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Energy Secrets of Mr. Peanut

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From The Huna Research Bulletin May 2004 • No.11 Energy Secrets of "Mr. Peanut" by Dr. John La Tourrette We often talk of the energy rivers of the body as 12 or 14 separate meridians or channels, but "the big picture" is that they are one circulating channel. ‘Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming, in his book, Advanced Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan illustrates this well with what he terms "the grand Circulation or Da C/iou Tien, in which one collects chi or mana and circulates it unendingly. One circulation goes immediately into another. Dr. Yang is a terrific person, a person that has given himself the huge task of translating the ancient Chinese texts

into English, so that that "almost lost" knowledge can be learned by others out of their Chinese culture. But... The "Small Circulation" for example, that he talks about. He has the Central Meridian RUNNING THE WRONG DIRECTION. He has that Meridian running from the bottom lip, down the front of the body to the pubic bone. It does NOT run that direction, BUT runs the opposite direction, from the pubic bone, up the front of the body, to the lower lip and then to the tongue ... this can be easily verified with Energy Testing... Also remember that the Chinese Masters were notorious in "hiding" their secrets from anyone except their own chosen family members ... sort of like the Kahuna of old kept close to their vest their Inner Secrets. The GOOD NEWS is we "FIGURED" out how-specifically to do the REAL DRILL

for real, and we have verified it with our own clients and on ourselves. The Drill The secrets of the "small circulation" drill following the natural/correct energy paths Vince calls it "Energy Secrets of Mr. Peanut" because when he looked at his sketch after I explained it over the phone, it looked like "Mr. Peanut." Fortunately Vince had his voice recorder running so he was able to transcribe the explanation for those of you who might not be familiar with all the energy centers, flows, hook-ups, etc. used Unfortunately the recording was pretty garbled ... so this isn’t the best transcription, but all the steps are there. Here it is Use a specific affirmation that you say in when/as you actually do the Chi orbit right that Chi orbit also forms a sideways eight inside the body starting at the

tantien and going in both directions. BUT you have to learn one cycle, then learn the other cycle, then practice doing them together. Make sure the breath, tantien, spine is learned first ... then learn the breath, tantien, and Central Meridian. The Tan Tien is a Chi collection point about three inches below the belly button. The breath, with Chi mixed in, actually comes in through the nose (which activates all the Chi centers in the brain) going down to the lower tantien Now you circle the Chi up through the back of the spine ... starting at the tail bone, being sure to go through the gates at the small of the back, between the shoulder blades, at the base of the brain stem, over the top of the head, and down the forehead to the upper lip, into the top of the mouth where it connects with the tongue that is placed on the roof of the mouth. Then exhale the breath through the mouth. Once you have that pattern down you can add the next step ... circling Chi up through the front of the body in the same manner. Breath into the nose, circle the breath down to the tantien, then circle the Chi up the front of the body to the lower lip, into the mouth and up to the roof palate. Now exhale through the opert mouth, and restart the cycle 1. nose, tantien, spine, breath out (all with a visualization) 2. nose, tantien, Central front Meridian (all with a visualization)... The Sea of the Chi is the tantien, which is right below the navel about two inches. So you breathe in through the nose (with the tongue touching the palate, of course) filling that Sea of Chi ... and you force it from your

Sea of Chi to your tail bone and all the way up your spine and all through those gates ... all the way through and up over your forehead ... down back to your upper lip and back to your tongue ... and then you breathe out. Then you breathe in again through the nose and all the way down to the Sea of Chi at the tantien, force it down to your first Chakra and up the front Central meridian all the way up to your lower lip and back to the tongue, right where it touches the palate, and then you breathe out. And of course you do• it with an affirmation and visualization ... the same type of affirmation Max was talking about when he had the breath come in through the nose, go into the lower belly, than he visualized the fountain of energy down at the Sea of Chi, and it rises up until it

spills out of your head filling up your external aura with all that vital force, that is magnetized by the visualization, by the thoughts that you hold in your mind and you do the breathing... •Max’s version doesn’t follow any neurological pathways ... it doesn’t involve any Chi pathways either, but it’s a good visualization technique because when you do it you get better. But why not do it following the energy pathways ... why not do it filling up the reservoirs of Chi ... on the front, on the back, and also the Sea of Chi? And now you’ve got it all filled up, so now what are you going to do with this? Now you can use it throughout your twelve basic meridians starting at the time of day of the meridian and tracing them all tracing them manually with your electromagnetic palms Chakras.

If a person was terminal ... with just about any illness ... it would be very effective, especially when combined with other forms of Chi restoration ... and what you could also, is do it at level, while you are Remote Viewing some other person while you are hooked up on the etheric level, and affecting their energies on that level of the mind.., on somebody on their energy fields. Huna Research, Inc. / 1760 Anna Street / Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701-4504 USA www.huna-research.com / Email: huna / Telephone 1-573-334.3478 Scanned and Prepared by Greg "Gator" Radke

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This is GREAT info ... Thanks for the insight " Mr. Peanut " ;)


This info is especially helpful for me because I recently started

doing Tai Chi / Qi Gong to attempt to clear up some sort of blockages

I saw once during meditation. I have always been extremely sensitive

to others energies and rather intuitive (aren't we all? lol)

Therefore, I KNOW I have the ability to heal myself and hopefully

heal others as well someday however, I'm just frustrated because I

don't know where to start.


I don't want to jump into anything that I may not have the spiritual

discipline or wisdom to handle. From what I've read, apparently I

need to perform an aura and chakras cleanse. I've been told my 5th

chakra is blocked BUT I suffer w/ terrible circulation and think it

may be my 4th Chakra that is blocked. This blockage is causing me to

constantly have cold hands & feet, dry eyes, dark circles under my

eyes, edema (when I stand too long or in extreme heat) mental fog &

confusion, arthritic neck pain, and most devastating of all a

prevention of Chi energy to properly flowing through my body.


If it wasn't for my deep beliefs in spiritual evolution, I would have

probably commited suicide a long time ago as a result of all the

stress associated with this blockage. I believe everything happens

for a reason and I believe with every ounce of my being that someday

I will be healed. Therefore, if ANYONE here could possibly steer me

in the right direction I'd GREATLY GREATLY appreciate it!










, " Rev. James

Vinson Wingo, DD " <kahunaviking> wrote:


> From " The Huna Research Bulletin "

> May 2004 • No.11


> Energy Secrets of " Mr. Peanut "

> by Dr. John La Tourrette


> We often talk of the energy rivers of the body as 12 or 14

separate meridians or channels, but " the big picture " is that they

are one circulating channel.



> `Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming, in his book, Advanced Yang Style Tai Chi

Chuan illustrates this well with what he terms " the grand Circulation

or Da C/iou Tien, in which one collects chi or mana and circulates it

unendingly. One circulation goes immediately into another.


> Dr. Yang is a terrific person, a person that has given himself the

huge task of translating the ancient Chinese texts into English, so

that that " almost lost " knowledge can be learned by others out of

their Chinese culture.


> But...


> The " Small Circulation " for example, that he talks about. He has

the Central Meridian RUNNING THE WRONG DIRECTION. He has that

Meridian running from the bottom lip, down the front of the body to

the pubic bone.


> It does NOT run that direction, BUT runs the opposite direction,

from the pubic bone, up the front of the body, to the lower lip and

then to the tongue ... this can be easily verified with Energy



> Also remember that the Chinese Masters were notorious in " hiding "

their secrets from anyone except their own chosen family members ...

sort of like the Kahuna of old kept close to their vest their Inner



> The GOOD NEWS is we " FIGURED " out how-specifically to do the REAL

DRILL for real, and we have verified it with our own clients and on



> The Drill


> The secrets of the " small circulation " drill following the

natural/correct energy paths


> Vince calls it " Energy Secrets of Mr. Peanut " because when he

looked at his sketch after I explained it over the phone, it looked

like " Mr. Peanut. "


> Fortunately Vince had his voice recorder running so he was able to

transcribe the explanation for those of you who might not be familiar

with all the energy centers, flows, hook-ups, etc. used


> Unfortunately the recording was pretty garbled ... so this isn't

the best transcription, but all the steps are there. Here it is


> Use a specific affirmation that you say in when/as you actually do

the Chi orbit right

> that Chi orbit also forms a sideways eight inside the body starting

at the tantien and going in both directions.


> BUT you have to learn one cycle, then learn the other cycle, then

practice doing them together. Make sure the breath, tantien, spine is

learned first ... then learn the breath, tantien, and Central



> The Tan Tien is a Chi collection point about three inches below the

belly button.


> The breath, with Chi mixed in, actually comes in through the nose

(which activates all the Chi centers in the brain) going down to the

lower tantien Now you circle the Chi up through the back of the

spine ... starting at the tail bone, being sure to go through the

gates at the small of the back, between the shoulder blades, at the

base of the brain stem, over the top of the head, and down the

forehead to the upper lip, into the top of the mouth where it

connects with the tongue that is placed on the roof of the mouth.


> Then exhale the breath through the mouth.


> Once you have that pattern down you can add the next step ...

circling Chi up through the front of the body in the same manner.


> Breath into the nose, circle the breath down to the tantien, then

circle the Chi up the front of the body to the lower lip, into the

mouth and up to the roof palate.


> Now exhale through the opert mouth, and restart the cycle


> 1. nose, tantien, spine, breath out (all with a visualization)


> 2. nose, tantien, Central front Meridian (all with a



> The Sea of the Chi is the tantien, which is right below the navel

about two inches.


> So you breathe in through the nose (with the tongue touching the

palate, of course)

> filling that Sea of Chi ... and you force it from your Sea of Chi

to your tail bone and all the way up your spine and all through those

gates ... all the way through and up over your forehead ... down back

to your upper lip and back to your tongue ... and then you breathe



> Then you breathe in again through the nose and all the way down to

the Sea of Chi at the tantien, force it down to your first Chakra and

up the front Central meridian all the way up to your lower lip and

back to the tongue, right where it touches the palate, and then you

breathe out.


> And of course you do• it with an affirmation and visualization ...

the same type of affirmation Max was talking about when he had the

breath come in through the nose, go into the lower belly, than he

visualized the fountain of energy down at the Sea of Chi, and it

rises up until it spills out of your head filling up your external

aura with all that vital force, that is magnetized by the

visualization, by the thoughts that you hold in your mind and you do

the breathing...


> •Max's version doesn't follow any neurological pathways ... it

doesn't involve any Chi pathways either, but it's a good

visualization technique because when you do it you get better.


> But why not do it following the energy pathways ... why not do it

filling up the reservoirs of Chi ... on the front, on the back, and

also the Sea of Chi?


> And now you've got it all filled up, so now what are you going to

do with this?


> Now you can use it throughout your twelve basic meridians starting

at the time of day of the meridian and tracing them all tracing them

manually with your electromagnetic palms Chakras.


> If a person was terminal ... with just about any illness ... it

would be very effective, especially when combined with other forms of

Chi restoration ... and what you could also, is do it at level, while

you are Remote Viewing some other person while you are hooked up on

the etheric level, and affecting their energies on that level of the

mind.., on somebody on their energy fields.



> Huna Research, Inc. / 1760 Anna Street / Cape Girardeau, Missouri

63701-4504 USA

> www.huna-research.com / Email: huna@m... / Telephone 1-573-



> Scanned and Prepared by Greg " Gator " Radke


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Hi robin


What jumped to my conscious



Is the thought ‘’Someday’’


As I believe


That thoughts are the beginning


Of creating our reality


Someday never comes


And my suggestions is to transfer


It to present time


It will happen





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Oh Orna... you're so right!!! I can't believe I didn't notice that as

I know we can create and alter our current and future circumstances

by our thoughts that we project out into the universe. THANKS SOOO

MUCH for reminding me that someday starts now! :) -Robin




, " simple "

<simple@z...> wrote:


> Hi robin


> What jumped to my conscious



> Is the thought `'Someday''


> As I believe


> That thoughts are the beginning


> Of creating our reality


> Someday never comes


> And my suggestions is to transfer


> It to present time


> It will happen




> Orna


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Hi robin


I am a member also in the

huna ohana group

And Vince talked lately

about ‘’watch you’re words

Since then I see that its

like a screen of my

Reality and others


And when doing drills

I have more and more

Wanted results in my life

It’s an

extraordinary exciting exploration

To look at others is much

more simple then to look in myself

But every day I find new


As I always say

Life is great


Keep having fun now









On Behalf Of robin_raquel


December 12, 2005 5:20 AM



Re: Energy Secrets of " Mr. Peanut "



Oh Orna... you're so right!!! I can't believe I didn't notice that as

I know we can create and alter our current and

future circumstances

by our thoughts that we project out into the

universe. THANKS SOOO

MUCH for reminding me that someday starts now! :)






" simple "

<simple@z...> wrote:


> Hi robin


> What jumped to my conscious



> Is the thought `'Someday''


> As I believe


> That thoughts are the beginning


> Of creating our reality


> Someday never comes


> And my suggestions is to transfer


> It to present time


> It will happen




> Orna















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Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.13.13/197 - Release 09/12/2005

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Thank Vince & Doc for the cool drill.


I tried this with 'Anything is possible' which I got from Sean's

newletter (Thanks Sean), then after a few rounds of that, I combined

this drill with a timeline drill from doc, where I went into the

future to my future self and did some stuff, then came back with that

belief that I can now do X, and circulated that. Calibrating the

before and after of that drill is interesting too.


Oh you can also fuck it up and let your mind drift, go into

autopilot, and start worrying about whatever, then let that

circulate - yes it took me a couple of rounds before I stopped

myself :>


So make sure you focus on what you want.




, " Rev. James

Vinson Wingo, DD " <kahunaviking> wrote:


> From " The Huna Research Bulletin "

> May 2004 • No.11


> Energy Secrets of " Mr. Peanut "

> by Dr. John La Tourrette


> We often talk of the energy rivers of the body as 12 or 14

separate meridians or channels, but " the big picture " is that they

are one circulating channel.



> `Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming, in his book, Advanced Yang Style Tai Chi

Chuan illustrates this well with what he terms " the grand Circulation

or Da C/iou Tien, in which one collects chi or mana and circulates it

unendingly. One circulation goes immediately into another.


> Dr. Yang is a terrific person, a person that has given himself the

huge task of translating the ancient Chinese texts into English, so

that that " almost lost " knowledge can be learned by others out of

their Chinese culture.


> But...


> The " Small Circulation " for example, that he talks about. He has

the Central Meridian RUNNING THE WRONG DIRECTION. He has that

Meridian running from the bottom lip, down the front of the body to

the pubic bone.


> It does NOT run that direction, BUT runs the opposite direction,

from the pubic bone, up the front of the body, to the lower lip and

then to the tongue ... this can be easily verified with Energy



> Also remember that the Chinese Masters were notorious in " hiding "

their secrets from anyone except their own chosen family members ...

sort of like the Kahuna of old kept close to their vest their Inner



> The GOOD NEWS is we " FIGURED " out how-specifically to do the REAL

DRILL for real, and we have verified it with our own clients and on



> The Drill


> The secrets of the " small circulation " drill following the

natural/correct energy paths


> Vince calls it " Energy Secrets of Mr. Peanut " because when he

looked at his sketch after I explained it over the phone, it looked

like " Mr. Peanut. "


> Fortunately Vince had his voice recorder running so he was able to

transcribe the explanation for those of you who might not be familiar

with all the energy centers, flows, hook-ups, etc. used


> Unfortunately the recording was pretty garbled ... so this isn't

the best transcription, but all the steps are there. Here it is


> Use a specific affirmation that you say in when/as you actually do

the Chi orbit right

> that Chi orbit also forms a sideways eight inside the body starting

at the tantien and going in both directions.


> BUT you have to learn one cycle, then learn the other cycle, then

practice doing them together. Make sure the breath, tantien, spine is

learned first ... then learn the breath, tantien, and Central



> The Tan Tien is a Chi collection point about three inches below the

belly button.


> The breath, with Chi mixed in, actually comes in through the nose

(which activates all the Chi centers in the brain) going down to the

lower tantien Now you circle the Chi up through the back of the

spine ... starting at the tail bone, being sure to go through the

gates at the small of the back, between the shoulder blades, at the

base of the brain stem, over the top of the head, and down the

forehead to the upper lip, into the top of the mouth where it

connects with the tongue that is placed on the roof of the mouth.


> Then exhale the breath through the mouth.


> Once you have that pattern down you can add the next step ...

circling Chi up through the front of the body in the same manner.


> Breath into the nose, circle the breath down to the tantien, then

circle the Chi up the front of the body to the lower lip, into the

mouth and up to the roof palate.


> Now exhale through the opert mouth, and restart the cycle


> 1. nose, tantien, spine, breath out (all with a visualization)


> 2. nose, tantien, Central front Meridian (all with a



> The Sea of the Chi is the tantien, which is right below the navel

about two inches.


> So you breathe in through the nose (with the tongue touching the

palate, of course)

> filling that Sea of Chi ... and you force it from your Sea of Chi

to your tail bone and all the way up your spine and all through those

gates ... all the way through and up over your forehead ... down back

to your upper lip and back to your tongue ... and then you breathe



> Then you breathe in again through the nose and all the way down to

the Sea of Chi at the tantien, force it down to your first Chakra and

up the front Central meridian all the way up to your lower lip and

back to the tongue, right where it touches the palate, and then you

breathe out.


> And of course you do• it with an affirmation and visualization ...

the same type of affirmation Max was talking about when he had the

breath come in through the nose, go into the lower belly, than he

visualized the fountain of energy down at the Sea of Chi, and it

rises up until it spills out of your head filling up your external

aura with all that vital force, that is magnetized by the

visualization, by the thoughts that you hold in your mind and you do

the breathing...


> •Max's version doesn't follow any neurological pathways ... it

doesn't involve any Chi pathways either, but it's a good

visualization technique because when you do it you get better.


> But why not do it following the energy pathways ... why not do it

filling up the reservoirs of Chi ... on the front, on the back, and

also the Sea of Chi?


> And now you've got it all filled up, so now what are you going to

do with this?


> Now you can use it throughout your twelve basic meridians starting

at the time of day of the meridian and tracing them all tracing them

manually with your electromagnetic palms Chakras.


> If a person was terminal ... with just about any illness ... it

would be very effective, especially when combined with other forms of

Chi restoration ... and what you could also, is do it at level, while

you are Remote Viewing some other person while you are hooked up on

the etheric level, and affecting their energies on that level of the

mind.., on somebody on their energy fields.



> Huna Research, Inc. / 1760 Anna Street / Cape Girardeau, Missouri

63701-4504 USA

> www.huna-research.com / Email: huna@m... / Telephone 1-573-



> Scanned and Prepared by Greg " Gator " Radke


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My little story concerning this topic:


Where to start?


About 3 weeks ago I found a question that had bothered me for a long

time partially answered in a book about Acupuncture and Acupressure.


Here's a bit of history how that question came up.

Skip it if you're not interested.




[i had worked about 2 years with the chinese (and Robert Bruce's)

approach of pulling energy up the spine and down in front and saving

it in the lower Dan tien. You're right, it took a long time to make it



Then I read somewhere on these groups that the central meridian runs

the other way. So I reversed EVERYTHING and somehow, it worked better.

At least in front. So I stayed confused. And I didn't know how to safe

the energy.


Then, some months ago, after visiting a kinesiology class, I decided

to try it with both meridians at the same time. Not listening to the

chinese stuff and Robert Bruce I kept the energy in the head. I got a

real bad headache for at least two days.


So the next question came up...]




where does the energy go from the point where they meet in the mouth????


The book had a new idea of another meridian in the middle of the body

and the idea of the central meridian being able to run both ways but

that seemed a bit strange to me. So my teacher and me started energy

testing this.



- There's no unknown meridian.

- The central meridian IS able to run both ways, up AND down.


But we both knew that zipping down weakens so...

how does that fit together?


The answer is quite interesting.

It's running UP ON THE OUTSIDE and running DOWN INSIDE.


Guess what? Same goes for the governing vessel.


So we tried to find out by energy testing what works best FOR ME.


Up BOTH MERIDIANS AT THE SAME TIME, meeting in the mouth and then down

inside the body to the lower dan tien, saving the energy there.

Wow. I don't say that I know that this is the way IT IS or everybody

should do it but for me, it's really, really strong.


Stronger than anything I had experienced before. I can charge myself

in a very short time in a way I'd never thought to be possible.

Funny things happening around me since I found that out.


Just wanted to share that with you.

Hope it helps anyone else the same way it helped me.





, " Rev. James

Vinson Wingo, DD " <kahunaviking> wrote:


> From " The Huna Research Bulletin "

> May 2004 • No.11


> Energy Secrets of " Mr. Peanut "

> by Dr. John La Tourrette


> We often talk of the energy rivers of the body as 12 or 14

separate meridians or channels, but " the big picture " is that they are

one circulating channel.



> `Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming, in his book, Advanced Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan

illustrates this well with what he terms " the grand Circulation or Da

C/iou Tien, in which one collects chi or mana and circulates it

unendingly. One circulation goes immediately into another.


> Dr. Yang is a terrific person, a person that has given himself the

huge task of translating the ancient Chinese texts into English, so

that that " almost lost " knowledge can be learned by others out of

their Chinese culture.


> But...


> The " Small Circulation " for example, that he talks about. He has the

Central Meridian RUNNING THE WRONG DIRECTION. He has that Meridian

running from the bottom lip, down the front of the body to the pubic



> It does NOT run that direction, BUT runs the opposite direction,

from the pubic bone, up the front of the body, to the lower lip and

then to the tongue ... this can be easily verified with Energy Testing...


> Also remember that the Chinese Masters were notorious in " hiding "

their secrets from anyone except their own chosen family members ...

sort of like the Kahuna of old kept close to their vest their Inner



> The GOOD NEWS is we " FIGURED " out how-specifically to do the REAL

DRILL for real, and we have verified it with our own clients and on



> The Drill


> The secrets of the " small circulation " drill following the

natural/correct energy paths


> Vince calls it " Energy Secrets of Mr. Peanut " because when he looked

at his sketch after I explained it over the phone, it looked like " Mr.

Peanut. "


> Fortunately Vince had his voice recorder running so he was able to

transcribe the explanation for those of you who might not be familiar

with all the energy centers, flows, hook-ups, etc. used


> Unfortunately the recording was pretty garbled ... so this isn't the

best transcription, but all the steps are there. Here it is


> Use a specific affirmation that you say in when/as you actually do

the Chi orbit right

> that Chi orbit also forms a sideways eight inside the body starting

at the tantien and going in both directions.


> BUT you have to learn one cycle, then learn the other cycle, then

practice doing them together. Make sure the breath, tantien, spine is

learned first ... then learn the breath, tantien, and Central Meridian.


> The Tan Tien is a Chi collection point about three inches below the

belly button.


> The breath, with Chi mixed in, actually comes in through the nose

(which activates all the Chi centers in the brain) going down to the

lower tantien Now you circle the Chi up through the back of the spine

.... starting at the tail bone, being sure to go through the gates at

the small of the back, between the shoulder blades, at the base of the

brain stem, over the top of the head, and down the forehead to the

upper lip, into the top of the mouth where it connects with the tongue

that is placed on the roof of the mouth.


> Then exhale the breath through the mouth.


> Once you have that pattern down you can add the next step ...

circling Chi up through the front of the body in the same manner.


> Breath into the nose, circle the breath down to the tantien, then

circle the Chi up the front of the body to the lower lip, into the

mouth and up to the roof palate.


> Now exhale through the opert mouth, and restart the cycle


> 1. nose, tantien, spine, breath out (all with a visualization)


> 2. nose, tantien, Central front Meridian (all with a visualization)...


> The Sea of the Chi is the tantien, which is right below the navel

about two inches.


> So you breathe in through the nose (with the tongue touching the

palate, of course)

> filling that Sea of Chi ... and you force it from your Sea of Chi to

your tail bone and all the way up your spine and all through those

gates ... all the way through and up over your forehead ... down back

to your upper lip and back to your tongue ... and then you breathe out.


> Then you breathe in again through the nose and all the way down to

the Sea of Chi at the tantien, force it down to your first Chakra and

up the front Central meridian all the way up to your lower lip and

back to the tongue, right where it touches the palate, and then you

breathe out.


> And of course you do• it with an affirmation and visualization ...

the same type of affirmation Max was talking about when he had the

breath come in through the nose, go into the lower belly, than he

visualized the fountain of energy down at the Sea of Chi, and it rises

up until it spills out of your head filling up your external aura with

all that vital force, that is magnetized by the visualization, by the

thoughts that you hold in your mind and you do the breathing...


> •Max's version doesn't follow any neurological pathways ... it

doesn't involve any Chi pathways either, but it's a good visualization

technique because when you do it you get better.


> But why not do it following the energy pathways ... why not do it

filling up the reservoirs of Chi ... on the front, on the back, and

also the Sea of Chi?


> And now you've got it all filled up, so now what are you going to do

with this?


> Now you can use it throughout your twelve basic meridians starting

at the time of day of the meridian and tracing them all tracing them

manually with your electromagnetic palms Chakras.


> If a person was terminal ... with just about any illness ... it

would be very effective, especially when combined with other forms of

Chi restoration ... and what you could also, is do it at level, while

you are Remote Viewing some other person while you are hooked up on

the etheric level, and affecting their energies on that level of the

mind.., on somebody on their energy fields.



> Huna Research, Inc. / 1760 Anna Street / Cape Girardeau, Missouri

63701-4504 USA

> www.huna-research.com / Email: huna@m... / Telephone 1-573-334.3478


> Scanned and Prepared by Greg " Gator " Radke


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