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How I've used the tools so far. Part 2: Covert influence

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So it's been 4 months since I sent these dreams, everyday I do my 40

minute energy routine, every evening I do all my chakras, and a

couple of days a week, I'll release whether with EFT or Sedona(I'm

waiting for my Inner Demon Destroyer DVDs to arrive!)


So I " guess " I must be shining for L., especially since I always

cross-crawl, zip up, celtic weave and activate my care-bear a few

minutes before meeting her.


In his 2001 retreat talk Bill Harris talks about how the energy of

somenone who " does the drills " will often intoxicate the person who

doesn't because, the brain starts releasing endorphins to deal with

their own releasing of " karmic gook " (funny, he speaks of " people

whose energy vibrates lower " as the one who do the drills, I've

always thought energywork was about the contrary, raising your



Well whatever, last saturday was to be a very special day, just me

an her and I wanted to have the perfect circumstances. So one week

before I added to my daily routine all the exercises on fiendly

energies contained in " The Promise of Energy Psychology " (yeah,

yeah, even the " butt-in-thre-air " one...), I went back to a daily

use of the centering drill, I used the second CD of the Sedona

course, where Hale Dwoskin has you achieving a unique state

of " oneness " by the end of the drill, did more TW sedating drills,

and finally listened to the " Lotus Sutra " which scores a 750 on



Frankly, 8 months ago I had no clue about any of these things!Thanks

Doc and all the great posters!


So on Saturday, dinner was fine, but nothing as great as I had

imagined. In fact I noticed I was carrying

energetic/emotional " stuff " I had experienced in the afternoon, and

I guess the fact I I had donne all these drills just made

that " stuff " shine brighter!


At one point I said to myself, that is not what I want, I know it,

so what do I want, and I spontanously traced (mentally) my and her

care bear circuits . What a difference it made! But it made it for

me first! I felt myself suddenly playing in another league and I

acted differently, in keeping with my own expectancy this time, and

the beahavior of L. changed accordingly for the better.


What a great night that was, honestly, I'm sure I've given her the

best night she could get. Then again... you know what happened to

the sorcerer's apprentisse? See part III.



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