourselves over here!) , " kalimagick " <jhofmann@c...> wrote: > > I've been with Doc for 9 years now and I am still surprised every > day at the skills he is able to teach me ever without me > consciously conprehending that I get it. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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