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Healing Suggestions for Teen with Brain Tumor

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Hi All,


Would appreciate any insight you might have for a boy we are working

with (we're Make A Wish volunteers) who has a brain tumor. He is

getting treatment at St. Judes but they have told the family that their

success rate treating this type of tumor is not good. Thanks in



Namaste, Linda

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essentialskills , " quantumtouchgirl " <hunagal@a...>


> Would appreciate any insight you might have for a boy we are working

> with (we're Make A Wish volunteers) who has a brain tumor. He is

> getting treatment at St. Judes but they have told the family that


> success rate treating this type of tumor is not good. Thanks in

> advance.

> Namaste, Linda


This part won't help him but it will help others.


That is to eat 2-3 raw almonds a day!


Simple to do. Easy to do. Cheap to do.


" If ye would take each day, through thy experience, two almonds, ye

will never have skin blemisheds, ye will never be tempted even in body

toward cancer nor towards those things that make blemishes in the body

forces themselves. Edgar Cayce "


Now here's the good news about that simple solution. There have been

people that have had tumors surgically removed, THEN started eating

almonds, and they NEVER EVER had any more tumors.


Tumors stopped growing in their bodies.


Nice to know, isn't it?


Now I've already gone over the use of Castor oil packs to dissolve

tumors in the body. Reread those posts.


For the other, go to Max Gerson. Get his book. Study his materials.

His materials have cured many of cancer.




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