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Healing techniques for gout

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Hi Dr La Tourrette, I read this article and will certainly do this...My question to you is that I have had gout for 10 years and it reached advanced stage several years ago. I have done reiki, energy healing on this, NLP work on this and also Hypnosis work, and currently doing Parts integration work. I have swollen inflamed ankles that are always in pain and find it hard to stand for long periods of time and after I do I expereince tremendous pain my age is 36 years of age my father had this problem. I left England 12 years ago to come tot he states. Would it be helpful to do what you suggested for the joint problems if not would anything you know of be helpful. Sunil Varma varma_sunil01 docspeed2001 <docspeed2001 wrote: --- In

, gavilancomun wrote: > > Hi. > > I slipped on some ice and fell from my bicycle two week ago. > > My knees took most of the impact, resulting in grazes, bruising > and swelling of one knee. > > Some discomfort remains in the knee that swelled. > > Here's the practical things I've been doing... > > Silva 3-scenes, reiki, some gentle joint exercises, light massage with > Arnica cream. > > These last two days I've returned to the bike and done some light cycling. > > Also I've got the bike overhauled to make sure it's mechanically sound. > > What other healing steps should I take? Hi James, I'd do 2 additional things, since most of what you are doing is very good. Here's some advice I give my athletes, since this is a common joint

injury. I'd do a 10 minute (minimum) peanut oil massage morning and night. And if the joint is still bruised, I'd do a castor oil pack. 1. wool flannel (an old sock) 2. soaked in castor oil 3. placed on the joint 4. entire gooyie mess wrapped in saran wrap, and then taped on the edges 5. wrap a chem-heating pack around that, one that keeps it's heat for 8 hours. You can buy them at Wal-Mart. 6. now finish up with a wrap to whole the entire mess in place. An ace bandage will do nicely. Do this just before bed time, so that you can sleep the entire night with it in place. It will literally heal the joint OVERNIGHT in most cases. How do you know when to quit the processes? Simple. When it's healed. Should take more than a day or so. Since there are no cuts tears.

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