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Installation of FEAR is NOT a healthy habit for any allergy fix!

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---<ronjo24 wrote:


> Donnas suggestion to use the spleen meridian test for all


> you ingest, she said it is the one meridian that cannot be fooled,

>or be overridden by the brain, or desires. This is probably the

best >test to use for allergies also.

> Rhonda


Actually what you just stated is very similar to a CASE OF PARANOIA!


And Donna does NOT state that. Donna does NOT install paranoia, but

she does install confidence, and the ability to live life " at cause " .


When you approach life by looking at what is wrong with ALL FOOD,

then ALL FOODS are now considered " bad " unconsciously...


....and that approach is looking at the gas gauge 1/2 empty, which is

very detrimental to being happy.


....that fear is similar to the fear of looking at EVERY car salesman

to be a thief...


....or looking at EVERY man as a potential rapist...


....or looking at EVERY fat person as stupid...


And it just is NOT so.


Fear as a motivator does work, but it really does weaken the body in

the end.


Triple Warmer overdrive with a health habit, is NOT good, and will

cause vital energy systems necessary for health to SHUT DOWN.




Why not test for foods THAT ENERGIZE YOU?


For foods that will INVIGORATE YOU?


All allergies can be cured using Donna's method for sedating Triple

Warmer, and then strenghtening Spleen WHILE in the presense of

the " food " .


Most, if not all allergies can be cured using hypnotic suggestion.


Most, if not all allergies can be cured in the energy perturbances

using Energy Psychology.


Most, if not all allergies can be cured using Donna's Cranial

Tapping technologies.


And ALL OF THE ABOVE can be easily done WITHOUT the subconscious

implantation of the FEAR that all foods must be tested because

they " might " be bad.



Installation of FEAR is NOT a healthy habit for any allergy fix

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--- kahunamaker <kahunamaker wrote:


> ---<ronjo24 wrote:


> > Donnas suggestion to use the spleen meridian test

> > for all substances you ingest, she said it is the

> > one meridian that cannot be fooled, or be

> > overridden by the brain, or desires. This is

> > probably the best test to use for allergies also.

> > Rhonda


> Actually what you just stated is very similar to a



> And Donna does NOT state that. Donna does NOT

> install paranoia, but she does install confidence,

> and the ability to live life " at cause " .


In St. Louis, David recommended testing all food

before you eat it for a time period ... AS A LEARNING



> Why not test for foods THAT ENERGIZE YOU?


> For foods that will INVIGORATE YOU?




> And ALL OF THE ABOVE can be easily done WITHOUT the

> subconscious implantation of the FEAR that all

> foods must be tested because they " might " be bad.


So INSTEAD ... you can use ET to learn about yourself,

to FIND OUT what your body needs, and CALIBRATE what's



And develop healthy habits!




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