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Real EFFECTIVE Energy Testing is NOT easy & NOT for Dummies!

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Hi Diane,


Real effective Energy Testing is NOT easy, and it is NOT for dummies!


And, " NO " , you are not dummies, you are very smart for asking

feedback on something that you've actually experienced and have

valid questions over.


So I will give some valid answers and how-to's. Read on down the

page, interwoven comments are added.


mindmastery-essentialskills , " Elizabeth

Sleight " <esleight@s...> wrote:


> If you haven't balanced your own energies you won't get a true

>reading. You can get false positives and false negatives.


I do not agree with this. Here's why I totally disagree with

Elizabeth's answer.


Balancing your own energies normally refers to the physiological bio-

electric energies that Donna Eden and Dr La Tourette talk about, the

8 different fields that give life and juice to the human body.


Energy testing problems with the Inner Demon Destroyer are normally

NOT caused by those things.


Yes, I know that there are exceptions, like frozen muscles. But you

can easily bypass a frozen muscle and still have energy testing work

by at least 28 different simple tools. The prime tool being, 'hold

the electricals on the back of their head as you energy test with a

general indicator test'. Simple and effective.


Problems with energy testing can be due to many things, the primary

thing is 'lack of practice'.


Lack of training the subconscious mind in how to give proper answers

through the muscular testing of the general indicator test.


What is very special, is that once you can energy test, you can then

use energy testing as a verification process for certain types of

psychic skills, skills like telepathy, the dream invader,

influencing others intensionally and covertly...many, many things

you are do with that skill of calibration.


Further down the page I'll explain how to do that.


> I haven't seen the Inner Demon Destroyer program so I can't

>comment on what is taught there about balancing.


I can. The Inner Demon Destroyer does not waste our time on

balancing anything.


So, what does the IDD do?


The Inner Demon Destroyer does what Dr. La Tourette designed it to

do. It shows us, through demonstration and specific drills, how to

ERASE those inner demons of fear, guilt, anger, blab, blab, blab...


....and then to REPLACE those away-from emotions with the positive

energies that you want instead.


The Inner Demon Destroyer is a Mount Everest technique, compared to

tracing the meridians, and doing the basic 3 thumps.


Oh, by the way, the good Dr. La Tourette actually does cover those

on the first DVD of that Inner Demon Set.


Why does he do that?


Because he wants them hummmming in the right direction before doing

any intervention.


Doc then show 3 different ways that anyone with a brain can energy

test AND do the Inner Demon Destroyer correctly.


> Elizabeth


> rrosariorio [rio1@l...]

> December 28, 2005 5:16 PM

> I have another question.


> On the inner demon destroyer when they test for there names my

>name (real) then my name (not real).

> I have done the self testing on my knee and it all is the same.


Okay, the quadracepts energy test works for most people. But,

remember you are still doing it on yourself, and there is a major

problem with that self-test for beginners.


Here's the problem.


You get in your own way!


Your subconscious thoughts and your conscious thoughts are not

congruent with energy testing. You are not yet convinced that energy

testing is valid, or not, so those unconscious " tag ends " are what

are actually being tested, and not the positive statement that you

think is being tested.


If you are not sure the test will work, if you have any hesitancy of

the validity of energy testing, that hesitancy will come through on

the energy test as a tag end.


A tag end is the last thought you have as you test.


So if you say, " My name is Diane " , and the following unconsious

thought is, " I hope this works " , which is a questioning fear based

thought, they the test will not be accurate. You will test weak on

your own name.


That is why energy testing should be learned from a competant

person, done to you by them, so you can experience the difference in

life force flow through your arm with all the examples they do on



A competant person's energy flows are strong and positive, and that

strong and positive energy will damper out your unconscious

negation, up to a point.


So, with a competant trainer, you will soon start noticing the

external energy flows from others before you actually come in

contact with them, and you will be able to read their emotions,

their positive and negative energies, even at a distance.


But you got to start somewhere simple first.


> I had a friend do energy testing on me and the same thing when I

>said my wrong name she had all she could do to push my arms down.


You remind me of a weight lifter that came in for Sports Performance

Enhancement drills last week.


He thought that the basic general indicator test was a contest

between his entire muscular arm, shoulder and back muscles, and my 2

fingers extended.


So I needed to educate him, and show him the difference in force

that " he " used for each test.


Him being a smart young man figured it out in about 3 minutes, and

from that point on, fixing his pre-performance jitters was a snap.


He finally realized that energy testing is not a contest between the

client and the therapist, but is a verification of the different

amounts of energy flow through his muscles as you had him state

specific tag ends about " his " performance.


He then could calibrate and use the " same " strength, and notice the



> one have some in put on this and how I can get more of a cut and

>dry yes or no.


Sure, go to Dr. La Tourette's upcome seminar, and learn from the man



If that is not one of your choices, then call up some of the energy

therapists in your area and see if they have a class on it.


Or, you can buy the " Secrets of Energy TESTING " DVD set from Dr. La

Tourette. It'll save you much time, money and worry.


A nice complete package of the real secrets behind energy testing.


You are welcome.

Barbara Ann


> Or is there another way to try to energy test my self.


> Thanks. Diane

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