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Carlos Hates the Doc because he can't get freebees!

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Hi Group,


Many of you know that I'm giving a seminar in about 6 weeks.

Well, BOTH my lists are primarily for MY STUDENTS, MY CLIENTS, and



The above is stated in the intro to this which is



On the other hand we love to help those that join us because they

have interests similar to what we have.


I do NOT think that it's my personal job to answer everyone's



Why not?


Because on one of my lists we have over 2,800 members. On the other

list we have almost a 1,000 members.


I'm sure that others can also do him justice.


But when I personally KNOW SOMEONE and they have DONE THE DAMN

DRILLS and they have a question based upon the EXPERIENCE OF DOING

THE DAMN DRILLS, then I do attempt to post them about their



....sometimes publicly...


....sometimes privately...


(I do dispise those that attempt to use these lists for the free

promotion of their widgits. We ban them instantly.)


Now, poor Carlos is angered because he can't get more freebee's.


Notice, as you read his post, that he is also confusing me with

ANOTHER good man, Joe Vitale.


What do you think about Carlos's post?




Ps. I've looked on both my lists and I can't find him under his

above email list anywhere. Strange how that is.

Carlos Hates the Doc because he can't get freebees!


>Carlos Hernandez " <carlosh


>Re: Secret Kahuna " TELEPATHIC DREAM INVASION! " Special

>ENDS in 8 days! & will go FULL PRICE


>Please remove me off your list immediately!


>I'm tired of your spiritual marketing!


>I'm tired of you trying to sell keys to nothing.


>I'm tired of you never replying any of my serious enquiries.


>Because I'm not inside USA and I'm not likely one customer of your



>Not more needs to be said.


>Carlos Hernandez

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essentialskills , " docspeed2001 " <docspeed2001>





> Hi Group,


> What do you think about Carlos's post?


> Sincerely,


> Ps. I've looked on both my lists and I can't find him under his

> above email list anywhere. Strange how that is.

> Carlos Hates the Doc because he can't get freebees!


> >Carlos Hernandez " <carlosh@l...>


> >Re: Secret Kahuna " TELEPATHIC DREAM INVASION! " Special

> >ENDS in 8 days! & will go FULL PRICE


> >Please remove me off your list immediately!



First impressions: Takes no initiative. Can't even on

his own.




> >I'm tired of your spiritual marketing!



Did he take the initiative to find out the many purposes for the

group by reading the introductory letter to rs or back

posts? Geez!



> >I'm tired of you trying to sell keys to nothing.


Either he's having a really bad day or he's not at a high enough LOC

to understand the significance of what is discussed on the group and

what can be done with the knowledge. I'm learning new and

significant things all the time here. It's a goldmine here!




> >I'm tired of you never replying any of my serious enquiries.



It's a big list with a lot of people. I always check the archives

first and I don't always expect my questions, either posted publicly

or sent privately, to be answered by a direct response.


What I have noticed, if I pay attention, is that my questions that

don't get a direct response are almost always addressed on the list

by Doc in another message that everyone can benefit from knowing the

answer to, or by someone else on the group who has the answer, or

someone on the list asks me a related question that sends me in the

right direction or gets me thinking.


I love this group I'm learning something new here all the time. And

it's the strangest thing... I've also noticed that sometimes when I

ask a question the answer comes immediately to me two seconds after I

hit the send key....If I'm paying attention. Now, I wonder why that





> >Because I'm not inside USA and I'm not likely one customer of your

> seminars?


If something is important enough to someone there is always a way.

I'm already planning ahead for what I want to accomplish tomorrow, as

well as this year as a whole.


I plan out my resources and figure out how I'm going to Get Shit





> >Not more needs to be said.


As far as I'm concerned NOTHING that was said so far leads me to

conclude this person takes much initiative, except for blaming and

finding fault in others to justify why he can't or doesn't wan't to

do something.







> >Carlos Hernandez


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