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Energy Healing Sessions...

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Excuse me if this sounds shittier than I intend it...


I just found a massage therapy school webpage that also has some energy type

classes. Now I'm not really interested in going to massage therapy school. I

was just making conversation with someone online who is studying to be a massage



So anyways, this webpage says that Kansas and Missouri currently do not have

licensing requirements for Energy Healing practitioners.


So how would you go about setting up shop, so to speak? How would you know what

to charge and so forth?


What COULD you or could you NOT do?


In other words, could you do " stop smoking " and " stress relief " and things like

that WITHOUT having any kind of counseling certification or hypnosis licenses?

If so, would you want to set it up so you are doing " spiritual counseling " as an

ordained minister? or what?


And by the way, I'm not trying to sound like a shit, but I remember one time I

was at a psychic fair, and they had people doing energy healing sessions, and

some of those old bats looked SICK. They certainly were not in good physical



So, like what could you or could you not do and be congruent? For instance, you

wouldn't want to do " lose weight " sessions if you like to eat pizza all the

time, and are overweight. Imagine XX doing hypnosis sessions for peak athletic

performance. I don't know how he used to sell gym memberships.


So do you just limit the advertising to " energy healing " ? Or can you advertise

specific types of programs such as stop smoking, stress relief, etc, without

having any kind of counseling credentials?


And also, do you need any kind of liability insurance?


What do you charge? If someone followed the model in one of the handouts Doc

gave on a HYPNOSIS PRACTICE at a seminar about a year ago, then you could

conceivably make more in 2 days of " work " than many people make in 40 or more

hours a week.


Where do you go to find out what kinds of things you can and can't claim to do

or can or can't advertise?





P.S. How do you make sure you get a " higher class " clientelle so that you're

dealing with people who have money? And do you charge " per session " ? Or do you

charge for a program to get a specific benefit? I guess I need to know how much

bullshit there is to go through to get set up FIRST, because if it's too much a

pain in the ass, I probably won't do it no matter how much it pays...

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>Excuse me if this sounds shittier than I intend it...


All seriousness aside, James, just how shitty did you intend it?

~~ Thanks James, for the best straight line set up of the year:)


>What COULD you or could you NOT do? James: The massage therapy ticket is an excellent start and give you the legal qualification you'll need and that is


*the license to touch*.



My daughter has a Reiki master level 3 but until she got the massage ticket she could legally only do an off the skin session but now she can legally do it hands on.

That, btw, is another valid pathway. If you're sincere you could get Reiki 1 in one intense weekend. This would get you started with some parchment to hang on your office wall.


"THERAPY"/ Not !!!

Unless you have a degree you don't do, 'Therapy', 'Healing', etc. but you can teach. You can't practice brain surgery without a license but you can train or teach how to do it [go figure]. You just can't grant any degrees or certificates. Most "self hypnosis" courses are really hypnosis in a disclaimer form. BTW, If you plan to do any of the addiction control *counseling* [*verboten* word] always remember the fundamental point,




Use your skills to evoke from the client a pleasurable, positive direction for the client's energies to which the addiction would be counter productive. Then use your skills to enhance that direction. Remember you don't come up with the direction; the client does under your guidance.

This is also a good start to effective therapy as Questions often teach more than statements, don'tcha think????

Does "Buried Instruction", ring a bell?

You are already on this pathway, James, because your posts are filled with thoughtful questions to the point.

Have you tried your 'therapy' techniques with questions?

>So do you just limit the advertising to "energy healing"? Or can you advertise specific types of programs such as stop smoking, stress relief,-

`skeuzze me? "energy ...?..." What was that forbidden word again?

Don't even think energy 'H******G'.

"Energy WORK". This is an acceptable translation of QiGong and is legal.

"Energy releasing" [i like that one because it peaks interest and begs a question.]

You can always ask questions legally.

"Do you have a drinking problem?"

"Need help quitting smoking?"

"Diets not working for you?"

And a prerequisite:

Do for others only what you have successfully done for your self.

Take Luke 4:23 one step further from, "Physician heal thyself ", to "Heal thyself first before trying to heal others."

Then Go for it!rusty

>P.S. How do you make sure you get a "higher class" clientele so that you're dealing with people who have money.-

Gorilla marketing.


>if it's too much a pain in the ass, I probably won't do it no matter how much it pays...


It's always a pain in the ass if you're doing it for any other reason than for the fun of it.



And a question to which only you need to hear the answer, James,

"What is your core competence here and how can you put it into action?"



- James R. Knippenberg Wednesday, December 21, 2005 9:07 PM Energy Healing Sessions...Excuse me if this sounds shittier than I intend it...I just found a massage therapy school webpage that also has some energy type classes. Now I'm not really interested in going to massage therapy school. I was just making conversation with someone online who is studying to be a massage therapist.So anyways, this webpage says that Kansas and Missouri currently do not have licensing requirements for Energy Healing practitioners.So how would you go about setting up shop, so to speak? How would you know what to charge and so forth?What COULD you or could you NOT do?In other words, could you do "stop smoking" and "stress relief" and things like that WITHOUT having any kind of counseling certification or hypnosis licenses? If so, would you want to set it up so you are doing "spiritual counseling" as an ordained minister? or what?And by the way, I'm not trying to sound like a shit, but I remember one time I was at a psychic fair, and they had people doing energy healing sessions, and some of those old bats looked SICK. They certainly were not in good physical health.So, like what could you or could you not do and be congruent? For instance, you wouldn't want to do "lose weight" sessions if you like to eat pizza all the time, and are overweight. Imagine XX doing hypnosis sessions for peak athletic performance. I don't know how he used to sell gym memberships.So do you just limit the advertising to "energy healing"? Or can you advertise specific types of programs such as stop smoking, stress relief, etc, without having any kind of counseling credentials?And also, do you need any kind of liability insurance?What do you charge? If someone followed the model in one of the handouts Doc gave on a HYPNOSIS PRACTICE at a seminar about a year ago, then you could conceivably make more in 2 days of "work" than many people make in 40 or more hours a week.Where do you go to find out what kinds of things you can and can't claim to do or can or can't advertise?Thanks,JimP.S. How do you make sure you get a "higher class" clientelle so that you're dealing with people who have money? And do you charge "per session"? Or do you charge for a program to get a specific benefit? I guess I need to know how much bullshit there is to go through to get set up FIRST, because if it's too much a pain in the ass, I probably won't do it no matter how much it pays...

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Hi Jim,


You may find this useful:


" Legal Guidelines for Unlicensed Practitioners


" This is a practical guide designed for any practitioner (including

licensed ones) to help avoid legal problems. Chapters discuss how to

present oneself, how to talk about one's work, words to avoid, legal

documents to assist protection, record-keeping, privacy, insurance and

many other topics. Later chapters explore occupational licensing

laws, constitutional rights and the Ninth Amendment. The book also

includes sample disclosure, disclaimer and consent forms. 8.5 " x 11 " ,

79 pages, soft cover, 2005.................$15.00


" Click to view the Table of Contents and Chapter 1. "




Larry Wilson is a M.D. who chose not to be licensed, and does

" consulting " , iirc.






On 12/21/05, James R. Knippenberg <erommel wrote:


> Excuse me if this sounds shittier than I intend it...


> I just found a massage therapy school webpage that also has some energy type

classes. Now I'm not really interested in going to massage therapy school. I

was just making conversation with someone online who is studying to be a massage



> So anyways, this webpage says that Kansas and Missouri currently do not have

licensing requirements for Energy Healing practitioners.


> So how would you go about setting up shop, so to speak? How would you know

what to charge and so forth?


> What COULD you or could you NOT do?


> In other words, could you do " stop smoking " and " stress relief " and things

like that WITHOUT having any kind of counseling certification or hypnosis

licenses? If so, would you want to set it up so you are doing " spiritual

counseling " as an ordained minister? or what?


> ... <snip>

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