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OT: Peanuts, Ground Nuts, and more....

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Just as an aside... peanut oil = ground nut oil .. How you ask?


Peanuts grow under the ground... and pea nuts are not " nuts " but

rather in the bean family known as " legumes " ...


Do some Google searches if you are interested... or find a good book

on food plant types....


Greg R.

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Groundnut is the normal British English for peanut. For an

entertaining gloss on the theme " We're from the government, and

we're here to help you! " look up the Groundnut Scheme, and its

impact on the economic development of West Africa. Development

economist P. B. Bauer was very eloquent about that one.


, " Gregory "

<gdradke> wrote:


> All,


> Just as an aside... peanut oil = ground nut oil .. How you ask?


> Peanuts grow under the ground... and pea nuts are not " nuts " but

> rather in the bean family known as " legumes " ...


> Do some Google searches if you are interested... or find a good


> on food plant types....


> Greg R.


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