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Doc is an Evil, Shameful, Greedy Bastard!

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Hi Group,

I just had to share the following " bitch " that Jack Williams

forwarded me from our web site. This poor fellow is really into " the


Christians. Read and enjoy! Please note the POVERTY THINKING, and

please note the demeanoring and FALSE premise that people are NOT

capable of helping themselves!

Both of which are current Christian beliefs.



>uhaneboy, Re: Dr. La Tourrette's Secret " Telepathic

>Dream Invasion! " Intensive special >ENDS in 5 days!


>You're going to pocket over $ 40,000.00 for three days?


ACTUALLY you poor ignorant, guilt ridden, fear driven fool, I'll be

making much more than that. Double it, at least!


What POVERTY THINKING you suffer from!


And I'll bet you are envious, as you sit there soaking up the

poisons from piousness, fear, self-righteousness and hate, are you



AND it's over 6 days, NOT 3 days...and it only took me more than 4

decades to train, study, practice, experiment and teach others, to

figure out!


In fact I netted over $74,000 at my last Intensive, and those

that " paid attention " and did the damn drills, DID EVEN BETTER FOR



Don't you wish you knew how to do that?


Well, for a measly $1,297 I did teach The Rev. Vince how to do it,

and he is doing very well for a worthless Water Element.


LOL! In fact he's doing so damn well, that I'M JEALOUS!


And for a measly $1,297 I taught JH those secrets, and he turned

around instantly and made $249,000...with ONE deal!!! (The ones he

worked with benefited also!) He's worked successfully on SEVERAL

DEALS since that seminar 4 months ago.


For a measly $1,297, Kim was healed of a bad back that she'd had for

17 years!


DAMN, I wish I could do it that easily. The one's that I teach also

teach me! Kool!


For a measly $1,297 I showed Jim K. how to do it. He's now got 3

books to his credit...he's got CD's to his credit...he's now got his

own PRODUCTIVE web page...he's producing very valuable DVD's...and

he's got a newsletter that is really helping those that WANT TO HELP



But you are NOT elevated enough to understand that fact.


Too bad.


You are too dumb to know that cost is NOT the same thing as value!


I went to a seminar once. It cost me $5,997. On the way back from

the seminar, I figured out a game plan, on videos I'd already

produced, that made me $108,000.00 in 28 days...


....then another company liked the product so much that they offered

to take it over, do all the work, and give me 1/2 the money...


....and we both made over $500,000.00, off that one product in the

next 12 months, which at the same time, really helped out many

people, and give them very practical, highly workable skills that

they could not get anywhere else.


Isn't that neat?


>You should be ashamed of yourself (selves).


Actually, " I'M ASShamed for YOU..because of your own limitations,

YOU do not qualify.


> How can I trust ($1,300.00 worth) >someone who can >justify that?


To you?


Not possible.


You do NOT qualify to get into the door, nor do you qualify to be a

member of either of my FREE NEWSGROUPS, groups where we discuss all

the ends and outs of Huna, Remote Viewing, Telepathic Healing, blab,

blab, blab.


Sorry buckwheat.


But to those that come and do the damn drills, these skills are VERY



There are MASTER KEYS OF REMOTE INFLUENCE that we teach during

the " KAHUNA TELEPATHIC SECRET DREAM INVADER " , that if you `do them',

they work.


You, because you've got `goody-goody' plaster all over your brain

CANNOT possible do the drills to `get those skills'.


>A word of advice,


Why would anyone with any brains take the advice of a cretin like



>the world desperately >needs anything that will elevate it.


Gosh. I'm sorry. I had to correct your spelling BEFORE I could

answer your ridiculous premise.


So, poor fellow, " the World? " All of it? The land? The water? The

fish? The bacteria? What are you talking about? Be a bit more clear.


Are you talking about the past?


The present?


The future?


Did you know that with the KAHUNA TELEPATHIC DREAM INVADER you can

access all THREE AREAS and work on them successfully?


" Elevate it " ? Sorry buckwheat. More NON-CLEAR garbage thinking.


>If what you have is worth >spreading around, then make it

>available to everyone.


Everyone? Even the pagans? Even the Christians? Even the Buddhists?

Even the insane? Even the mentally retarded? Even the criminals?


Even people like you that can't and won't learn? That attempt to

install GUILT, FEAR AND SHAME any chance they get?


Blab, blab, blab...


Grow up!


>I'm certain the >Divine will take care of the prosperity >part.


The Divine? Which one?


Did you know that YOU are Divine, even in all your stupidity?


Did you know that everyone is Divine, no matter where they are in

life, or how they live and abuse their lives?


I know you can't be referring to the Christian God.


How do I know that?


Simple. The Kahuna had different thoughts about what was real and

what was not.


Even the Kahuna during the transition times (1820 and afterwards)

only adopted the " façade " of Christianity.


Why did they do that? To protect themselves from those fanatical



There is ample evidence from King Kamehameha the Great, and the 7

rulers who followed him, while professing a Christian faith, held

some belief in their ancient GODS, and that they treated the Kahuna

ana'ana and the Kahuna hoo-pio-pio with much respect and careful



Each successor of the great pagan king sought the protection of

their personal Kahuna as a measure against their being prayed to

death through the instigation of an enemy. King Kalakaua made

perhaps the deepest study of the arts of hoo-mana-mana. He was the

only Hawaiian monarch to proclaim himself the most exalted Kahuna of

the island kingdom.


These Kahuna had one really neat belief. Here it is. " If they COULD

DO IT, that meant they were blessed by the Gods! "


It's as simple as that!


Uli was the supreme deity of the much evolved Kahuna and they

referred to her as Uli, the " Kea Kea Lani Wahine " , " The Heavenly

Goddess of the Cross of White Light! "


What is neat about this is that Uli (Ke La) means the same thing

that Te Ra meant to the Egyptian's reference to the Spiritual Being

that is the generative force behind the Sun, or the Light and Life

of the Sun. Uli was the female generative force of the Sun, the

goddess of the Sun, " Ka Wahine Ke La! "


And, since this group is about Huna, a derivative of the ESOTERIC

TEACHINGS OF THE KAHUNA, some here might want to know more about it.


Here's a bit more about it.


When European voyagers discovered Hawaii, the High Priests of the

Temples of Divine Worship were still teaching to initiates the

sacred and inspired spiritual philosophy of the Mo of Ka Lua, or the

ancient and sunken continent of Lemuria.


Ka Lua is the Hawaiians word for the Lost Continent in the South

Pacific region.


What is also neat is that Edgar Cayce, during his remote viewing of

Lemuria did validate the lost continent of Lemuria with the

Hawaiians, with the Egyptians, with the Atlantians, with the people

who founded Machu Picho, with the ones who became the mound

builders, blab, blab, blab.


>Write a book, $ 14.95 to >ten thousand people or $ 1,300 >to 35



Been there. Done that. In fact I've 28 books out. I grew out of it.


There are so many BETTER WAYS OF HELPING those that are evolved

enough to be taught...those that have grown out of their diapers and

have actually started thinking.


You are so funny and so juvenile.


And, please note, that this post IS NOT for you...


....but for those others on this list who are a bit smarter, that

might be unconsciously entranced by your words, words that you WROTE



Huggy feely,


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Hi all,


I had to laugh at the subject line of this post. That's because I'm

all too familiar with the ignorant guilt, shame, fear, fire and

brimstone, burn in hell and purgatory that was fed to me by grownups

and peers during my brief Christian upbringing.


Luckily I escaped when I was 12, many thanks to my father, but the

damage was done by then. I've probably spent the better portion of my

life recovering from the brainwashing and getting my Unihipili to



What I've learned from Doc, his groups his seminars his students, has

resulted in a much different, better, healthier, wiser, empowered me

on too many levels for me to even count anymore.


When I consider the actual value someone will get out of a $1297

seminar from Doc… the benefits that they'll continue to experience

outside of the seminars weeks, months, years afterwards, skills

that will last a lifetime, I consider myself fortunate to be able to

recognize such a great value when I see one.


I live a few hours drive from Medford, OR….so I have no excuse not to

attend his seminars….especially when I see people coming from all

over the world to be there to learn from him…..


My primary purpose for attending, first and foremost, is for my

personal well-being, and because I'm a lover of knowledge and

learning and mastery of my mind.


And last summer at the Huna conference I really wasn't expecting a

healing from Doc for something I had been suffering with for years,

chronic back pain. I was seeing a chiropractor for years, Qigong

helped but not completely. Now the pain is gone, and several months

later, it's gone. I can't put a price on what that alone is worth to

me, the quality of life I regained just because of that.


Also, earlier last year I was a very stressed-out person, triple

warmer was constantly activated. Constant butterflies in my solar

plexus. I had been like that for so long I thought it was normal low

level anxiety. Energy medicine helped, but it kept coming back for

no apparent reason.


Then Doc discovered, in a beagle moment, that my vivaxis field had

big holes and gaps in it, and he corrected it. With the integrity of

the field restored I was no longer open to unwanted energies. My

TripleWarmer went completely to the back shelf for the first time in

my life, and my 7 other radiant circuits moved to the front. Those 7

circuits were all predominant in me at the same time for the first

time. I felt….Amazing!


Big holes in my vivaxis field??? Who else would have noticed

something like that, and then go on to fix it, but Doc. The results

were beyond priceless. Unexplained aches and pains that I'd wake up

with every morning for years were gone. My energy level and my

concentration were enhanced not to mention a lot of other advantages

I was to discover later on. We learned some neat things from that

one beagle.


Doc didn't charge me for fixing my vivaxis field and I still feel I

owe him for that…I think he was happy with the big Thank You hug I

gave him ;-).


And then there are the many questions that I've had that he's

answered outside of his seminars, and all the timeless and great

advice and insight he's given me, the valuable materials he's kindly

lent to me to study, the learning that continues on a number of

levels of consciousness long after the seminars…..I could go on..


So where, I ask, is this greedy, evil, shameful Doc person hiding

out?! I don't think he exists.


Glad I know the real Doc, and am honored to call him my friend and

the best damn teacher I've ever had!








essentialskills , " docspeed2001 " <docspeed2001>



> Hi Group,

> I just had to share the following " bitch " that Jack Williams

> forwarded me from our web site. This poor fellow is really

into " the

> INSTALLATION OF FEAR, GUILT AND SHAME! Real attributes of most

> Christians. Read and enjoy! Please note the POVERTY THINKING, and

> please note the demeanoring and FALSE premise that people are NOT

> capable of helping themselves!

> Both of which are current Christian beliefs.



> >uhaneboy@c..., Re: Dr. La Tourrette's Secret " Telepathic

> >Dream Invasion! " Intensive special >ENDS in 5 days!


> >You're going to pocket over $ 40,000.00 for three days?


> ACTUALLY you poor ignorant, guilt ridden, fear driven fool, I'll be

> making much more than that. Double it, at least!


> What POVERTY THINKING you suffer from!


> And I'll bet you are envious, as you sit there soaking up the

> poisons from piousness, fear, self-righteousness and hate, are you

> not?


> AND it's over 6 days, NOT 3 days...and it only took me more than 4

> decades to train, study, practice, experiment and teach others, to

> figure out!


> In fact I netted over $74,000 at my last Intensive, and those

> that " paid attention " and did the damn drills, DID EVEN BETTER FOR



> Don't you wish you knew how to do that?


> Well, for a measly $1,297 I did teach The Rev. Vince how to do it,

> and he is doing very well for a worthless Water Element.


> LOL! In fact he's doing so damn well, that I'M JEALOUS!


> And for a measly $1,297 I taught JH those secrets, and he turned

> around instantly and made $249,000...with ONE deal!!! (The ones he

> worked with benefited also!) He's worked successfully on SEVERAL

> DEALS since that seminar 4 months ago.


> For a measly $1,297, Kim was healed of a bad back that she'd had


> 17 years!


> DAMN, I wish I could do it that easily. The one's that I teach also

> teach me! Kool!


> For a measly $1,297 I showed Jim K. how to do it. He's now got 3

> books to his credit...he's got CD's to his credit...he's now got


> own PRODUCTIVE web page...he's producing very valuable DVD's...and

> he's got a newsletter that is really helping those that WANT TO




> But you are NOT elevated enough to understand that fact.


> Too bad.


> You are too dumb to know that cost is NOT the same thing as value!


> I went to a seminar once. It cost me $5,997. On the way back from

> the seminar, I figured out a game plan, on videos I'd already

> produced, that made me $108,000.00 in 28 days...


> ...then another company liked the product so much that they offered

> to take it over, do all the work, and give me 1/2 the money...


> ...and we both made over $500,000.00, off that one product in the

> next 12 months, which at the same time, really helped out many

> people, and give them very practical, highly workable skills that

> they could not get anywhere else.


> Isn't that neat?


> >You should be ashamed of yourself (selves).


> Actually, " I'M ASShamed for YOU..because of your own limitations,

> YOU do not qualify.


> > How can I trust ($1,300.00 worth) >someone who can >justify that?


> To you?


> Not possible.


> You do NOT qualify to get into the door, nor do you qualify to be a

> member of either of my FREE NEWSGROUPS, groups where we discuss all

> the ends and outs of Huna, Remote Viewing, Telepathic Healing,


> blab, blab.


> Sorry buckwheat.


> But to those that come and do the damn drills, these skills are




> There are MASTER KEYS OF REMOTE INFLUENCE that we teach during



> they work.


> You, because you've got `goody-goody' plaster all over your brain

> CANNOT possible do the drills to `get those skills'.


> >A word of advice,


> Why would anyone with any brains take the advice of a cretin like

> you?


> >the world desperately >needs anything that will elevate it.


> Gosh. I'm sorry. I had to correct your spelling BEFORE I could

> answer your ridiculous premise.


> So, poor fellow, " the World? " All of it? The land? The water? The

> fish? The bacteria? What are you talking about? Be a bit more clear.


> Are you talking about the past?


> The present?


> The future?


> Did you know that with the KAHUNA TELEPATHIC DREAM INVADER you can

> access all THREE AREAS and work on them successfully?


> " Elevate it " ? Sorry buckwheat. More NON-CLEAR garbage thinking.


> >If what you have is worth >spreading around, then make it

> >available to everyone.


> Everyone? Even the pagans? Even the Christians? Even the Buddhists?

> Even the insane? Even the mentally retarded? Even the criminals?


> Even people like you that can't and won't learn? That attempt to

> install GUILT, FEAR AND SHAME any chance they get?


> Blab, blab, blab...


> Grow up!


> >I'm certain the >Divine will take care of the prosperity >part.


> The Divine? Which one?


> Did you know that YOU are Divine, even in all your stupidity?


> Did you know that everyone is Divine, no matter where they are in

> life, or how they live and abuse their lives?


> I know you can't be referring to the Christian God.


> How do I know that?


> Simple. The Kahuna had different thoughts about what was real and

> what was not.


> Even the Kahuna during the transition times (1820 and afterwards)

> only adopted the " façade " of Christianity.


> Why did they do that? To protect themselves from those fanatical

> Christians!


> There is ample evidence from King Kamehameha the Great, and the 7

> rulers who followed him, while professing a Christian faith, held

> some belief in their ancient GODS, and that they treated the Kahuna

> ana'ana and the Kahuna hoo-pio-pio with much respect and careful

> attention!


> Each successor of the great pagan king sought the protection of

> their personal Kahuna as a measure against their being prayed to

> death through the instigation of an enemy. King Kalakaua made

> perhaps the deepest study of the arts of hoo-mana-mana. He was the

> only Hawaiian monarch to proclaim himself the most exalted Kahuna


> the island kingdom.


> These Kahuna had one really neat belief. Here it is. " If they COULD

> DO IT, that meant they were blessed by the Gods! "


> It's as simple as that!


> Uli was the supreme deity of the much evolved Kahuna and they

> referred to her as Uli, the " Kea Kea Lani Wahine " , " The Heavenly

> Goddess of the Cross of White Light! "


> What is neat about this is that Uli (Ke La) means the same thing

> that Te Ra meant to the Egyptian's reference to the Spiritual Being

> that is the generative force behind the Sun, or the Light and Life

> of the Sun. Uli was the female generative force of the Sun, the

> goddess of the Sun, " Ka Wahine Ke La! "


> And, since this group is about Huna, a derivative of the ESOTERIC

> TEACHINGS OF THE KAHUNA, some here might want to know more about it.


> Here's a bit more about it.


> When European voyagers discovered Hawaii, the High Priests of the

> Temples of Divine Worship were still teaching to initiates the

> sacred and inspired spiritual philosophy of the Mo of Ka Lua, or


> ancient and sunken continent of Lemuria.


> Ka Lua is the Hawaiians word for the Lost Continent in the South

> Pacific region.


> What is also neat is that Edgar Cayce, during his remote viewing of

> Lemuria did validate the lost continent of Lemuria with the

> Hawaiians, with the Egyptians, with the Atlantians, with the people

> who founded Machu Picho, with the ones who became the mound

> builders, blab, blab, blab.


> >Write a book, $ 14.95 to >ten thousand people or $ 1,300 >to 35

> people?


> Been there. Done that. In fact I've 28 books out. I grew out of it.


> There are so many BETTER WAYS OF HELPING those that are evolved

> enough to be taught...those that have grown out of their diapers


> have actually started thinking.


> You are so funny and so juvenile.


> And, please note, that this post IS NOT for you...


> ...but for those others on this list who are a bit smarter, that

> might be unconsciously entranced by your words, words that you




> Huggy feely,



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