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Virgin Coconut oil

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Thank you to Erin for the info!

Also, Janine, I will keep your post on file for the future.

But, I found this virgin oil de coco-creme which sounds wonderful for a very

good price. If this ends up not working out, I will contact you!







> Tue, 23 Apr 2002 15:04:48 EDT

> ErinGJ80

> Re: Virgin coconut oil source?


> Gina


> There is www.naturaloils.com for larger quantities but great prices. And

> Camden Grey has virgin coconut.....from nature with love's prices on theirs

> isn't too bad although the ones above are better


> Erin




> " dontspamme " <dontspamme

> Re: Virgin coconut oil source?


> I sell virgin coconut oil, but for the face, not for soaping. The smell

> doesn't come thru in soap, cold process, so I've been told, and it's too

> expensive to buy for that anyway. Even for me.


> The aroma is divine, smells just like ripe coconuts, not the man made smell so

> many coconut products have.


> How much did you want and what for?


> Janine

> www.HerbaTherapy.com

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> HerbaTherapynews-


> [Non-text portions of this message hav

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> I have been getting an incredible amount of spam for porn lately, and

> have been adding every sender of it to my message filter. Well, I was

> going through this message this AM and all that was showing of the

> subject line, in my inbox was " Virgin C... " I thought, " Not another

> one! " till I saw that it came from this list. LOL



ROFLMAO! That is hysterical! LOL :^) I can see how that could happen!

I dont know how they choose *porn email victims! My brother gets TONS and he

is never online at all, and is 11. DH gets tons and he is online but only in

instant messages and his groups, non porn related - since he is a 22 yr

oldmale that might explain it......BUT my mother is bombarded, and she is a

woman who only plays bingo online. I only get about 5 a month :D Wierd how

that works......!






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I have been getting an incredible amount of spam for porn lately, and

have been adding every sender of it to my message filter. Well, I was

going through this message this AM and all that was showing of the

subject line, in my inbox was " Virgin C... " I thought, " Not another

one! " till I saw that it came from this list. LOL

Just had to share so maybe someone will get a laugh today.





Blessed with a 5 yo Ballerina, 4 yo Warrior, & a 2 yo Comedian


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So did you all see my post about how I put my wrong site name on my

signature? And the one I put went to a porn site?! Well, my poor mum who

was the first to click on it, or at least the first to tell me it was a porn

site, is stuck now getting tons of spam about porn-proofing her computer --

silly! All she needs to do is ignore my emails . . .





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> ROFLMAO! That is hysterical! LOL :^) I can see how that could happen!

> I dont know how they choose *porn email victims! My brother gets TONS and


> is never online at all, and is 11. DH gets tons and he is online but only


> instant messages and his groups, non porn related - since he is a 22 yr

> oldmale that might explain it......BUT my mother is bombarded, and she is


> woman who only plays bingo online. I only get about 5 a month :D Wierd


> that works......!


> Erin




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In a message dated 4/24/02 6:42:36 PM US Eastern Standard Time,

dontspamme writes:



> You can *make* that virgin coco-creme. Whip coconut oil and cocoa butter

> together. that's it. in the mixer.





How do whip them since the cocoa is hard? I know this is a dumb question. You

melt both of them together and whip? Or just melt the cocoa and then whip

with the coconut? Sounds heavenly,






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I have no idea either because some comes to DH who is NEVER online, not

exaggerating, he never is. Most comes to me and I am what some would

consider a prude in that I despise porn and don't go to those sites.

Grr. Guess I'll buy one of those " family filter " things.


ErinGJ80 wrote:




> I dont know how they choose *porn email victims! --



Blessed with a 5 yo Ballerina, 4 yo Warrior, & a 2 yo Comedian


Proud owner of http://www.edenessentials.com

Having fun as a Story Teller http://www.thestoryteller.com/erin

Let me help you earn free felt for the children in your life!


" He who can kneel before God can stand before anyone "

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Gina, wait, wait!


You can *make* that virgin coco-creme. Whip coconut oil and cocoa butter

together. that's it. in the mixer.


Gosh, maybe I should write a book on how to make things. Think it would sell?

:))) <--3 smiles or a double chin, take your pick. lol




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Melt the c. butter and mix with ANY other oil, can be coconut, macadamia,



And Erin, you never listened to your teachers did you? There

AIN " T no dumb question, only the question that doesn't get asked because of






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> dontspamme writes:



> > You can *make* that virgin coco-creme. Whip coconut oil and cocoa butter

> > together. that's it. in the mixer.

> >


> Janine


How can that be? I mean it sounds nice...but cocoa butter and coconut are

not from the same plant- and wouldnt be virgin coconut oil...


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Hi Michelle,


Melt the CB, drizzle in the c. oil and mix. Yes, you can use virgin c oil, it

would still be virgin, it would have something added to it, but the virgin

status is still intact. I think the CB smell would overwhelm the c. oil though.









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  • 11 months later...
  • 1 month later...
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Actually, yes


The offer is still on the web site till tomorrow (was too preoccupied to take it

off yet, so I am letting it stay until tomorrow when I'll remove it and put up

all new stuff and specials for June)


Glad to hear your little one feels better!!!!!!



Chris (list mom - about to brave the rush hour traffic ;-p )




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Hey Chris ~


Is there a chance still to get in on any of that VCO?


My 3 year old had pneumonia and I have been busy caring for him- we are now

out of the illness tunnel!



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  • 8 months later...

Chris had a coop last year and I discovered this

to be THE best I had come across. I love it and

won't buy it anywhere else unless Chris has

another coop that is and the VCO comes from here.





--- Peggy Lowell <plowell wrote:

> I'm seeing a range of prices on this. Columbus

> has a gallon of organic " extra " virgin coconut

> oil for $30. I've seen it twice as much at

> other sites. Is it all the same? Where do you

> all go for virgin coconut oil?

> Peggy

> www.splendidsoap.com



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]






Cheryl Smith

A Heavenly Body

Anchorage AK 99508

(907) 222-0886





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A friend of mine was sharing with me last night about a medical problem that

she has been hassling with for the last couple of years - various doctors,

various diagnosis - nothing that helped (of course)...she had all the 'symptoms'

of MS, of chronic fatigue syndrome, of brain disease (passing out periodically)

? .. but the 'main' ingredient of all the symptoms was always curously missing.

Now the kicker - she finally found a 'natural' doctor - and he tells her that

her system is just totally out of wack - her endoctrine system is chaos. She is

taking vitamins and minerals now instead of drugs and does feel much better, but

we were wondering if there were any herbs/oils that would help in her healing

process? She is off all sugars, most carbs and a more natural vegetarian diet.

As a sidenote...this lady and her hubby of 30 years are some of the most caring,

loving people on earth - they have adopted ... 20 .. yes you heard it 20

children - some with special needs, bi-racial kids, Ethiopian children, Romanian

children, Vietnamese, you name ... think there are like 12 countries or

something. They live very frugally, growing their own vegetables, raising their

own meat, sewing their own clothes - lot of love in that family...LOTS of love

:-)... I would really like to help her by giving her the oils/herbs that might

help -


any suggestions or advise would be greatly appreciated






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Cheryl Smith

Friday, February 27, 2004 2:01 PM

Re: virgin coconut oil



Chris had a coop last year and I discovered this

to be THE best I had come across. I love it and

won't buy it anywhere else unless Chris has

another coop that is and the VCO comes from here.





--- Peggy Lowell <plowell wrote:

> I'm seeing a range of prices on this. Columbus

> has a gallon of organic " extra " virgin coconut

> oil for $30. I've seen it twice as much at

> other sites. Is it all the same? Where do you

> all go for virgin coconut oil?

> Peggy

> www.splendidsoap.com



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]






Cheryl Smith

A Heavenly Body

Anchorage AK 99508

(907) 222-0886



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Thank you Cheryl!




Chris had a coop last year and I discovered this

to be THE best I had come across. I love it and

won't buy it anywhere else unless Chris has

another coop that is and the VCO comes from here.





--- Peggy Lowell <plowell wrote:

> I'm seeing a range of prices on this. Columbus

> has a gallon of organic " extra " virgin coconut

> oil for $30. I've seen it twice as much at

> other sites. Is it all the same? Where do you

> all go for virgin coconut oil?

> Peggy

> www.splendidsoap.com





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Okay Chris, when are we having another co-op on the virgin coconut oil ? LOL

Jenn in oregon


Cheryl Smith

Friday, February 27, 2004 12:01 PM

Re: virgin coconut oil



Chris had a coop last year and I discovered this

to be THE best I had come across.



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Hi Peggy,


I have read somewhere that there really isn't a " extra " virgin coconut oil,

but who knows why they call it what they do.


I've got VCO on my site for 49.95 a gallon. I think the price variations

are dependent on how much in bulk we are buying and what price we are

getting. I really couldn't sell mine for less, I'd be losing money.


They are not all the same. Some, like the type I carry has a toasted scent

to it. Probably from the gentle heating that is done to it to evaporate any

remaining moisture. Some that is centrifugally (is that a word lol) made I

think does not have the toasted scent. One type is marketed under the brand

name of Virgin Oil de coco Cream. The stuff that African shea butter

company sells is similar to mine and has that toasted scent to it, they are

both produced in Togo Africa. I personally haven't tried Tropical

Traditions but I hear it's pleasing. Some of these others are processed in

other tropical places and I am sure their methods are different and can

account for the differences.


Good luck to ya and I hope this little tidbit of info helped some.





>I'm seeing a range of prices on this. Columbus has a gallon of organic

> " extra " virgin coconut oil for $30. I've seen it twice as much at other

>sites. Is it all the same? Where do you all go for virgin coconut oil?






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Thanks so much Margaret. That helps a lot!



Hi Peggy,


I have read somewhere that there really isn't a " extra " virgin coconut oil,

but who knows why they call it what they do.


I've got VCO on my site for 49.95 a gallon. I think the price variations

are dependent on how much in bulk we are buying and what price we are

getting. I really couldn't sell mine for less, I'd be losing money.


They are not all the same. Some, like the type I carry has a toasted scent

to it. Probably from the gentle heating that is done to it to evaporate any

remaining moisture. Some that is centrifugally (is that a word lol) made I

think does not have the toasted scent. One type is marketed under the brand

name of Virgin Oil de coco Cream. The stuff that African shea butter

company sells is similar to mine and has that toasted scent to it, they are

both produced in Togo Africa. I personally haven't tried Tropical

Traditions but I hear it's pleasing. Some of these others are processed in

other tropical places and I am sure their methods are different and can

account for the differences.


Good luck to ya and I hope this little tidbit of info helped some.






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At 10:42 PM 2/27/04, you wrote:

>I'm seeing a range of prices on this. Columbus has a gallon of organic

> " extra " virgin coconut oil for $30. I've seen it twice as much at other

>sites. Is it all the same? Where do you all go for virgin coconut oil?



some of it is produced from the fresh coconut, some is produced from dried

coconut (copra)


there's a definite different, aromatically...the second tends to smell more

like toasted coconut, to my nose.






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Thanks for the kind words about the co-op. I really wasn't planning on

doing one at the moment, and after all the packaging issues I had last

year with it I don't know if I'd dare do it the hot weather again *lol*

(actually I have found a good source for inexpensive leak proof

containers ;)


I was planning on maybe soon doing one for virgin red palm oil though

..... (TBA)



Chris (list mom)







jenn333 [jenn333]



Okay Chris, when are we having another co-op on the virgin coconut oil ?


Jenn in oregon


Cheryl Smith


Chris had a coop last year and I discovered this

to be THE best I had come across.







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  • 1 year later...


I see you like peanut oil.


I have found coconut oil to be very good. I had major hair loss

early in 2005 and in less than a week the hair loss reduced to

minimal loss after I started eating coconut oil. I didn't even get it

thinking it would take care of the hair loss, either. No placebo

effect here.


I am 66 and my hair was almost all white. There is more dark hair

that has come in since I started the coconut oil in July 2005.

Who knows what my hair will look like by December 2006? It has

also not contributed to any weight gain and does help keep the

bowels moving better.


Don't believe all the bad stuff you might have heard. The bad tests

were done on hydrogenated coconut oil, not the real thing.

Anything hydrogenated is BAD. I also read that the tests with

hydrogenated coconut oil were done by the vegetable oil industry.

I am sure there was no profit motive there, right?


Tropical Traditions has some of the best coconut oil I have

found with some good sales, too. Some sellers on EBay also have good

quality oil.


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