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Negative Emotions like fear, shame & guilt are NOT your emotions!!!

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---, " Loren Schwenk " <iamawholei@m...> wrote:


> The structure of an emotion is a body feeling with an auditory

>meaning attached.


This is partially correct. The feelings are in the Energy Fields

penetrating the physical body.


When you remove the perturbance in the Energy Body, it instantly

also DISAPPEARS in the physical body.


Verifiable with Secrets of energy testing. (This does NOT follow

exactly the NLP premise, but the Energy Medicine premise)


>We usually focus on the auditory meaning with little attention on

>the body sensation so we loop over and over creating patterned



This is also partially correct.


We are born with certain modalities of thinking, feeling,

remembering and constructing in our Energy Bodies!


These locations in our Energy Bodies can be accessed with the

keyboard of the physical body, and the physical brain, the chakras

and the location of the eyes, and the movements of the fields based

upon the movements of the limbs and torsal...


....depending upon the EM fields surrounding the physical body and

it's EM bodies and Subtle bodies. (more EXACT information available

if desired).


In a normal individual, when they look down to their right side they

are accessing an " unconscious " feeling with an auditory component.


This can be verified with proper energy testing.


And, this accessing of the feeling is accessing their Energy fields

though the mechanics of the physical body and the etheric body.


Even without bodies those feelings and thoughts can be accessed by

the same means in the etheric body.


Notice that we've not YET gotten into the visual memory, the visual



Both of which we are also born with.


> We are only able to distinguish at this level, physical, by



Yes, and there is much more to it.


To notice " differences " is to learn why one is X and the other A.


That differences is ONE form of awareness...


....But there are several steps after that.


And, going with your first premise, when a person looks down to his

left he is accessing the " conscious " thoughts auditorily.


This can also be verified with energy testing.


Again, what is do be done with this differences information?


Shall we ask the question that sends us to a living Hell, or should

be ask the questions that sends us to a living Heaven?


> When we are not getting what we want it means we have looped the

>creative force by assigning meaning/emotion to it that blocks our



NOT really!


When you are NOT getting what you want, you are asking the

unconscious questions that send you to a living HELL.


When there is a CONFLICT between the unihipili and the uhane, the

unihipili wins.


The WRONG questions will access the CONFLICTS.


The RIGHT questions will access the SOLUTIONS.


So the conflicts need to be erased, reframed, instructed, verified

before the manifestation process, UNLESS the goal we are going

towards in NOT in conflict...then we just pay attention to the

direction of the goal.


> When you change the thinking/meaning attached to the blocking

>emotion, creative force flows again.


Not really. The reframe must be aligned with the unconscious

processes, or some deep structure change needs to be done.


> All mind and thought control is in this process of how we choose

>to interprete the information.




With most people there is NO choice, their are only old unconscious



AWARENESS is noticing the habits...


....noticing if those old habits are getting you what you consciously

and unconsciously desire...


....blab, blab, blab.


> No one discovers anything, we rediscover what is already there,

>waiting for us to assign a better meaning, more useful to what we



So, what's your purpose in this reframe?


Is it to downplay all the new and neat things people figure out?


What is your INTENTION behind that type of demeanoring post?


Just curious.


> Select and arrange emotional materials in the proper order and the

>world flows before you accordingly. Step outside your perspective

>and ask how else can I use this?


What are your tools for doing this?


Proper order according to whom?


World flows where exactly?


How does one stpe outside his perspective?



> Every word has a corresponding body sensation attached to it.


So, what's your point?


What is important about this?


How can this be used constructively?


> Thinking thus far has locked one into a certain way or position.


Not so!


UNCONSCIOUS HABITS have locked up into certain ways and positions

(whatever you mean by position?).


> Change the meaning and change your world.


What do you mean by this?


A " rose " is now a " dog " ?


>Because any emotion you hold onto and do not flow will bring its



Does not make sense.


Please clarify with examples.


Then please verify with some type of processing structure.


> What if you do not hold any emotion, positive or negative? What

>would that be like?


You would then be DEAD!


A happy life is experiencing the different emotions, with most of

the energies from the Radiant Circuits.


Without the negative emotions there are no positive emotions.


Strategies leading from negative emotions to more productive

emotions are nice to have.


DENYING THE EMOTIONS is just " BEING BRAIN DEAD " in a still living



> Remove the charge of positive or negative and you remove judgement

>and become the observer,


JUDGEMENT is from the ego, the conscious mind, and is usually

learned from some role model. It is the " I " position. This is

associated into what " you " do and " see " and " hear " and " believe " .


Switching referencial index to the " other person " index (2nd person)

will give much more skills and abilities of communication and of

happiness. It is the " you " position. This is accociated into

what " they " do and what " they " see " and what they " hear " and

what 'they " believe.


Switching referencial indes to the " observer of BOTH people) (3rd

position) will give you yet and completely different viewpoint. This

is a dissociated position of watching " them " and you are NOT



>able to direct and control the emotions instead of being their



Well, this is totally valueless, if there is no method to be able to

switch off the driving Triple Warmer emotions, and of turning on the

neat positive " Radiant Circuit " emotions.


And, on a low level of 185 to about 210 of the Hawkins scale this

switching can easily be done by asking the MAGIC QUESTION. The magic

question is, " If I could do XXX, then how would I? "


Most people, about 85% PLUS of the population use a negation

question here instead. TheY use something like you've been using,

words that demonstrate violation of the meta-model, and words that

demonstrate living at " effect " .


Both behaviours which are very holding back!


Napoleon Hill, in his blockbuster book, " The Laws of Success " , has a

chapter that most people seem to have never read. It is titled,



I suggest people read that book and look at what ACCURATE THINKING



Another book that will help people become much happier is Dale

Carnegie's, " How to STOP Worrying & Start Living! "


If you are overlayed with negative emotions like fear, guilt and

shame, PLEASE NOTE that someone else EMBEDDED THEM INTO YOU, and

they ARE NOT you emotions!


So, to understand how to erase these it might be nice to read Harry

Browne's book, " How I found Freedom in an Unfree World " .


> As has been pointed out as useful you are then at cause instead of

at effect.


I find it very interesting that you state " you are then at cause

instead of at effect " , but you give no procedures nor specific

behaviors of living at cause.


So I totally agree with your LAST statement, but I do have problems

with the lack of direction of the rest of the post.



the TRAINER that can show you how to turn on your Love and turn on

your Light, no matter where you are now.

Negative Emotions like fear, shame & guilt are NOT your emotions!!!


> With Love and Light In All Things,


> Loren

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