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, " Rev. James

Vinson Wingo, DD " <kahunaviking> wrote:



I can only hallucinate what Neville meant by the " Tones of Reality "

but my interpretation is just basically a feeling of naturalness.

You keep imagining the scene over and over until it feels real, as

opposed to knowing that you are imagining the scene, you feel that

you are actually living it. At least that is my interpretation

anyway, I suppose others who have read Neville would have a

different ingterpretation.





> --- scarolina1000 <dougspri@r...> wrote:


> > I recall you saying at the October seminar in

> > regards to the Neville book something to the

> > effect that there is nothing specific in his

> > book. I must not understand what Neville is saying

> > because when I read his books, it seems very

> > specific to me. Basically you pick a scene that

> > implies your wish fullfilled, you imagine yourself

> > in the scene, (not looking at it from a distance)

> > feeling what you would feel, seeing what you would

> > see etc., if the scene was actually taking place

> > and you keep repeating this until it takes on the

> > tones of reality.


> What are the tones of reality?


> --Vince


> http://huna-ohana.com







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--- scarolina1000 <dougspri wrote:


> I can only hallucinate what Neville meant by the

> " Tones of Reality " but my interpretation is just

> basically a feeling of naturalness. You keep

> imagining the scene over and over until it feels

> real, as opposed to knowing that you are imagining

> the scene, you feel that you are actually living it.

> At least that is my interpretation anyway, I suppose

> others who have read Neville would have a different

> interpretation.


Oh ...


.... so how specific does what he is saying seem to you



Got it?




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