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good vs bad energy...

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Hello Greg, Lori, Helen and All,


It can be both useful and less than useful to label energy from a

mental/emotional prospective (the mind model) of good or bad verses simply

an energy model of there is no good or bad only energy. It all depends on

the outcome we are going after and if we want to make the distinction for

ourselves or our client.


Normally using the labels of good or bad energy works pretty easily with

clients since they are already used to that model. (That mental model is

what usually creates the problem or block in the first place.) From the

mental point of view one would want to remove the bad and replace it with

the good. (Which according to The Law of Duality can't really be done.)


From an energy model level it is just energy and it is designed to flow.

Thus the idea of flow.


From a spiritual prospective good and bad are just different perspectives

or manifestations of the same thing. Thus the idea of balance. Combine the

concept of the energy model and the spiritual view an we would have " even

flow " .


From a frequency prospective good is at one frequency and bad is at

another frequency when you combine the two you get a third frequency

different from the two separate frequencies but that contains both frequencies.


Quantumly it would be either the particle or the wave.


I guess the best mental/emotional use of any of these perspectives would be

the magical question, as it is designed to create what I think are two of

the most valuable traits to have... curiously and flexibility.


To Your Best,

Doc Houston


At 11:41 AM 12/11/2005, you wrote:

>Lori, Helen,


>Interesting belief... good vs bad energy. Just energy. Could be

>blocked or pooled, but it is all energy. We just need to keep the flow

>moving and transmuting in to USEFUL manifestations... right?


>Greg R.


> , " darthon4 "

><darthon4> wrote:

> >

> > Hi Helen,

> >

> > That's neat I hadn't thought of it that way!

> > We are Energy Warriors aren't we?...all of us here on this list...

> > and our mission is to disperse 'bad energy'. Cool, I like it!

> >

> > Lori

> >

> > , Helen

> > Driscoll <helen@i...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Lori -

> > >

> > > It's interesting that both your vocation and avocation involve

> > > dispersing 'bad energy'.

> > >

> > > That's pretty cool.

> > >

> > > Helen

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Hi Doc Houston,


All valid points. And the moral of the story worded another way:

Energy is subject to change so keep your options open and use

whatever works best for the job.





, docresults

<docresults@h...> wrote:


> Hello Greg, Lori, Helen and All,


> It can be both useful and less than useful to label energy from a

> mental/emotional prospective (the mind model) of good or bad

verses simply

> an energy model of there is no good or bad only energy. It all

depends on

> the outcome we are going after and if we want to make the

distinction for

> ourselves or our client.


> Normally using the labels of good or bad energy works pretty easily


> clients since they are already used to that model. (That mental

model is

> what usually creates the problem or block in the first place.) From


> mental point of view one would want to remove the bad and replace

it with

> the good. (Which according to The Law of Duality can't really be



> From an energy model level it is just energy and it is designed to


> Thus the idea of flow.


> From a spiritual prospective good and bad are just different


> or manifestations of the same thing. Thus the idea of balance.

Combine the

> concept of the energy model and the spiritual view an we would

have " even

> flow " .


> From a frequency prospective good is at one frequency and bad is


> another frequency when you combine the two you get a third


> different from the two separate frequencies but that contains both



> Quantumly it would be either the particle or the wave.


> I guess the best mental/emotional use of any of these perspectives

would be

> the magical question, as it is designed to create what I think are

two of

> the most valuable traits to have... curiously and flexibility.


> To Your Best,

> Doc Houston


> At 11:41 AM 12/11/2005, you wrote:

> >Lori, Helen,

> >

> >Interesting belief... good vs bad energy. Just energy. Could be

> >blocked or pooled, but it is all energy. We just need to keep the


> >moving and transmuting in to USEFUL manifestations... right?

> >

> >Greg R.

> >

> > , " darthon4 "

> ><darthon4> wrote:

> > >

> > > Hi Helen,

> > >

> > > That's neat I hadn't thought of it that way!

> > > We are Energy Warriors aren't we?...all of us here on this


> > > and our mission is to disperse 'bad energy'. Cool, I like it!

> > >

> > > Lori

> > >

> > > , Helen

> > > Driscoll <helen@i...> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Lori -

> > > >

> > > > It's interesting that both your vocation and avocation involve

> > > > dispersing 'bad energy'.

> > > >

> > > > That's pretty cool.

> > > >

> > > > Helen


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Understood - that's why both Lori and I both put quote marks around

'bad energy'.


I'm not quite sure how much radiation a human being can take before

skin fries off the bone -- but that's what I was referring to as 'bad

energy -- in a radioactive sense.


I thought it was interesting that Lori spends her days thinking about

subatomic particles -- that we humans can't really sense. (again,

degrees of scale)


Radioactive waste keeps doing it's thing and we humans have to figure

out how to allow that and not kill us


So maybe it's a question of how much energy.


I heard William McDonough lecture recently - a really interesting

architect, industrial designer and futurist.


He said he has no problem with nuclear energy -- but he prefers

letting the sun do it and use it as solar power! (keep the reactor

91 million miles away)









On Dec 11, 2005, at 10:19 AM, docresults wrote:


> Hello Greg, Lori, Helen and All,


> It can be both useful and less than useful to label energy from a

> mental/emotional prospective (the mind model) of good or bad

> verses simply

> an energy model of there is no good or bad only energy. It all

> depends on

> the outcome we are going after and if we want to make the

> distinction for

> ourselves or our client.


> Normally using the labels of good or bad energy works pretty easily

> with

> clients since they are already used to that model. (That mental

> model is

> what usually creates the problem or block in the first place.) From

> the

> mental point of view one would want to remove the bad and replace

> it with

> the good. (Which according to The Law of Duality can't really be

> done.)


> From an energy model level it is just energy and it is designed to

> flow.

> Thus the idea of flow.


> From a spiritual prospective good and bad are just different

> perspectives

> or manifestations of the same thing. Thus the idea of balance.

> Combine the

> concept of the energy model and the spiritual view an we would have

> " even

> flow " .


> From a frequency prospective good is at one frequency and bad is at

> another frequency when you combine the two you get a third frequency

> different from the two separate frequencies but that contains both

> frequencies.


> Quantumly it would be either the particle or the wave.


> I guess the best mental/emotional use of any of these perspectives

> would be

> the magical question, as it is designed to create what I think are

> two of

> the most valuable traits to have... curiously and flexibility.


> To Your Best,

> Doc Houston


> At 11:41 AM 12/11/2005, you wrote:

>> Lori, Helen,


>> Interesting belief... good vs bad energy. Just energy. Could be

>> blocked or pooled, but it is all energy. We just need to keep the

>> flow

>> moving and transmuting in to USEFUL manifestations... right?


>> Greg R.


>> , " darthon4 "

>> <darthon4> wrote:


>>> Hi Helen,


>>> That's neat I hadn't thought of it that way!

>>> We are Energy Warriors aren't we?...all of us here on this list...

>>> and our mission is to disperse 'bad energy'. Cool, I like it!


>>> Lori


>>> , Helen

>>> Driscoll <helen@i...> wrote:


>>>> Lori -


>>>> It's interesting that both your vocation and avocation involve

>>>> dispersing 'bad energy'.


>>>> That's pretty cool.


>>>> Helen







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At 12:09 AM 12/12/2005, you wrote:

Hi Doc Houston,

All valid points. And the moral of the story worded another way:


Energy is subject to change so keep your options open and use

whatever works best for the job.



I sometimes (most of the time) wish we would apply the above moral of the

story to what we call human consciousness. As far as I can tell people

depend on it for truth and seriousness and it was designed for illusion

and play.

i.e. I love the complex equivalent that most operate from

unconsciously... safety = happiness and being right = safety,therefore

happiness = being right.

While it is possible to be both right and happy it seldom is the case as

being right depends on external circumstances and/or the agreement of

others and happiness is always an inside job.

To Your Best,

Doc Houston

P.S. Jim Baker and Jimmy Swaggert have written

an impressive new book. It's called " Ministers Do More Than Lay

People. "

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>From an energy model level it is just energy and it is designed to flow. > Thus the idea of flow.> > From a spiritual prospective good and bad are just different perspectives > or manifestations of the same thing.



This Good or Bad is, as you say, different reactions to the same energy.

In feng shui we call it chi or sha-chi and here's a brief metaphor of the difference.

Standing on an alpine meadow with a warm light breeze bringing negative ions [positve force] to your lungs is invigoriating and chi building, but when the wind picks up and cools off there is a tipping point where the wind no longer brings chi but begins to strip it from you. This wind is the same wind but it is now called sha-chi because it's taking from you instead of giving to you.


Different people have differnt tipping points so the energy is not inherently good of bad, but subjectively good or bad to you.


The same energy flowing through your meridians is chi but when it vortexes, stops at a clench point and begins to chakra where it shouldn't then this stale or blocked chi acts as sha-chi and the impasse needs to be smoothed out and the flow reinstated. This is the same energy acting in two different ways.





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, docresults

<docresults@h...> wrote:


> At 12:09 AM 12/12/2005, you wrote:

> >Hi Doc Houston,

> >

> >All valid points. And the moral of the story worded another way:

> >Energy is subject to change so keep your options open and use

> >whatever works best for the job.

> >

> >Lori



> Lori,


> I sometimes (most of the time) wish



But why wish? Just go do it.



>we would apply the above moral of the

> story to what we call human consciousness. As far as I can tell


> depend on it for truth and seriousness and it was designed for

illusion and

> play.



Could that be your illusion? So easy to change.


I made a decision to take the " play " route about a year ago because I

saw where the " serious " path had taken me up to that point and I

didn't like it. Best conscious decision I ever made in my life. I'm

a different and better person in my opinion.


Problem is some people think I'm a misfit because I chose the " play "

path. Their problem, not mine.


If something isn't fun, pleasing to me, I either drop it or find out

what needs to be done so that it is if it's important to me. For me

that usually involves bringing my three selves together and doing

some discussing/programming.


> i.e. I love the complex equivalent that most operate from


> safety = happiness and being right = safety,therefore happiness =

being right.


> While it is possible to be both right and happy it seldom is the

case as

> being right depends on external circumstances and/or the agreement


> others


Not a problem for me since the " others " are my high, middle and lower

selves. The ones who matter the most.


>and happiness is always an inside job.


Yes, I agree Wholeheartedly







> To Your Best,

> Doc Houston


> P.S. Jim Baker and Jimmy Swaggert have written an impressive new

book. It's

> called " Ministers Do More Than Lay People. "


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Lori and ALL,


Lori you are correct. I mis-wrote attempting to include all people in the

" I sometimes (most of the time) wish WE would apply the above moral of

the... " (For me personally it IS all about entertainment.) And as to your

admonition to just go do it... I do and it rubs off on the people around me.


I could have more accurately stated, " If more people applied the energy

model to the mental/emotional model (not the techniques, but the

principles) there would be a lot more joy and a lot less seriousness and

we'd get more shit done, easily. "


To Your Best,

Doc Houston


P.S. There are two theories to arguing with women. Neither one of them

work. " My Grampa Vetter "



At 09:46 PM 12/12/2005, you wrote:

> , docresults

><docresults@h...> wrote:

> >

> > At 12:09 AM 12/12/2005, you wrote:

> > >Hi Doc Houston,

> > >

> > >All valid points. And the moral of the story worded another way:

> > >Energy is subject to change so keep your options open and use

> > >whatever works best for the job.

> > >

> > >Lori

> >

> >

> > Lori,

> >

> > I sometimes (most of the time) wish



>But why wish? Just go do it.

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