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These Healing Techniques WORK (From graduate).

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" David Doerfler " <d.doerfler


Hi Doc,

I love your lists, read them daily, and am slowly learning some



I wrote this for Jason Bedunah's list and he asked me to send you

a copy, he thought you'd like to hear it.


I'm also learning EFT and studying Donna's book, but this is

specifically about SMC. (For the record, I got SMC through

Nightingale-Conant, I wish I'd gotten them directly from you and

gotten the bonus info, at least I'll know better in the future )



" I'm using it to create health.


This summer I had a sudden recurance of a bladder tumor, had the


one about 5 yrs ago. By the time I got to the operating room in

September, the tumor was too large to remove in one surgery, and

scheduled another one a month later.

They also told me if the tumor has spread into the muscle tissue, I

might have to have my bladder surgically removed, but they kept

empasizing that they didn't know if it had spread yet, which left me

with the feeling that they believed it had spread.


I recieved Doc's Jose Silva CDs the week before the first surgery, On

one of the CDs it says 'what the body can build, it can take apart'

and started programming for health, imagining a scene where in a

follow up visit the Doctor tells me I have a clean bill of health.



The first few days after the first surgery I was in severe pain,

as well as a lot of fear. While refreshing my 3 Scenes on getting a

clean bill of health, I got the idea to drink Green Tea and " charge "

it with healing power as my second scene.


So I did scenes of me drinking Green tea and the " Magical

Anti-Oxidents " cleaning and healing my bladder, hit the local

Starbucks, did a little ritual to 'charge' the tea and drank,

visualizing the " green-ness " of the tea washing the pain and turmoil

away. The pain relief was immediate.



Had the second surgery mid november, and got the results two weeks

later, at the office visit, the Doctor said they'd done more testing

on a muscle tissue sample, and he was " suprised " - there were no


cells in the muscle. ( He almost seemed disappointed ) Kind of

confirmed my suspision that they believed it was worse than they were

telling me.


(another thing I did right after the second surgery, I wanted to

speed the healing, I listened to the Theta conditioning cycle three

times in a row and fell asleep for three hours, I woke up soaking in

sweat that stank of 'Hospital chemicals')



I can't say for certain that the visualisations reversed the

condition, I feel strongly that they did, or at least slowed it down.

And they sure helped me stay sane and gave me hope.


Two weeks ago I started light chemo treatment. I programmed myself to

feel fine after each treatment, and so far have had no ill effects

except for a little tiredness after each treatment. "


-- David D.

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