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The REAL Energy Secrets of the Internal Energy Flows!

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A nice post.

Group, here is what I'll do.

FIRST the people on this group that WANT TO answer the following

post, DO SO.


Then I'll come in with my version later.


Then is NOT just La Tourrette GIVING THE ANSWERS, but the group

sharing in the process.;-)





The REAL Energy Secrets of the Internal Energy Flows!


Huna-Ohana , " psychaelic " <psychael@x...>



> Hi.


> Here's my little story concerning that topic.


> Where to start?


> About 3 weeks ago I found a question that had bothered me for a


> time partially answered in a book about Acupuncture and



> Here's a bit of history how that question came up.

> Skip it if you're not interested.




> [i had worked about 2 years with the chinese (and Robert Bruce's)

> approach of pulling energy up the spine and down in front and


> it in the lower Dan tien. Doc's right, it took a long time to make


> work.


> Then I read somewhere on your groups that the central meridian runs

> the other way. So I reversed EVERYTHING and somehow, it worked


> At least in front. So I stayed confused. And I didn't know how to


> the energy.


> Then, some months ago, after visiting a kinesiology class, I


> to try it with both meridians at the same time. Not listening to


> chinese stuff and Robert Bruce I kept the energy in the head. I

got a

> real bad headache for at least two days.


> So the next question came up...]




> where does the energy go from the point where they meet in the



> The book had a new idea of another meridian in the middle of the


> and the idea of the central meridian being able to run both ways


> that seemed a bit strange to me. So my teacher and me started


> testing this.


> Conclusion:

> The central meridian IS able to run both ways, up AND down.

> Hm.

> But we both knew that zipping down weakens so... how does that fit

> together?


> The answer is quite interesting.

> It's running UP ON THE OUTSIDE and running DOWN INSIDE.


> Guess what? Same goes for the governing vessel.


> So we tried to find out by energy testing what works best FOR ME.


> Up BOTH MERIDIANS AT THE SAME TIME, meeting in the mouth and then


> inside the body to the lower dan tien, saving the energy there.

> Wow. I don't say that I know that this is the way IT IS or


> should do it but for me, it's really, really strong.

> (Pono?)

> Stronger than anything I had experienced before. I can charge


> in a very short time in a way I'd never thought to be possible.

> Funny things happening around me since I found that out.


> Just wanted to share that with you.

> Hope it helps you or anyone else the same way it helped me.


> Michael

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I'll toss my $0.02 in here.


I like what psychaelic said about the conception and

governing vessels having both external and internal

paths. The one question that remains in my mind is,

what does connecting the conception and governing

vessels by touching the tongue to the roof of the

mouth do if there are, in fact, an external and

internal path?


Years ago I was talking to Rick Moneymaker, who is a

master of Okinawan Kyusho-jistu and Tuite-jitsu. Rick

studied TCM extensively in an effort to more fully

understand the science behind these two obscure arts.

He told me that he had seen a reference in one of the

acupuncture texts that talked of the meridians as

actually being one continuous pathway. Then the 12

meridians that we talk about are actually the paths

where this one pathway runs on the surface of the

body. But this still doesn't answer why it is that the

Qi in the conception and governing vessels make us

strong when both run from bottom to top.


Then I discovered that Jimmy Yang (Yang Jwing Ming)

makes reference to a Yang Linking Vessel and a Yin

Linking Vessel. He doesn't say too much about them,

but what he does say about them is this:


" The Yang Linking vessel regulates the Chi mainly in

the Yand Channels: the Urinary Bladder, Gall Bladder,

Triple Burner, Small Intestine and Stomach channels.

It is also connected with the Governing vessel at

Gv-15 and Gv-16. "


" The Yin Linking vessel has connections with the

Kidney, Spleen, and Liver Yin channels. The Yin

Linking vessel also communicates with the Conception

vessel at two cavities. " (He doesn't specify which

two, but from the accompanying figure, it appears that

the connection is at Co-22 and Co-23.)


So it seems that these two Linking vessels could serve

as the " return path " (to borrow a term from electrical

engineering) which allows Qi to flow up the Conception

Vessel AND up the Governing vessel, too.


But this still doesn't explain the role that the

tongue plays in completing this circuit.


This is as far as I've been able to go in this.

Please, someone else pick up the discussion and carry

it further, or if I'm incorrect in my assumptions,

please point out where I made the wrong turn.


This is a GREAT discussion!!








, " kahunamaker "

<kahunamaker> wrote:


> A nice post.

> Group, here is what I'll do.

> FIRST the people on this group that WANT TO answer the following

> post, DO SO.


> Then I'll come in with my version later.


> Then is NOT just La Tourrette GIVING THE ANSWERS, but the group

> sharing in the process.;-)


> Fair?



> The REAL Energy Secrets of the Internal Energy Flows!


> Huna-Ohana , " psychaelic " <psychael@x>

> wrote:

> >

> > Hi.

> >

> > Here's my little story concerning that topic.

> >

> > Where to start?

> >

> > About 3 weeks ago I found a question that had bothered me for a

> long

> > time partially answered in a book about Acupuncture and

> Acupressure.

> >

> > Here's a bit of history how that question came up.

> > Skip it if you're not interested.

> >

> >

> >

> > [i had worked about 2 years with the chinese (and Robert Bruce's)

> > approach of pulling energy up the spine and down in front and

> saving

> > it in the lower Dan tien. Doc's right, it took a long time to


> it

> > work.

> >

> > Then I read somewhere on your groups that the central meridian


> > the other way. So I reversed EVERYTHING and somehow, it worked

> better.

> > At least in front. So I stayed confused. And I didn't know how to

> safe

> > the energy.

> >

> > Then, some months ago, after visiting a kinesiology class, I

> decided

> > to try it with both meridians at the same time. Not listening to

> the

> > chinese stuff and Robert Bruce I kept the energy in the head. I

> got a

> > real bad headache for at least two days.

> >

> > So the next question came up...]

> >

> >

> >

> > where does the energy go from the point where they meet in the

> mouth????

> >

> > The book had a new idea of another meridian in the middle of the

> body

> > and the idea of the central meridian being able to run both ways

> but

> > that seemed a bit strange to me. So my teacher and me started

> energy

> > testing this.

> >

> > Conclusion:

> > The central meridian IS able to run both ways, up AND down.

> > Hm.

> > But we both knew that zipping down weakens so... how does that fit

> > together?

> >

> > The answer is quite interesting.

> > It's running UP ON THE OUTSIDE and running DOWN INSIDE.

> >

> > Guess what? Same goes for the governing vessel.

> >

> > So we tried to find out by energy testing what works best FOR ME.

> >

> > Up BOTH MERIDIANS AT THE SAME TIME, meeting in the mouth and then

> down

> > inside the body to the lower dan tien, saving the energy there.

> > Wow. I don't say that I know that this is the way IT IS or

> everybody

> > should do it but for me, it's really, really strong.

> > (Pono?)

> > Stronger than anything I had experienced before. I can charge

> myself

> > in a very short time in a way I'd never thought to be possible.

> > Funny things happening around me since I found that out.

> >

> > Just wanted to share that with you.

> > Hope it helps you or anyone else the same way it helped me.

> >

> > Michael


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Hi Doc, all,


I really liked the subject post. Wasn't certain I wanted to post this

yet since I haven't energy tested everything, not certain how to do

it on what I found, but thought what I found was really interesting.


I found some information on three energy channels that run up/down

the center of the body.


This is Indian in origin rather than Chinese which is what we have

been using for the examples so far, but I still think it's relevant.


One channel is called ida (channels negative prana ) the other

pingala (channels positive prana).


There is also a third and central channel that is the etheric

counterpart to the spine called the sushumna and that's the channel

that kundalini moves up through.

(I think raising the kundalini up the sushumna is for another whole



The ida starts at the left nostril and the pingala starts at the

right nostril and they end down at the bottom of the root chakra.


These channels weave back and forth down along the spine and at each

point that they cross over and touch each other on the spine those

points (nodes) correspond with one of each of the seven chakras.


There is some indication from what I found that they can go the other

direction, but from what I've gathered it is not the primary

direction. Someone correct me if I've been misled.


Together it all looks like figure 8's stacked up the spine with a

chakra situated at the narrow part of each 8. Reminds me of the

cadeuceus...that medical symbol with the two snakes and the central

staff. Also kind of resembes a double heilx.


So based on this info, here's what I think.


I think the central and governing meridians run on the outside and

are strong traced from bottom to top. And it's the ida and pingala

that run on the inside, and if those are traced from top to bottom

they will be strong. That's how you can get strong tracing downward.


Haven't tested ida and pingala though, and not certain how to..any

ideas? Do you use your intent to trace ida and pingala following

their pattern, figure 8's, along the spine, since the central and

governing are closer to the surface and may get traced instead?


Now, here's where I think the tongue and lips come into play:


Since the ida starts at the left nostril and the pingala at the right

nostril, by touching the tongue to the roof of the mouth you are

completing the circuit between ida on the left and pingala on the

right, from the inside of your mouth.


Plus, you are also connecting to the upper and lower lip (central

with governing) if the mouth is closed, since they are all in close

proximity to each other.


Since the chakras collect prana, making the completed circuit between

ida and pingala with the tongue allows prana from the chakras (lower

and upper chakras are all connected) to become available for use.


When the lips are together the energy circuit is also completed

between the central and governing meridians and you have that energy

as well.


When the tongue is dropped away from the roof of the mouth the

circuit between ida and pingala AND the lips is broken.


And if the lips are separated the central and governing are also



Sorry, I've not tested all this out yet with energy testing. We have

some willing subjects coming by this weekend and next and will test

it out then.





, " kahunamaker "

<kahunamaker> wrote:


> A nice post.

> Group, here is what I'll do.

> FIRST the people on this group that WANT TO answer the following

> post, DO SO.


> Then I'll come in with my version later.


> Then is NOT just La Tourrette GIVING THE ANSWERS, but the group

> sharing in the process.;-)


> Fair?



> The REAL Energy Secrets of the Internal Energy Flows!


> Huna-Ohana , " psychaelic " <psychael@x>

> wrote:

> >

> > Hi.

> >

> > Here's my little story concerning that topic.

> >

> > Where to start?

> >

> > About 3 weeks ago I found a question that had bothered me for a

> long

> > time partially answered in a book about Acupuncture and

> Acupressure.

> >

> > Here's a bit of history how that question came up.

> > Skip it if you're not interested.

> >

> >

> >

> > [i had worked about 2 years with the chinese (and Robert Bruce's)

> > approach of pulling energy up the spine and down in front and

> saving

> > it in the lower Dan tien. Doc's right, it took a long time to


> it

> > work.

> >

> > Then I read somewhere on your groups that the central meridian


> > the other way. So I reversed EVERYTHING and somehow, it worked

> better.

> > At least in front. So I stayed confused. And I didn't know how to

> safe

> > the energy.

> >

> > Then, some months ago, after visiting a kinesiology class, I

> decided

> > to try it with both meridians at the same time. Not listening to

> the

> > chinese stuff and Robert Bruce I kept the energy in the head. I

> got a

> > real bad headache for at least two days.

> >

> > So the next question came up...]

> >

> >

> >

> > where does the energy go from the point where they meet in the

> mouth????

> >

> > The book had a new idea of another meridian in the middle of the

> body

> > and the idea of the central meridian being able to run both ways

> but

> > that seemed a bit strange to me. So my teacher and me started

> energy

> > testing this.

> >

> > Conclusion:

> > The central meridian IS able to run both ways, up AND down.

> > Hm.

> > But we both knew that zipping down weakens so... how does that fit

> > together?

> >

> > The answer is quite interesting.

> > It's running UP ON THE OUTSIDE and running DOWN INSIDE.

> >

> > Guess what? Same goes for the governing vessel.

> >

> > So we tried to find out by energy testing what works best FOR ME.

> >

> > Up BOTH MERIDIANS AT THE SAME TIME, meeting in the mouth and then

> down

> > inside the body to the lower dan tien, saving the energy there.

> > Wow. I don't say that I know that this is the way IT IS or

> everybody

> > should do it but for me, it's really, really strong.

> > (Pono?)

> > Stronger than anything I had experienced before. I can charge

> myself

> > in a very short time in a way I'd never thought to be possible.

> > Funny things happening around me since I found that out.

> >

> > Just wanted to share that with you.

> > Hope it helps you or anyone else the same way it helped me.

> >

> > Michael


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