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Hi Kali !!



> I LOVE DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE...THERE, I said it again...



Yippee! I'm not the only one who appriciates pure gold!!


##Actually I think there's quite a bunch of us who feel the same way...


> had been invited to this Seminar as a 'Guest of Honour' after

speaking on


Sometimes free is still not worth it to go. I remeber getting

invited to a speed seduction seminar by that ross guy, frankly could

have paid me to go. He was such a sleezy guy.


The How to be your own Kahuna seminar, Jim gave a fabulous

presentation on how to be a seducer and do it with class, integrity,

and skill. Now that's worth paying for!


##Absolutely! I've meant to tell Jim how much I appreciated his

presentation about a thousand times since then..If you're reading this post

Jim, you really did do an excellent job that day, you have a way that really

resonates which is clear, concise and very easy to understand. Powerful in

it's simplicity...I took alot of notes...I noticed you did alot of care

bears on yourself while you were up there too :-)


> wonderous Dr. John M. La Tourette's 'Kahuna Mind' Intensive I had


> in October..and this was even before I knew HOW MUCH I learned


> STILL haven't assimilated all that I learned there YET :-)


I've been with Doc for 9 years now and I am still surprised every

day at the skills he is able to teach me ever without me

consciously conprehending that I get it.


##WOW Kali....9 years! I knew it! I knew that Doc was a never-ending well

of great info. Thanks for re-validating it for me :-)


Like the swish pattern. I have been using the swish pattern for

years (Doc's superior version of course), and I started to get all

the reasons why it works so well, the energy locations that go along

with it, how to be associated or disassociated and at what times.


All that specifics that you have to have to make it work,

excellently,and reapeatable.


##I'm not recalling the 'swish pattern'...I'll have to go check my notes!!


> I know that Mr. Jose Silva was a Catholic, but yikes....when the


> said, 'BE CAREFUL!!



I just hate that! People pushing their beliefs in a way that just

makes you fearful. It's B.S! Especially in a supposed instructor.


##Yes it really was giving off a bad vibe...



See there again is where Doc is awesome! He doesn't set you to be

fearful he sets you up for power and being at cause.


##And I'm sure it's less terrifying with each seminar... :-))




> I stopped sending the Care Bears....



Did you choose the spot next to him or did he choose it for you!!


##HE placed me....


> >

> To me, the entire first day was a bust....I was SO disapointed!


But wait! Look at all the stuff you did!! You practiced your sheild

techniques, definatly used your awareness or you wouldn't have

noticed all this stuff. You got verification that your care bear

hearts worked (all the hugs, I'd say you got a lot done!



##Thank you Kali for pointing that out to me! I really felt like I 'failed'

that first day...Maybe I should think about it more as I was 'calibrating

the teacher' LOL.....



> wondered how disapointed the others were when suddenly I realized,

THEY had

> not been to a Dr. John M. La Tourette Seminar...THEY didn't KNOW

just how

> much they were missing!!!!


He is one in a billion, actually there is NOT another instructor of

his caliber. He really makes you learn it.


##He is truly unique and now that I have found him, I heartfully hope that



> > I knew it was really bad when he told us about the 'Evils of

NLP'....He was

> completely against it...He cited how Bill Clinton had used it to

trick the

> American public and how easily we could ALL get ourselves in

trouble if WE

> used it....


Okay this is so interesting. He is a supposed learner so why doesn't

his mind go to " How can I use that " ?


##Cause his mind was only opened 'this big', instead of 'THIS

BBBIIIGGGG'....Hopefully in time, like most of us, he'll grow....



Thank you this was an awesome post!!



##Thank you for responding Kali! We know he knows it, but still being human

(he IS still human right???LOL) I'll bet it's nice for him to hear every now



All Blessings,

Aileen W. Donovan

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