Guest guest Posted December 14, 2005 Report Share Posted December 14, 2005 --- , Brenda Rex <Brenda_Rex> wrote: > My, my, my..... don't you have a huge ego... Let's see, sweetie pie. YOU, the poisoneous spider was ATTACKING ME, but I'm wrong... >maybe you need a pin to pop your ego to bring you down to earth ... Well, I've already used the PIN to pop YOUR ego. ....AND I'll do it again RIGHT NOW! The poisoneous spider was INCORRECT and TOTALLY WRONG in her descriptions of the meridians and the meridian functions, but I'm wrong, BECAUSE I validated and verified I was correct by the use of YANG'S own materials and HIS OWN words!!!... Sure sorry for any fellow that's married to her. > People can handle being incorrect, Gosh! YOU don't seem to be able to handle being incorrect! YOU were incorrect about your assumptions! You then attack me because I VERIFIED everything I stated! The black widow spider " sort of " admits to being incorrect, BUT NO APOLOGY from her, just ANOTHER ATTACK! Must be nice to ATTACK AND ATTACK even if wrong. > but you don't have to berate them. So, when someone like you attempts to sleazily undermine others, and YOU do it purposefully, you are supposed to be praised? Sorry spider. I squish spiders! Then I throw them in the fireplace and watch them curl up, shrivel and disappear! > Judgment, anger and making people wrong are all shadow energies. Yes, you are totally correct spider... ....and I do wonder WHY " YOU " ARE/WERE DOING IT!!! Look in the mirror sweetie, and notice the 8 legs BEFORE you start mouthing off about my 2 legs! > You may want to reread you message with a new perspective that not >everyone has master level education in acupuncture and energy lines >of the body... Why would I do that? Since YOU were the one that attempted to bad-mouth me behind the scenes. I was just fortunate enough that you sent your poison vibes to a man that was ethical, who passed on your poison to me to look at. So, now, black widow spider, YOU are attempting to label me with the sleaze that YOU DID! It will NOT work. >... we are all here to learn and be helpful to other members of the >group.... aka: be of service. You are now lying! You are now saying something TOTALLY DIFFERENT than YOUR behavior did! YOUR behavior is the behavior of a lying, condeming bitch, and NOT the behavior of one that helps and supports. Get off it! > Just by you being so negative with you email, do you realize how >much noxious angry you have put into our Universe. Don't you think >the world has enough of that.... we all need to send positive >loving energy to our fellow beings. Start with YOURSELF, bug. You want NOXIOUS ENERGY? I can really send you some... ....but it can it the TRUTH! You lied! You slandered! You were/are deceitful! That is very noxious. So " why don't YOU get over it? " > If you have not read the book, Power vs. Force, by David Hawkins No, I've NOT read it, BUT I'VE STUDIED IT, wearing out 3 different copies in THAT PROCESS OF LEARNING, and I've done the drills in THAT ONE BOOK many, many times... ....AND I've taught those skills to thousands of people! His BEST book is his last book. I suggest you get it and learn from it. Truth VS Falsity! I've also been teaching those skills for the past 3 months, since that newest and BEST book of his hit the bookstores! >level. And, I also suggest checking to see if you have any type of >energy blocks in your liver, you may need to do a detox... I'd >suggest Dr. Shultz 1-800-herb-doc. I hate to quote Aaron here, but he'd say something like " eat shit and die! " , which of course, I'd never say. I really did enjoy meeting you and noticing the poison and vile behind the sweet smile of a black widow spider. I love meeting stupid people who attempt to slander using their inferior brains! It gives me something very easy to write and post about. So, spider (squish!), I loved your inferior comments. First you attack me. I prove that what you wrote about is " full of shit " ... you attack me again saying " Dr. La Tourrette is not a NICE PERSON " ... So, I prove you write about is " full of shit " again... >I hope you have a positive day and may the Universe bring you joy. The Universe is VERY GOOD towards me. Why? Because I do have a clue to GETTING SHIT DONE. Something that you might want to learn a bit about. Huggy feely, > Brenda > kahunamaker <kahunamaker> wrote: > > " martha howard " <marthahhoward@h...> > >Hi Vince, > >You might want to let people know that Yang Jwing-ming > >doesn't " have it backwards. " > Well Martha, you got it wrong! And it is EASY VERIFIED. > Have you learned how to energy test, or are you just playing follow- the-leader with your brain? > Simply put, when you back flush that collector vessel (trace from > the chin to the groin), the PERSON GOES WEAK! > There is ONLY one time and with one method (you want to know it?) > does that direction cause a strengthening of the bodies system and > Yang does NOT mention it in any of his books, or his translations > from the ancient Chinese texts! > Actually lady, YJM actually states that, " the old documents have a > problem. The problem is `they explain WHAT to do, but do NOT explain WHY, and some will even just tell the process without explaining HOW to do it! " > In fact at the end of his book, " The Root of Chinese Chi Kung " he > asks 89 questions that he HOPES others might have answers for. > Why does he ask those 89 questions? Because he does NOT have the > answers for them. > So get off your high horse, smile and learn something. > >The acupuncture > >meridian, known as circulation-sex, pericardium, or > >Ren (ren is the western transliteration of the Chinese > >character) does go up from the perineum to the chin. > You are totally INCORRECT! This is the DIRECTION that the CENTRAL > MERIDIAN goes, and " NOT " the direction that the Circulation Sex > meridian flows. > Circulation Sex meridian (also called Pericardium meridian) starts > at the outside of the nipple, comes up over the shoulder, goes down inside the arm and off the middle finger. > And it's on BOTH SIDES. > Sorry buckwheat, you really screwed up! > You DON'T KNOW where the meridians are! > You don't know ANY of the 8 different energy systems that enhance > the health and youthfulness of the body and mind! > You DON'T KNOW the flows. So shut your mouth until you've got a clue! > >However, in doing the " microcosmic orbit " , the circle > >is done from the Dantian down through the perineum and > the tailbone and then up the spine, over the crown > >point, down through the mouth (that's why the tongue > >is connected, to make the 'circuit' and down the front > >to Dantian, and then repeat. > Yes, my poor lady, you do REPEAT (incorrectly I might add) how it is explained, BUT you have VIRTUALLY " NO " VERIFICATION PROCESS for > anything you state. > You blither on and on about this or that guru telling you it is so, so it must be true. > In fact you EVEN SCREW UP what Yang said. > Here let me give you a direct quote! " Through practicing the > Microcosmic Meditation (also known as Small Cycle Heaven from > Internal Elixir Qigong), a practitioner can circulate the Qi > (bioelectricity) smoothly in the Conception and the Governing > Vessels, the two major Qi vessels which regulate the Qi circulating in the Twelve Primary Qi Channels. " (pg. 18 " Qigong Meditation " ) > What is now real important in any CHI KUNG training, is that it is > now ALL VERIFIABLE, presupposing that you know how to ask the > correct questions; and that you are at least a 200 on the Hawkins > scale; and you've been taught how to energy test correctly. > >Part of the purpose of > >doing this is to convert sexual energy to spiritual > >energy--therefore, the energy along the front > >(pericardium) meridian goes against the direction of > >the meridian, and is thus " cooling " and the energy > >along the back (governor) and is therefore > > " tonifying. " > Sorry buckwheat, that is NOT what happens UNLESS a couple of other > things are taken into account... > ...ESPECIALLY SINCE you are using the WRONG NAME for that front > collector vessel! You've demonstrated you know NOTHING about what > you are pretending to talk about. > Thing #1. The mind, with proper visualization CAN go in a reverse > direction on ANY meridian. > Unfortunately, when the meridian runs backwards FOR ANY REASON, you then become HOMOLATERAL, which is a meridian condition that affects the mind and the body of the practitioner, and affects them in a NEGATIVE MANNER! > When you are homolateral your immune system is about 1/2 it's normal level! > When you are homolateral your brain hemispheres ARE NOT connecting > properly so your thinking skills are VERY DIMINSHED! > When you are homolateral, your Triple Warmer meridian is STRONGLY > ENGAGED which does STOP COLD all the other meridians with the > exception of the Heart Meridian. > >With all due respect to , > Well, lady " if " you did have respect for me, you would have EMAILED ME instead of whining and bitching to Vince! > So knock off the PRETEND RESPECT. I have NO respect for you or your back stabbing! > >he might want to find out more about a topic, > >especially a Taoist practice that is so ancient, > Get your head out of your ass! > Then wash out your eyes, and actually study from those that CAN > VERIFY their Chi Kung skills! > Ones who can heal with energy. > Ones who can injure with energy. > Ones who can actually " see " the energy as it is being changed, > enhanced and channeled! > And, if you want to know who to study with, ask politely and I'll > give a hint or two. > >before it says that a master like Yang Jwing-ming " got > >it backwards. " I hope this e mail is not widely > >circulated, > Actually it will be widely circulated! Why? Because YOU wrote it in an attempt to back stab, to slander, to drive into the dirt. > And I'm pretty damn sure that you've already spread your vile poison to all that will read and listen. > And, Yang Jwing-ming did get it backwards. Yang is one hell of a > Chinese historian and translator of ancient texts. > I've EVERY BOOK he's published, and most of his videos. I've been > STUDYING his materials for many, many years. > And, I give out his books to many, many black belt > friends/clients/students of mine every year! > I hold him in higher regard than virtually anyone else I've ever > studied, but SO WHAT? > The SHORT version that I gave Vince (he calls it Mr. Peanut which I think is a very derogatory name for a good skill) over the telephone a couple of years ago GETS POSITIVE RESULTS IMMEDIATELY! > The version that is in many of the ancient texts gets results very > slowly, IF AT ALL! > And the short version is ONLY a short version. At my seminars I give much more complete versions. > And I also show how to enhance that meditation drill in a way that > is easy verifiable and USUABLE for whatever the client wants. > Longevity! > Youthfulness! > Better Sex! > Wealth Building! > Martial Arts enhancement! > Warrior Skills enhancement! > Psychic Skills enhancement and development! > Blab, blab, blab. > >because it would certainly make anyone who > >knows qigong have big questions about Dr. John M. La > Tourrette. > Goody, goody! > Hopefully they'll have 2 things going for them. > Thing #1, the BALLS to ask me politely and DIRECTLY! > Thing #2, the AWARENESS to DO THE DAMN DRILLS TO GET THE DAMN SKILLS! > If they've got those 2 things, THEN we'll get along great! > I love SMART questions. I abhor whining, bitching, back stabbers! > >Also, doing the practice in the way he > >describes could be harmful. > Grow up back stabber! > You could be a hermaphrodite too, though I'd be surprised if you > are. You are linguistically attempting to install doubt just because you are a vile black widow spider. > Get over it. > It is SO EASY to validate scientifically " if " an energy drill is > enhancing your energies, or is detrimental to your energies! > In fact, I demonstrate this specific skill on my " Secrets of The > Kahuna Energy Disk " DVD. > In fact, on my 3 video Chi Kung Video set, " SECRETS OF STEALING HIS SPIRIT BEFORE BATTLE! " I demonstrate and teach those skills to > martial arts athletes so they can use those ENERGY DEPLETION skills AGAINST other martial artists! > Then those people go out into the world and practice those SELF- > ENERGY ENHANCING skills on themselves and their clients, and use the ENERGY DEPLETION skills against the opposition. > These skills were also used in the 70's during a world class chess > match. There were 3 different Soviet Psychics in the audience > weakening the energy fields of the other player. He lost. > Chi Kung training and those skills ARE A NECESSARY PART OF ANY > BATTLE PLAN, even if it's a plan of self-healing! > I could easily turn this post into a 400 page book, but I won't. At least I won't do it today. > >Take care, > >Martha > You too, sweetie pie. > > Ph.D. Sports Psychology, Black Belt in 19 different martial Arts > styles, Producer of " Energy for Athletes " DVD's, Writer of 28 > martial arts books, produced over 378 martial arts videos, Energy > Medicine Trainer, Chi Kung Trainer, NLP Trainer, Chi Kung Secrets of Killing Black Widow Spiders can be easily learned! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 14, 2005 Report Share Posted December 14, 2005 What makes that LYING BITCH even MORE guilty is that she CLAIMS to know something. If she admitted she were just a mouthy, opinionated bitch who didn't know what she was talking about, then her guilt would not be as great as it is. She would just be an opinionated, stubborn old stupid bitch. BUT since she CLAIMS to know something, she is now also guilty for everyone she INTENTIONALLY misleads with faulty information that will hurt them instead of heal them. She is now GUILTY for everyone she deliberately leads astray. She is now GUILTY for everyone she distracts from the path of knowledge. What kind of " magick " is it that DELIBERATLY keeps people from the truth and attempts to use extortion and psychic blackmail to keep others from finding out how to heal themselves? And her OUTRIGHT LIES are cloaked under a very feeble attempt to appear " nice " so that those who don't know any better will be swayed to her deceit and her lies. Thank you, Doc, for the study and verification methods and the sources and the " what else " that other people leave out when they teach either because they don't know or they don't care. Jim Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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