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Carlos can't get freebees because he's a dumb ass!!!

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>docspeed2001 <docspeed2001

>Jan 10, 2006 5:43 PM


>[mindmastery-essentialskills] Carlos hates the Doc because he can't

get more freebees!


>Hi Group,


>Many of you know that I'm giving a seminar in about 6 weeks.

>Well, BOTH my lists are primarily for MY STUDENTS, MY CLIENTS, and




I remember BEFORE you had a list. Those of us who have been around awhile sure

do APPRECIATE your lists. And since I've read the posts, if someone comes along

and wants an answer but won't read the posts, then screw 'em. I've bought lots

of products, and if someone won't buy the products or won't take action to be

able to get the products, then screw 'em.


It's funny. Yesterday at work, someone was going off on a rant about how she

ALWAYS buys a Powerball ticket and someday, when the moment is right, she's sure

God is going to give her the winning Powerball ticket. I didn't ask her what

reason " God " would possibly have for fixing a Powerball drawing in her favor.



It reminds me of the country preacher who moved into a new area, and all around

him he saw thistles and sticker bushes and weeds that needed cleaned up. But

next door was a farmer with the most beautiful fields, rich black dirt,

beautiful crops, and rows of trees along the driveway up to the house with a

beautiful lawn full of Kentucky Bluegrass, perfectly manicured shrubs, almost

like a scene out of paradise.


The preacher drove up the farmer's driveway one day, overwhelmed with how

beautiful the property was, and when he got up to the house, the farmer was just

taking a break for lunch. The preacher commented on how the Lord had blessed

that farmer with such a beautiful farm that looked like a scene right out of

paradise and how lucky and fortunate the farmer was to have such a wonderful



The farmer looked at the preacher and said, " Yeah, but you should have seen this

place back when the good Lord had it all to himself... "



>The above is stated in the intro to this which is



>On the other hand we love to help those that join us because they

>have interests similar to what we have.


>I do NOT think that it's my personal job to answer everyone's



>Why not?


>Because on one of my lists we have over 2,800 members. On the other

>list we have almost a 1,000 members.


>I'm sure that others can also do him justice.



What irks me is when someone wants " freebies " but they won't go read the

archives! It's like the guy who wrote to me (after I'd been posting for over

FIVE years) and told me to give him some free samples, and " if " my free samples

worked, he'd buy XXX from me. I decided I didn't want his money, and I never




>But when I personally KNOW SOMEONE and they have DONE THE DAMN

>DRILLS and they have a question based upon the EXPERIENCE OF DOING

>THE DAMN DRILLS, then I do attempt to post them about their



>...sometimes publicly...


>...sometimes privately...


>(I do dispise those that attempt to use these lists for the free

>promotion of their widgits. We ban them instantly.)



LOL Biting my lip... Hard... I sure am glad you got rid of that damn

" hypnotist " that tried to spam us several times a couple of years ago. That guy

was annoying!



>Now, poor Carlos is angered because he can't get more freebee's.



Did he STUDY the archives? Did he buy ALL the books you recommended in the

archives? Did he DO any of the damn drills in the archive? Or does " effort "

mean that it ain't free?


I went to Goodwill Tuesday night to see what kind of deals I could get. There's

one close to me that almost always has AWESOME deals -- I picked up Harry

Browne's book for something like a buck fifty the other day, and I've gotten $70

(new) home study courses (that resell on ebay for $25-35 bucks) for $2.98 and

just recently an Earl Nightingale course that sells for $39 bucks on their site

for $1.98.


It seems like the people who shop there are looking for .25 or .50 cent shirts

and pass up the books and home study courses that they could learn from and then

take notes on and make their own products.


So anyways, I'm at a different Goodwill tonight, and I have some things I found

that interested me, including three VHS tapes and a cassette home study course.


One of the VHS tapes is on a topic that some friends of mine are interested in,

but I could easily sell it for $10-$12 bucks on ebay, if I wanted to. The woman

stacked the videos in a stack, then the Cassettes, and the books and CD's.


The highest priced items there were the VHS tapes which are supposed to be like

$2.50, which, in my opinion is too high for used video tapes. The children's

VHS tapes are less, but I didn't have / want any of those.


She looked at the first one and rang it up as $.98 cents. Then as she paused to

look at the other two to see what kind of videos they were to decide what to

charge me (which should have been $2.50), I mentally SAID to her, projecting

from MY mind INTO her's: " Those are 98 cents ALSO! "


She rang all three up as 98 cents.


I just gave a " Free " how-to. But what do you have to do if you want to USE it

and do the same thing?


Nothing in life is " Free " . Except maybe " crap " . And even that takes some




>Notice, as you read his post, that he is also confusing me with

>ANOTHER good man, Joe Vitale.


>What do you think about Carlos's post?




>Ps. I've looked on both my lists and I can't find him under his

>above email list anywhere. Strange how that is.

>Carlos Hates the Doc because he can't get freebees!


So he wants to bitch at you, but he's afraid to use his real name and / or email

address to do it? LOL " I hate your list, but I'm not going to tell you my

email address, because I want to stay d! " What a shit...




>>Carlos Hernandez " <carlosh


>>Re: Secret Kahuna " TELEPATHIC DREAM INVASION! " Special

>>ENDS in 8 days! & will go FULL PRICE


>>Please remove me off your list immediately!



LOL! Which list? The one with UNSUBSCRIBE information at the bottom of EVERY




>>I'm tired of your spiritual marketing!



Doesn't even know which list he's bitching about!


>>I'm tired of you trying to sell keys to nothing.



Stick the damn keys in your ass instead of the doorway to what you want, and

you'll get Shit. So if you're getting " nothing " just where ARE you sticking

those keys?



>>I'm tired of you never replying any of my serious enquiries.



Did he reply to your NON-serious enquiries? How do we know which ones are

serious and which ones are not? What have you done to earn a response to any of

your enquiries?


>>Because I'm not inside USA and I'm not likely one customer of your




What does THAT have to do with anything? Every time there's a seminar, people

from the east coast or the south or the north bitch and moan about how they

can't go to a seminar because it's in Oregon, yet we regularly have people from

the UK, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, blab, blab, blab that fly to the

seminars, get there early, and leave late to make sure they get as much benefit

from their trip as they possibly can.


And, besides, how does being outside the US prohibit you from learning from the

OTHER products, like the seminar videos that ARE available for purchase. As a

member of the list, you constantly have the chance to buy seminars like Inner

Demon Destroyer or Oceans of Money or other seminars to help you improve

yourself so you can EARN the money to get to a seminar, and at a discounted




>>Not more needs to be said.



Nope, you pretty much proved yourself to be an idiot. So please shut up and go

away so the rest of us can have fun learning FOR FREE from the posts you're too

dumb to learn from...




>>Carlos Hernandez



Have a nice day! :-)


Jim Knippenberg

author, trainer, Remote Influence EXPERT with verifiable drills to get the

skills who invested ALL of his anual seminar budget FOUR YEARS IN A ROW in DOC'S

SEMINARS, because they're the best damn seminars on the planet!!!

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Hi Jimmy,


Thank you for saying all the very high level things that you said;-)





, " James R.

Knippenberg " <erommel@e...> wrote:



> >docspeed2001 <docspeed2001>

> >Jan 10, 2006 5:43 PM

> >mindmastery-essentialskills

> >[mindmastery-essentialskills] Carlos hates the Doc

because he can't get more freebees!

> >

> >Hi Group,

> >

> >Many of you know that I'm giving a seminar in about 6 weeks.

> >Well, BOTH my lists are primarily for MY STUDENTS, MY CLIENTS,


> >for those that ALREADY HAVE MY PRODUCTS!

> >


> I remember BEFORE you had a list. Those of us who have been

around awhile sure do APPRECIATE your lists. And since I've read

the posts, if someone comes along and wants an answer but won't read

the posts, then screw 'em. I've bought lots of products, and if

someone won't buy the products or won't take action to be able to

get the products, then screw 'em.


> It's funny. Yesterday at work, someone was going off on a rant

about how she ALWAYS buys a Powerball ticket and someday, when the

moment is right, she's sure God is going to give her the winning

Powerball ticket. I didn't ask her what reason " God " would possibly

have for fixing a Powerball drawing in her favor. LOL


> It reminds me of the country preacher who moved into a new area,

and all around him he saw thistles and sticker bushes and weeds that

needed cleaned up. But next door was a farmer with the most

beautiful fields, rich black dirt, beautiful crops, and rows of

trees along the driveway up to the house with a beautiful lawn full

of Kentucky Bluegrass, perfectly manicured shrubs, almost like a

scene out of paradise.


> The preacher drove up the farmer's driveway one day, overwhelmed

with how beautiful the property was, and when he got up to the

house, the farmer was just taking a break for lunch. The preacher

commented on how the Lord had blessed that farmer with such a

beautiful farm that looked like a scene right out of paradise and

how lucky and fortunate the farmer was to have such a wonderful



> The farmer looked at the preacher and said, " Yeah, but you should

have seen this place back when the good Lord had it all to

himself... "



> >The above is stated in the intro to this which is


> >

> >On the other hand we love to help those that join us because they

> >have interests similar to what we have.

> >

> >I do NOT think that it's my personal job to answer everyone's

> >questions.

> >

> >Why not?

> >

> >Because on one of my lists we have over 2,800 members. On the


> >list we have almost a 1,000 members.

> >

> >I'm sure that others can also do him justice.

> >


> What irks me is when someone wants " freebies " but they won't go

read the archives! It's like the guy who wrote to me (after I'd

been posting for over FIVE years) and told me to give him some free

samples, and " if " my free samples worked, he'd buy XXX from me. I

decided I didn't want his money, and I never replied.



> >But when I personally KNOW SOMEONE and they have DONE THE DAMN

> >DRILLS and they have a question based upon the EXPERIENCE OF


> >THE DAMN DRILLS, then I do attempt to post them about their

> >project...

> >

> >...sometimes publicly...

> >

> >...sometimes privately...

> >

> >(I do dispise those that attempt to use these lists for the free

> >promotion of their widgits. We ban them instantly.)

> >


> LOL Biting my lip... Hard... I sure am glad you got rid of that

damn " hypnotist " that tried to spam us several times a couple of

years ago. That guy was annoying!



> >Now, poor Carlos is angered because he can't get more freebee's.

> >


> Did he STUDY the archives? Did he buy ALL the books you

recommended in the archives? Did he DO any of the damn drills in

the archive? Or does " effort " mean that it ain't free?


> I went to Goodwill Tuesday night to see what kind of deals I could

get. There's one close to me that almost always has AWESOME deals --

I picked up Harry Browne's book for something like a buck fifty the

other day, and I've gotten $70 (new) home study courses (that resell

on ebay for $25-35 bucks) for $2.98 and just recently an Earl

Nightingale course that sells for $39 bucks on their site for $1.98.


> It seems like the people who shop there are looking for .25 or .50

cent shirts and pass up the books and home study courses that they

could learn from and then take notes on and make their own products.


> So anyways, I'm at a different Goodwill tonight, and I have some

things I found that interested me, including three VHS tapes and a

cassette home study course.


> One of the VHS tapes is on a topic that some friends of mine are

interested in, but I could easily sell it for $10-$12 bucks on ebay,

if I wanted to. The woman stacked the videos in a stack, then the

Cassettes, and the books and CD's.


> The highest priced items there were the VHS tapes which are

supposed to be like $2.50, which, in my opinion is too high for used

video tapes. The children's VHS tapes are less, but I didn't have /

want any of those.


> She looked at the first one and rang it up as $.98 cents. Then as

she paused to look at the other two to see what kind of videos they

were to decide what to charge me (which should have been $2.50), I

mentally SAID to her, projecting from MY mind INTO her's: " Those

are 98 cents ALSO! "


> She rang all three up as 98 cents.


> I just gave a " Free " how-to. But what do you have to do if you

want to USE it and do the same thing?


> Nothing in life is " Free " . Except maybe " crap " . And even that

takes some action.



> >Notice, as you read his post, that he is also confusing me with

> >ANOTHER good man, Joe Vitale.

> >

> >What do you think about Carlos's post?

> >

> >Sincerely,

> >

> >Ps. I've looked on both my lists and I can't find him under his

> >above email list anywhere. Strange how that is.

> >Carlos Hates the Doc because he can't get freebees!


> So he wants to bitch at you, but he's afraid to use his real name

and / or email address to do it? LOL " I hate your list, but I'm

not going to tell you my email address, because I want to stay

d! " What a shit...



> >

> >>Carlos Hernandez " <carlosh@l...>

> >

> >>Re: Secret Kahuna " TELEPATHIC DREAM INVASION! " Special

> >>ENDS in 8 days! & will go FULL PRICE

> >

> >>Please remove me off your list immediately!

> >


> LOL! Which list? The one with UNSUBSCRIBE information at the

bottom of EVERY post?



> >>I'm tired of your spiritual marketing!

> >


> Doesn't even know which list he's bitching about!


> >>I'm tired of you trying to sell keys to nothing.

> >


> Stick the damn keys in your ass instead of the doorway to what you

want, and you'll get Shit. So if you're getting " nothing " just

where ARE you sticking those keys?



> >>I'm tired of you never replying any of my serious enquiries.

> >


> Did he reply to your NON-serious enquiries? How do we know which

ones are serious and which ones are not? What have you done to earn

a response to any of your enquiries?


> >>Because I'm not inside USA and I'm not likely one customer of


> >seminars?

> >


> What does THAT have to do with anything? Every time there's a

seminar, people from the east coast or the south or the north bitch

and moan about how they can't go to a seminar because it's in

Oregon, yet we regularly have people from the UK, Germany,

Australia, New Zealand, blab, blab, blab that fly to the seminars,

get there early, and leave late to make sure they get as much

benefit from their trip as they possibly can.


> And, besides, how does being outside the US prohibit you from

learning from the OTHER products, like the seminar videos that ARE

available for purchase. As a member of the list, you constantly

have the chance to buy seminars like Inner Demon Destroyer or Oceans

of Money or other seminars to help you improve yourself so you can

EARN the money to get to a seminar, and at a discounted price.



> >>Not more needs to be said.

> >


> Nope, you pretty much proved yourself to be an idiot. So please

shut up and go away so the rest of us can have fun learning FOR FREE

from the posts you're too dumb to learn from...




> >>Carlos Hernandez

> >


> Have a nice day! :-)


> Jim Knippenberg

> author, trainer, Remote Influence EXPERT with verifiable drills to

get the skills who invested ALL of his anual seminar budget FOUR

YEARS IN A ROW in DOC'S SEMINARS, because they're the best damn

seminars on the planet!!!


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Ha! Jim - that's a really good one.


Helen Driscoll



On Jan 11, 2006, at 12:38 AM, James R. Knippenberg wrote:





>> docspeed2001 <docspeed2001

>> Jan 10, 2006 5:43 PM

>> mindmastery-essentialskills

>> [mindmastery-essentialskills] Carlos hates the Doc because

>> he can't get more freebees!


>> Hi Group,


>> Many of you know that I'm giving a seminar in about 6 weeks.

>> Well, BOTH my lists are primarily for MY STUDENTS, MY CLIENTS, and

>> for those that ALREADY HAVE MY PRODUCTS!



> I remember BEFORE you had a list. Those of us who have been around

> awhile sure do APPRECIATE your lists. And since I've read the posts,

> if someone comes along and wants an answer but won't read the posts,

> then screw 'em. I've bought lots of products, and if someone won't

> buy the products or won't take action to be able to get the products,

> then screw 'em.


> It's funny. Yesterday at work, someone was going off on a rant about

> how she ALWAYS buys a Powerball ticket and someday, when the moment is

> right, she's sure God is going to give her the winning Powerball

> ticket. I didn't ask her what reason " God " would possibly have for

> fixing a Powerball drawing in her favor. LOL


> It reminds me of the country preacher who moved into a new area, and

> all around him he saw thistles and sticker bushes and weeds that

> needed cleaned up. But next door was a farmer with the most beautiful

> fields, rich black dirt, beautiful crops, and rows of trees along the

> driveway up to the house with a beautiful lawn full of Kentucky

> Bluegrass, perfectly manicured shrubs, almost like a scene out of

> paradise.


> The preacher drove up the farmer's driveway one day, overwhelmed with

> how beautiful the property was, and when he got up to the house, the

> farmer was just taking a break for lunch. The preacher commented on

> how the Lord had blessed that farmer with such a beautiful farm that

> looked like a scene right out of paradise and how lucky and fortunate

> the farmer was to have such a wonderful place.


> The farmer looked at the preacher and said, " Yeah, but you should have

> seen this place back when the good Lord had it all to himself... "



>> The above is stated in the intro to this which is



>> On the other hand we love to help those that join us because they

>> have interests similar to what we have.


>> I do NOT think that it's my personal job to answer everyone's

>> questions.


>> Why not?


>> Because on one of my lists we have over 2,800 members. On the other

>> list we have almost a 1,000 members.


>> I'm sure that others can also do him justice.



> What irks me is when someone wants " freebies " but they won't go read

> the archives! It's like the guy who wrote to me (after I'd been

> posting for over FIVE years) and told me to give him some free

> samples, and " if " my free samples worked, he'd buy XXX from me. I

> decided I didn't want his money, and I never replied.



>> But when I personally KNOW SOMEONE and they have DONE THE DAMN

>> DRILLS and they have a question based upon the EXPERIENCE OF DOING

>> THE DAMN DRILLS, then I do attempt to post them about their

>> project...


>> ...sometimes publicly...


>> ...sometimes privately...


>> (I do dispise those that attempt to use these lists for the free

>> promotion of their widgits. We ban them instantly.)



> LOL Biting my lip... Hard... I sure am glad you got rid of that

> damn " hypnotist " that tried to spam us several times a couple of years

> ago. That guy was annoying!



>> Now, poor Carlos is angered because he can't get more freebee's.



> Did he STUDY the archives? Did he buy ALL the books you recommended

> in the archives? Did he DO any of the damn drills in the archive? Or

> does " effort " mean that it ain't free?


> I went to Goodwill Tuesday night to see what kind of deals I could

> get. There's one close to me that almost always has AWESOME deals --

> I picked up Harry Browne's book for something like a buck fifty the

> other day, and I've gotten $70 (new) home study courses (that resell

> on ebay for $25-35 bucks) for $2.98 and just recently an Earl

> Nightingale course that sells for $39 bucks on their site for $1.98.


> It seems like the people who shop there are looking for .25 or .50

> cent shirts and pass up the books and home study courses that they

> could learn from and then take notes on and make their own products.


> So anyways, I'm at a different Goodwill tonight, and I have some

> things I found that interested me, including three VHS tapes and a

> cassette home study course.


> One of the VHS tapes is on a topic that some friends of mine are

> interested in, but I could easily sell it for $10-$12 bucks on ebay,

> if I wanted to. The woman stacked the videos in a stack, then the

> Cassettes, and the books and CD's.


> The highest priced items there were the VHS tapes which are supposed

> to be like $2.50, which, in my opinion is too high for used video

> tapes. The children's VHS tapes are less, but I didn't have / want

> any of those.


> She looked at the first one and rang it up as $.98 cents. Then as she

> paused to look at the other two to see what kind of videos they were

> to decide what to charge me (which should have been $2.50), I mentally

> SAID to her, projecting from MY mind INTO her's: " Those are 98 cents

> ALSO! "


> She rang all three up as 98 cents.


> I just gave a " Free " how-to. But what do you have to do if you want

> to USE it and do the same thing?


> Nothing in life is " Free " . Except maybe " crap " . And even that takes

> some action.



>> Notice, as you read his post, that he is also confusing me with

>> ANOTHER good man, Joe Vitale.


>> What do you think about Carlos's post?


>> Sincerely,


>> Ps. I've looked on both my lists and I can't find him under his

>> above email list anywhere. Strange how that is.

>> Carlos Hates the Doc because he can't get freebees!


> So he wants to bitch at you, but he's afraid to use his real name and

> / or email address to do it? LOL " I hate your list, but I'm not

> going to tell you my email address, because I want to stay

> d! " What a shit...




>>> Carlos Hernandez " <carlosh


>>> Re: Secret Kahuna " TELEPATHIC DREAM INVASION! " Special

>>> ENDS in 8 days! & will go FULL PRICE


>>> Please remove me off your list immediately!



> LOL! Which list? The one with UNSUBSCRIBE information at the bottom

> of EVERY post?



>>> I'm tired of your spiritual marketing!



> Doesn't even know which list he's bitching about!


>>> I'm tired of you trying to sell keys to nothing.



> Stick the damn keys in your ass instead of the doorway to what you

> want, and you'll get Shit. So if you're getting " nothing " just where

> ARE you sticking those keys?



>>> I'm tired of you never replying any of my serious enquiries.



> Did he reply to your NON-serious enquiries? How do we know which ones

> are serious and which ones are not? What have you done to earn a

> response to any of your enquiries?


>>> Because I'm not inside USA and I'm not likely one customer of your

>> seminars?



> What does THAT have to do with anything? Every time there's a

> seminar, people from the east coast or the south or the north bitch

> and moan about how they can't go to a seminar because it's in Oregon,

> yet we regularly have people from the UK, Germany, Australia, New

> Zealand, blab, blab, blab that fly to the seminars, get there early,

> and leave late to make sure they get as much benefit from their trip

> as they possibly can.


> And, besides, how does being outside the US prohibit you from learning

> from the OTHER products, like the seminar videos that ARE available

> for purchase. As a member of the list, you constantly have the chance

> to buy seminars like Inner Demon Destroyer or Oceans of Money or other

> seminars to help you improve yourself so you can EARN the money to get

> to a seminar, and at a discounted price.



>>> Not more needs to be said.



> Nope, you pretty much proved yourself to be an idiot. So please shut

> up and go away so the rest of us can have fun learning FOR FREE from

> the posts you're too dumb to learn from...




>>> Carlos Hernandez



> Have a nice day! :-)


> Jim Knippenberg

> author, trainer, Remote Influence EXPERT with verifiable drills to get

> the skills who invested ALL of his anual seminar budget FOUR YEARS IN

> A ROW in DOC'S SEMINARS, because they're the best damn seminars on the

> planet!!!







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