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Using P.A. or Ed Kinesiology to screen clients for Huna Trainings, is it good?

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--- , rosequartz <rosequartz@c...> wrote:

Using P.A. or Ed Kinesiology to Screen clients for Huna Trainings


> lets discuss our own practices and experiences with huna


I've been thinking about Max and his book " Psychometric Analysis " .


I've studied it and worked with it many times over the past few



What I've found very interesting is Max's statement, " ...the P.A.

readings would weed out the mentally, emotionally and criminally

unfit so that they would NOT be inducted (refering to the military),

and later become a burden to be carried with public funds. "


And I'm sure, through talking with La Tourrette, V. Wingo, and Dr.

Otha Wingo, that the P.A. test is being used for much that we don't

know about.


So Max, through the works of Bovis and Dr. Oscar Brunler, had a

valid method for screening toxic people, and for finding the real

gold nuggets amongst people, trainers, friends and relatives.


I do have Dr. Brunler's aurameter, and I've found it fascinating to



I also have read that the Huna Organization used to do (I don't know

if they still do?) the P.A. on all new teacher applicants before

they are certified to be trainers. Which I think is good because it

adds quality to their list of trainers, and it also screens out the



I talked with some of their trainers, and they are now using ED.

Kinesiology Energy Testing for the same purpose that the P.A. used

to be used for, the purpose of screening the non-productive clients

from their seminars.


One trainer normally gets xxx amounts of applicants for his

seminars, people coming in from all over the world. But he tells

them before hand that they will be tested, and if they are not up to

a 200 HS, then their deposites will be refunded.


He states that normally 3%-5% do not qualify.


This one trainer did state that if the problem with the client is

marginal, ie, he scores a 185 HS, or not quite 200 HS, he will then

offer the client some free training by email so that he can bring up

his spiritual score by using one or two simple techniques over a

period of 30 days.


Here's my question.


Should Huna Trainers be allowed to screen their students?


I mean, why shouldn't the ignorant, the lazy, the narrow minded, the

rebellious, and the criminally unfit be allow to go and learn so

they can use those secrets any way they choose?


I know the reason the Doc gives is, " The energies of a low scorer

and their attitudes will affect negatively all the ones they do

drills with, talk with, and associate with. It's bad for the others.

We are not there to do therapy on just one or two of the 75

attendees. We are there to teach them all to the best of their

abilities. "


He then jokingly said, " let them go to Mr. X's class. He'd love

them. "


So I asked him if those people culled are stupid.


His answer, " No. In fact most of them are fairly smart IQ wise. It's

just that they are entrenched in the left brain only, negative


and they ask themselves incorrect questions for learning something

new. "


I asked him, " what do you mean? "


His answer, " They think about reasons 'why' something won't work,

instead of 'how it could' work. So their minds are going in the

wrong direction, the direction of negative thinking. "


I then asked him, " won't you go broke doing that? "


" Nope. People are glad that the varmits are not allowed in.

Yesterday one of the attendees asked if he could bring his wife. So

we did the test. She scored low. She is not acceptible. Another

client paid his deposit. He's a Medical Doctor. He also scored low. "

Doc then said, " so I refunded his money. "


I find it fascinating that people can be culled before you lose

time, lose effort and lose money on them.


I did talk this over with my wife, and the concept just angered her.

She thinks that the trainer should train all that come, just because

they are alive.


I'm curious to what others think.


I've some relatives I'm thinking about using this tool with.


Isn't Huna great?


Sam Fagone

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Interesting that this subject came up, because a friend has been

wanting to attend my study group on energy and energy medicine, my

very first study group actually, and as of a couple days ago I'm

having second thoughts about letting him attend because he has a HS

score less than 200.


Plus someone, whose Hawkin's Scale testing I highly trust, also

concludes he's below 200. So now at least I know it's not a " biased "

evaluation on my part.


So, I was trying to figure out the best way to explain to him why I

can't invite him...yet.


I think if I just explain it using Doc's rationale, about how one

person's skeptical or " can't do " attitude can adversely affect the

energy of the entire group, that will work.


I could also refer them to that chapter from T.J. Hudson's book that

Doc has mentioned more than a few times, that they could refer to for

more in depth information on the effects of skeptics, or " negative "

thinking on a audience.


I also know there are things I could steer him to to help himself and

MAYBE he'll do the reading and the drills. Doc gave some great

suggestions within the past week.





, " sam58fagone "

<sam58fagone> wrote:



(much snipped)


> I'm curious to what others think.




> Sam Fagone


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